
I Hate

The sky was darkening yet Molly hadn't arrived yet. Where could she be? she had said she was going out for a ride yet now it looks more like she got lost.

As Oscar her best friend and Noelia waited for her they began to worry. something most be wrong. She isn't one to get lost let alone be out so late. She didn't like parties or drinking so at least they knew she wouldn't be doing that. Plus she took a horse not a truck.

" Are you sure she went riding? Did you see when she left? She's being acting strange lately. I really don't know why, but I feel like she's avoiding me." Oscar decided it was time to speak. He questioned Noelia none stop about Molly's whereabouts.

" She has been a bit different the whole week but give her a break she's just attended a funeral for her cousin it must of hit her hard." Noelia didn't feel like worrying at the moment. If Molly wanted to be alone then she would let her. If time is what she needed then she would give it. She herself was shocked by their cousin's death. Murder always seems to shock people.

Molly's cousin had been murdered, but they didn't know who had done it. She was abused and killed. There was a tattoo of some sort of initials on the back of her neck. Tiana hated tattoos so they new she didn't put it there. But other then that the family didn't know who was the person. At least not everyone. The initial was simple R.R.

Two hours went by and still no Molly. But at this time there was noise coming from the stables.

"She must have arrived." Oscar said. Noelia was looking out the window the whole entire time she didn't see anyone. Yet alone a horse. "I haven't seen anyone come into the yard. Maybe they saw a snake. Get the gun and let's go check."

As the got closer to the stable they noticed a faint light coming from inside. Noelia was shocked since she hadn't seen anyone come in. "Molly are you in there" Noelia asked as she opened the door a bit more so that both her and Oscar could fit at the same time. There was no answer. They went in and Oscar got in front. "I will go first just in case." Oscar said with the gun pointing forward. He knew something was wrong. He just didn't know what.

Stable on through five were being used by the horses but stable six had being empty for quite a while now. Yet that is where the light was coming from and where all the horses where looking at.

Oscar reached the door and slowly opened it, but when he looked towards the left side he dropped the gun and ran in. "Molly what have you done!?!?" Oscar yelled as he reached her side.

She was laying on the ground with blood coming from both her arms. Her eyes still open and she could see the fear in both Oscar and Noelia's face. Yet she did not speak. Noelia was afraid but upset. she looked scared when she first entered but now she was just angry.


She took her phone out and called for an ambulance. Oscar managed to put pressure on both arms and carried her out of the stable into their home. "Molly why?" He questioned as tears ran down his face.

The sweet voice of the pretty but pail girl was finally heard. "I hate my life. I want it over now." She answered as she started to does off.