

They are 3 childhood friends who for reasons of life separated and two of them became "popular" (Joseph and John) and began to bother the third friend (Samuel), this rejection the feelings of one of them, after years of that long and lonely suffering were created three workshops in which they enrolled and from these they must work together to win , or so they want to think, because Joseph only wants to be with Samuel and return to be friends, but John does not agree because he has feelings for Joseph and blames Samuel for everything.

Abigail_Osses · Histoire
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12 Chs


Does an acquaintance after so long remain known or become unknown?

It all depends on what has happened between them, but what if I say that everything changed because of fear and a bad play on words?

What would you say if your friend said that he liked you, but for you those feelings are sick? Would you reject him? That happened to Joseph...

Joseph was a very popular boy among the girls and some boys but he only cared about one person, Samuel, Samuel Smith a lovely boy in the eyes of strangers, always smiling despite everything, Samuel was his friend as a child but because of fate, One day he just rejected him and said very hurtful words to a child, Joseph loved him, destroyed him, sought his revenge or so he wanted to believe, for 3 years in a row he dedicated himself to hurt him, hit him and even humiliate him in front of everyone, but in this friendship there were not only the two of them, there was also John, this was the youngest of the group.


The named man, hearing his name, stopped shaking at the entrance of the institute

--Please leave me alone, Joseph," said the younger one with a trembling and frightened voice, "I knew what would happen.

Joseph took him by the wrist and dragged him to the back of that place, Samuel knew what was coming, a beating as usual, he was scared

--Sammie, why are you hiding?" he says, approaching with a smile that gave Samuel a chill.

--and... I don't... hide myself," he says, looking down, you could tell he was scared.

-so, I don't believe you- smiles at him as he walks away

--It's true--respond scared

-I believe- by saying he goes a little further and gives a calmer smile, this confused Samuel

--Is he serious? he asks, still shaking

-Do you think I don't know you? --he says with an ironic tone

--You don't know anything about me

--I know you're not exactly the sweet kid they say you are.

Samuel just looks at him in wonder because he didn't know what that boy meant

Since you knew how I felt about you, you walked away, you ignored me and not enough with that you destroyed me with your words Samuel -- says the older man lowering his head -- you are someone selfish

-Clearly not--pause and sigh--you don't know me

--I don't even know why you are like this with me, there are many people who like you, and why do you keep setting your target on me? I am not a toy and I know I am disgusting, you don't have to remind me of that," says Samuel without looking at him, his eyes broke from that beautiful glow he always had.

--Do you think I'm with all the people who have liked me?" he says with an offended tone, "Toy? Do you think you are a toy for me?

--Of course you are, you're that kind of person Joseph," says the younger one, clutching his little hands for him, suddenly afraid that he's once again present in him, "treats others like toys, you don't care about others

--You really don't know me Samuel -- you look at him with your crystallized eyes and he was surprised to see you in such a way -- you don't know how hard it is for me to show my feelings and you just rejected them in the worst way, the more you hurt me and I have never used anyone as a toy

-I'm...sorry Joseph, but the feelings are hard for everyone to express and they hurt a lot -- take it from the right shoulder -- I feel that too, I feel that you don't know what it feels like to have the only person you want leave you alone and have your friends leave your side

--If I have felt it Samuel, also what he is I reject -- he says looking at the boy that he loved the most -- you rejected me, you walked away and John had also left my side

You wouldn't understand -- he says with his little teary eyes because he didn't want to cry not in front of that boy -- you are someone who gives him everything and meets the standards of others you are perfect

We are not all what we seem -- look at him seriously -- I'm not perfect like you say -- he says with his eyes down -- you are like everyone else after all, you believe the rumors

Joseph, I don't believe the rumors, I'm just saying what I've seen, besides --she sighs-- do you know what it feels like to be afraid of someone? or to have to hide so as not to be beaten? or to live in hell 24 hours a day?

No, but I've been afraid," he says sadly, not knowing what was happening to the red-haired boy.

Everybody in Anderson was scared sometime," he says, "because he knew he wouldn't get hit.

But according to...Min you know what it feels like to have to pretend out of fear for not fitting in - pause - to see everyone putting labels on you without knowing you

No," he says without expression, "because I don't pretend to be something that I'm not, if I'm disgusting I'll give it away for what I am and not for what I pretend to be

Come," he takes the boy's hand, but this time delicately, "no one will bother us here," he says, seeing his friends approaching because he knew they would beat Samuel.

