

Samuel, look at me," says the woman in a voice, "I want you to keep smiling.

Y...yes," said a little seven-year-old Samuel with teary eyes, "I promise I'll get in, Mommy, but don't leave me.

I would never leave you -- I hugged him with what little strength I had -- please don't cry I want to see your smile my little snowflake

The little boy nods and wipes his tears with his little hands and gives the best smile to the woman he admired and loved

Take care of your sister and your father," said the woman caressing his cheeks, "you are very strong, Samuel

L...I will, Mom," he looked at his mother with a smile.

I'm sorry, but we have to start the surgery now," says the doctor looking at the woman with the child in her arms.

It's okay," says the woman, letting the little one out of her lap, "bye-bye, my little glass.

The woman said goodbye without knowing that she would never walk through those doors again

MOM! --says a very agitated and crying Samuel-- another nightmare," I whisper, "I hope you didn't hear me.

SAMUEL! --his father's scream made him jump-- STUPID MOCOSO COMES

Samuel sighs he knew his father was drunk or high has been since the death of his mother, he looked at the time on his cell phone

4:30 a.m. --He gets out of bed and realizes he's wearing Joseph's jacket. He quickly takes it off and leaves the room.

Ha, you deign to show up," he says, sitting on the couch, "go buy some beer

But there is no money," says Samuel in his trembling voice, for he knew that a blow would come after that.

Of course, if there is, you have -- he says looking at the boy with a smile -- come on, you work to take care of your father, don't you?

Samuel was disgusted to hear his father call him that

// don't call me that nasty// -thought the boy --

If," he mumbles, "that money was to leave that place like his sister did.

Don't go away," said Samuel, 11.

Sammie quiet," whispers his sister, "I'll be back for you, little one

Well, Samuel, at 17, still believed it, or so he wanted to think

Well what are you waiting for, go or do you want me to hit you? --says her father, getting up from the sofa.

I'll be right there," says Samuel as he returns to his room looking for a coat and he quickly leaves the house, preferring to be on the street to being in that house.

He was cold because it was obvious that it was early in the morning. Samuel walked slowly and did not want to get to his uncle's business because he insulted him for the money his father owed him.

He still had a few blocks to go, he had to go through a park near the house that Peter and Leo shared,

He saw a somewhat familiar silhouette on one of the benches but ignored it

Samuel? -- the named one froze when he recognized the voice, if it was him, Mathew Joseph -- it's late, what are you doing here?

Samuel only managed to turn around and meet the eyes of the highest

// Was he crying? // --Samuel wondered

No big deal," I sigh for some reason he didn't feel scared, "what are you doing outside so unwashed? You can get sick

// what? I'm worried about Joseph the guy who's a part of my hell? The dream is affecting me, Samuel was wondering...

Joseph just laughs and looks at him with a smile

That, that was a concern? -- says Mathew, still smiling.

Samuel just looks away and sighs

You know that in a few hours there are classes, right? -changes the subject--

If I know -- he says seeing the serious guy he looked duller than usual and that scared him -- Samuel, are you okay?

Yes," he smiles lying, "I have to go do something so I say goodbye," he turns around but Mathew stops him.

I'm going with you -- walk by her without waiting for a response --

It's not necessary," says Samuel in denial.

I didn't ask you," says Mathew without looking at him, "it's dangerous for you to be alone at this hour.

Really? --says Smith with an incredulous look -- because I think it's safer than the institute

No," says Mathew Cortante, "where are you going?

Mmm... Where a guy," says Smith uncertainly, "I have to go find something

It's all right," says Mathew, without asking further questions, they go all the way in silence to their uncle's botilleria.

Samuel until you deign to show up trash," says his annoying uncle, "I hope Una paid me this time

Y...yes, I've also come to buy beer," says Samuel, handing over the money to his uncle.

That stupid man doesn't even have any money and he keeps drinking," laughs the man, "he better not be in debt anymore.

If," says Samuel, lowering his head as he feels Joseph's gaze, "don't worry, it won't happen again

It's okay, Samuel -- he hands over the beers -- goodbye -- he tells him in a sharp way so that the boy leaves.

They leave the place and walk away Mathew was still not asking him anything for Samuel's relief until it occurred to him to open his mouth

Is he your uncle? -he grimaces in disgust-- he's a stupid

I know," sighs Samuel, "it hasn't always been so," he shrugs.

And that is for your Father? --He points to the bag he carried as a boy, so that's why you went out at this hour?

Samuel nods without looking at him

And who doesn't know that it's dangerous for you to go out at this hour? --says Mathew, looking at him somewhat startled.

My house is more dangerous than Joseph Street," says Samuel, "and what's the difference between the school and the street if I'm going to be beaten up, they'll feel the same as the high schoolers, won't they?

Mathew just sighs and looks at the boy and looks down again

Samuel...- says Mathew felt guilty because he was the greatest of his pains as a boy- I... You know I'm sorry

Mathew -- sigh -- you say sorry to someone you happen to hit by accident, not to a person you're carrying mmm... I don't know," he says, counting his fingers... "3 YEARS!

Samuel," says the boy stopping, "I... I never meant to hurt you

Mathew... -she denies with her head- you are a fool and I must hurry or else...

Or else... What?" says Mathew looking at the boy with a scowl.

Nothing... -she says looking away- it's late now, we must go to class in a while

Okay," says Mathew with a sigh and says goodbye in the same place as the previous evening, "see you, Samuel.

I hope not Mathew," says Samuel leaving quickly.

Samuel runs as fast as he can to his house, because it had already taken too long and that meant a punishment, that is, blows

BASTARD GARBAGE UNTIL YOU COME IN!--he heard his father scream with his belt in hand, he knew what was coming, yes, blows all over his body already marked by him previous object not counting the multiple bruises made by the bullies of the institute, his whole body was marked and hurt he felt disgust, did he still have reason to keep smiling? Yes, because of his mother and her belief that someday he would change everything --

This will teach you to be quicker when I ask you for something -- he says as he walks away from Samuel's beaten body -- hurry up and be late for class

Y...yes," says Samuel standing slowly and going to his room to get his things next to Joseph's jacket and leaves without saying goodbye because the man had fallen asleep sitting on the same couch with a beer can in his hand.


JOSEPH! where were you? --your brother's voice was heard throughout the house -- you'll be late for school

Like you care about that," says Joseph, going up to his room to change for school.

When will you change Joseph," says his brother with a disapproving look on his face.

The day you and Dad leave me alone," he says as he enters his room.

Joseph constantly fought with his brother and father but this was not always the case

Mom, there's someone I find pretty," says a little 10-year-old Joseph.

Like this? -- says his mother, arranging the child in her bed, "what's his name?

Samuel," says inocente, "is very tender and his smile is very nice.

The woman just tensed up and before she said anything her father came in shouting that it was a disgrace and hit him to teach him a lesson but it didn't help him because Joseph told them about his sexuality again when he was 14 years old, from then on his laso was broken as well as he and his brother were holding it

I'm going to leave you today," his brother says from his bedroom doorway.

It's not necessary," he says, "I can go alone.

I didn't ask you-- does it remind you of anything? Yes, Joseph and his brother were very similar except in their feelings.

I told you, I know you don't trust me, but you don't have to take me to class yourself," she says as she leaves the house without seeing her brother.

Like Samuel, they are headed for the same place that made them forget their home, but in different ways

Mathew: I forgot it when I was with his friends, the practices and Samuel.

Smith: the classes and the fear that ran in that place when I was alone that was almost always...

Next chapter