Well," he says without protest, "they walk around the back of the school to the grenades on the soccer field.

Forgive me," he says in a repentant tone.

No response received

Please," he says in a whisper.

Joseph... You think this is how you've hurt me for so long and then you want me to forgive you? // I can't Joseph you scare me and I don't trust anyone// -thought--

Samuel... --says the older man and lowers his head -- I will get your forgiveness

Eh?-- says the younger one because he wanted to believe in the words of the older one -- you know Joseph I liked better when we were friends the three of us -- he says looking at the sky -- but you changed

Change," says Joseph, not understanding, "but if you walked away

You don't understand -- he says without looking at him -- you stopped being the guy I like... That he was my friend -- I would never admit that those feelings are bad, they are impure -- you became different in that moment and besides I could not correspond to your feelings

//pardon me//

Yes," he says, looking at the boy, "Samuel, I never changed," he sighs, "you don't know what was happening.

You're right, I don't know, you don't know either, and it's better to leave it like that -- he gets up from the grenades -- I'm sorry but I must go -- he pauses to breathe and hesitates -- shall we? --He smiles at her, hiding his fear and distrust.

Eh? --says Joseph // how does that make someone totally cold to someone so sweet // thought Joseph -- okay

Samuel was characterized by his big heart even though he was hurt daily he showed the best part of himself to everyone so they said he was an angel but like everyone he had his pains but he had never shown that good to anyone but his "best friend" John

The latter was his friend since they were children but from one day to another he stopped talking since Joseph began to bother him he simply abandoned him as soon as he was in the sports group he changed his way of being and went with Joseph's friends and began to treat him badly every time he tried to talk to him but he did not give up because that never promised his mother that he would never give up on anything, nor would he leave his smile and his kindness

The whole way was silent as Mathew tried to speak again but was only interrupted

Well," says the youngest man, who was arrested in front of a cafeteria, "I have to work," he smiles, "I'll say goodbye," and he bows and goes inside, but not only the older man who followed him.

It's strange, I always come to this cafeteria and I've never seen you here," he says in surprise.

// I hide every time you come with your goons// like this? Strange that I hadn't noticed," he smiles, looking away.

Dm...--not very convinced--

Well I must go to work... -was interrupted by a familiar scream--

SAMUELNIE!" says a tall boy with brown hair, "but what is he doing with you?" he says, "I am surprised and a little distrustful of the boy, because he knew that the boy was beating him.

Hi Yang -- she says ignoring the last -- don't worry -- she whispers the last thing to the cafeteria guy -- we just talk -- she gives him a smile and goes to change leaving the two older ones alone.

I'm watching you," the boy says in a threatening tone, "the first attempt to hurt him and I'll hit you.

Is this right? -- Joseph is a bit lost because he didn't know what that boy meant who didn't know his name. --he says in a serious way, because he was getting upset.

You do not... -the boy was interrupted by Samuel

Okay! -- says Samuel appearing through the doorway in his uniform and a nice apron was the nicest thing Joseph had ever seen -- I think I should go wait on those yang tables -- he says in a nice way because he had noticed that both boys were about to fight.

Aisa, I'm coming," says the boy with a sigh.

Sammie? --Joseph asks, "I miss it.

It's a nickname I gave my boyfriend," says the brown-haired boy hugging the now blushing Samuel, "does it bother you?

No...Boyfriend? -- he says, surprised, looking at Samuel, ignoring the other boy.

Yes," he says happily, "the older one...

Aisa... I didn't ask you," says Joseph looking at him, "am I upset? No no that wasn't or maybe... No definitely not --

But I answer you -- he sticks out his tongue --

You must go to work," says a very uncomfortable Samuel.

It's okay, baby," she says, going to take customer orders and leaving a very nervous Samuel.

I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Samuel -- you look at him neutrally because you didn't want him to see that it affected you.

//Eh... neither do I // -thought the minor--

I'd better go, I don't want any trouble with your boyfriend," she says, getting up from the table since the younger one didn't respond.

No, don't go, please," says the younger one, "I'll stay a while longer. I didn't know why I wanted his company if less than an hour ago I had him, and I'm still afraid of him.

// I'm saying for sure tomorrow he'll hit you and insult you// --it was mentally said Smith--

It's okay--he wouldn't deny the boy he was still in love with, although he wouldn't deny he wanted to cry just thinking about Samuel with another boy. If that was the real Joseph, a "crybaby" boy, as his older brother and father called him, because he was more like his mother, someone sentimental.

Thank you," he says with a smile, "you want to order, you must be hungry.

Dm... --he thought for a moment -- I want a latte and cookies -- he said in a childish tone, which surprised the younger one, who had never heard that from the older one, and that filled him with tenderness

// how a demon can be so tender//

Latte and cookies will be - says the youngest with a smile - right away

It's okay," he says with a sigh, as he waits he keeps looking at Samuel's "boyfriend.

Ready to go! --says the younger one with a smile-- I hope you like it!

Thank you," she says, looking at the red-haired boy who looked beautiful in his uniform. "You look great like this," she says, drinking the hot liquid.

G...thank you," he says blushing and running away.

While drinking his latte, I watched Samuel move around and occasionally talk about his "boyfriend" if Joseph would lie if he said he didn't mind that.

The boy gestured that he was watching him and he just frowned. Did Samuel tell you about him?

I'm watching you Mathew -she says very close to the opponent doing it about jumping

But what a face...- was it interrupted by Samuel's gaze that looked angry? Wow that was new--

Don't stop working," Samuel tells him from the box, "you shouldn't bother the customers.

But...--she says without being able to finish--

No buts, keep working," says the child.

It's no good," says the older man, pouting as he watches Joseph laugh and stick out his tongue.

Samuel was very nervous because Joseph stayed there and it was time for him to go //is he planning something?// he goes through the thoughts of a frightened Samuel

Sammie, shall we go together? --he said, ignoring Joseph.

Ahem-- says Joseph clearing his throat--

Oh? you're still here? I didn't see you, how strange that I had already taken out the trash, how sad that I have one left," he says in a mocking tone.

LEO," says Samuel, surprised by the Major's words, "don't say that.

Joseph only looks at them with a smile as he watches Samuel scold the elder

I read! --you hear a boy's voice in the distance

Damn it," he says, "I'm going, Sammie. Take care," he says, looking at Joseph with a threatening face.

Okay," says the named stranger and watches the other one run away.

Emmm... -says Samuel somewhat uncomfortably --

Mind if I join you? --says Joseph turning to the child

N... No //yes// -- says smiling and starting to walk -- but your house is in the opposite direction

Wow, psycho alert," says the older one with a mocking tone.

-Samuel denies--I only know why you live near John and Peter

Peter Anderson? --says the older one looking out onto the street.

No, Park Peter," says the child looking at his little hands because he was cold.

Ah, I understand -- look at the child, when he realizes he takes off his jacket and gives it to the child

It's not necessary," he says, refusing, "it's not necessary.

You need it more than I do -- he gives it to you and helps you put it on -- who is he?

G...thank you -she says hiding her little hands in the jacket that was two sizes too big -- ah Peter is Rengan's boyfriend //QUE HICE//

Boyfriend?-- the older one stops-- he wasn't your "boyfriend" -- he makes a gesture at the last word-- are you his lover?

WHAT!? No," says Samuel with his eyes wide open, "he just lied to you," he says, lowering his voice

Joseph got a smile all the way through the trip and felt happy because he didn't have a boyfriend after all.

Well... It's better if you leave me here," he says somewhat nervously.

All right, see you -- he says goodbye without opposition --

See you --Samuel smiles at her and runs off--

Joseph wouldn't lie that he was cold but seeing the boy in his jacket made him feel so good and that was all he wanted to see on his way home. He just wore a silly smile until he got home and was grateful that no one was home because he just wanted to be in his room and think about the red-haired boy

// I will make you forgive me and fall in love with my Smith Samuel// he fell asleep thinking about that boy

The opposite of Samuel

Samuel only ran worried that his father was not awake or that he was not there because if he saw him arrive at that hour or with that jacket he would hit him or just that he was there, when he arrived he hid and went in through the window of his room and once inside he went to bed feeling the smell of that jacket

// Why do you cause me these bad and dirty feelings?

Those words lingered in his mind until he fell into a deep sleep.

But both fell asleep thinking about the other...