
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Films
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43 Chs

Chapter 8: Wedding, an answer, and pregnancy

A few months pass and it's almost Edward and Bella's wedding day. Jacob got his invitation and stormed out into the woods. The day before the wedding, Alice is directing everyone to make sure it's perfect. That night, Emmett, Jasper and I are outside Bella's window waiting for Edward for his bachelor party, which is them hunting. Finally coming out of the window we spend the night just making small talk and teasing Edward about tomorrow. 'I need to get Edward, Carlisle, and Esme alone for a minute.'

Today is the wedding, before everyone gets here I pull Edward, Carlisle, and Esme aside. "I need a favor from the three of you. Carlisle, I'd like to ask your blessing to marry Rose." Smiling back to me, he says, "Of course, we see you as our son anyways." Giving me a handshake. "Esme, I'd like you to get either a video or some pictures when I ask Rose." Giving me a hug she says, "It would be my pleasure to do so." Returning the hug, I turn to Edward now. "Edward, I'd like to ask Rose after everyone else is done with their toasts, if that's alright." Giving a smile himself he says, "Of course." Giving him a handshake as well. "Thank you all." Carlisle asks one more question, "Do you have a ring already?" Looking up to the sky I say, "I do actually, made it myself." Giving me a nod, we go back to helping everyone out.

The wedding goes off without a hitch, bride and groom kiss and we start mingling. The only thing of note is Irina, upset and angry about Laurent being killed for trying to kill Bella. Emmett does his awkward speech about Bella not getting anymore sleep, only the vampires here get that one. Jessica does hers as well, again awkward. Charlie gives his dad speech about how Edward will be a good husband because Charlie is a cop and knows about how to hunt somebody to the ends of the earth. Alice talks about Bella's fashion sense and Renee sings a song that used to put Bella to sleep when she was younger. 'Oh my father, why is everyone so awkward. *sigh*' the only few sensible people are Esme and Edward, Esme talks about protecting her like one of her own and Edward talks about meeting someone your can bare your souls to. 'My turn.' Edward says one more thing after the toasts. "At this time, Lucifer would like to say something as well before we party for the night." Giving him a nod, I walk up and take the microphone. "Rose, would you mind coming here for a moment?" Giving a looking smile, she seems to know what will be happening but comes up to me still. "As many of you know, I've been dating Rosalie for a while now. About the same amount of time as Edward and Bella. I've never been so sure of wanting to spend my life with anyone else other than you, Rose." At this moment Rose is starting to tear up as I get down on one knee. "Rosalie Hale, you are the love of my life, I'd like to spend eternity together with you, Will you marry me?" Opening the ring case, a beautiful golden ring completely embedded with small diamonds can be seen. I didn't want a huge diamond on top, and this was the only thing I could think of. Lifting me by my cheeks Rose screams, "YES you idiot, took you long enough!" Sharing a passionate kiss, everyone else claps for us and Esme with her camera takes a few video and a few photos.

The party starts and Rose doesn't want to leave my embrace, not that I want her to. Edward tells Bells that another guest arrived which is Jacob. They go out and Jacob dances with Bella. They have their argument about Bella going on her honeymoon and about how Edward will kill her if they do it. 'Funny thing is, the same pregnancy thing will happen anyways. Humans still can't give birth to vampires without dying even after the changes to them. Renesmee's growth is still off the charts to human standards.' Edward and Bella say their goodbyes and head off to their honeymoon.

Two week into their honeymoon, Bella says she's late for her period, then confirming her pregnancy. Alice calls and asks her if she's alright and passes the phone to Carlisle. Edward takes the phone asking if it's even possible. Carlisle tells Edward to come home and Edward goes to get Kaure, the old lady, to ask if there's a solution. To which Kaure feels Bella's stomach and only says, "Death." Edward storms out saying, "Carlisle will get that 'thing' out." Obviously not wanting to keep the baby since it will kill Bella. On the trip back, Bella calls Rose asking her to inform Charlie about Bella catching a bug extending their trip.

Two weeks later, Jacob realizes something else is wrong and shows up to the Cullen's place not knowing Bella is home until she calls for him from the couch. Bella is looking more like a skeleton now as Jacob gives a sad smile to her saying, "You look terrible." 'HA classic.' Rose helps Bella up and we can see her bruised belly, looking like she'll pop any day now. Jacob rushes Edward but then turns to Carlisle asking what it is. Of course they can't find out because needles and ultrasounds don't work. As well as Alice not see it's nor Bella's future. Jacob asking Carlisle to remove it, some back and forth later with Alice calling it a fetus and Rose correcting her calling it a baby. I chime in and say, "It's a baby." getting some weird looks but Edward calls Jacob outside to talk about turning Bella after the baby is delivers saying the probability of it working is small. Some emotional back and forth with them and Edward asks Jacob to kill him if Bella dies. 'Not like she'll die anyways. I'll make sure of it just incase something got messed up.'

Jacob leaves the house and the pack hears his thoughts about Bella. Finally Jacob mans up and leaves Sam's pack with Seth and Leah soon to follow. Jacob and Edward come to an understanding about protecting Bella against Sam's pack. Trying to figure out how they will hunt with Sam's pack coming for all of them. Jacob accepts Leah into his pack as well, now it's three wolves, a family of vampires, and an archangel/god protecting Bella. Currently Carlisle is examining the damage that the baby is doing to Bella. Broken ribs but nothing punctured, 'yet', as Edward said.

Jacob has the only bright idea so far even if he only thought of it in his head, Edward heard it and has Carlisle get some blood for Bella to drink to help the baby. 'Smart, it is a half vampire basically.' Now Edward can hear the general thoughts of the baby, although still calling the baby a 'he' not knowing it's a girl. 'Almost time for the delivery, finally.'

Jacob is currently distracting four of the six wolves as the other two give chase to the Cullen's trying to hunt. As Esme gets tripped up and surrounded, I appear wings fully open and in a crimson. "Leave mutts, only warning." Releasing my aura making them struggle to stand. Whining a bit, they turn with their tails tucked. Walking to Esme and grabbing her hand to help her up I say, "Go, I'll keep watch over you guys." Smiling to each other she gives a nod and runs off to join the other two. The wolves howling on their way back, the other four with Jacob realize he was distracting them.

Just watching Bella break her spine, I cringe every time. Looks so painful that even I wince at it. For vampires having super speed and senses, they take a few seconds to realize what has happened but Edward rushes to bring her to Carlisle but he's out hunting still. Rose grabs the knife to cut out the baby and Edward tells her to let the morphine set in but there's no time. Rose starts to cut and can't resist the blood, as Edward yells to get her out of there. Grabbing Rose in a princess carry, I take her to the other room to calm her. Edward starts biting to get the baby out of Bella, which he does as we hear the baby crying.

Edward shows the baby to Bella but her heart has stopped. Jacob is trying to do CPR and Rose and I come in as Rose asks Edward for the baby saying she's ok now. I give Edward a nod and he passes the baby to Rose. Edward gets his syringe of venom and injects it into Bella's heart and does CPR to spread it in her body. Jacob is angry and sad saying to Edward, "I won't kill you, that'd be too easy. You deserve to live with this." Jacob walks outside and starts crying, sitting on the ground. Edward starts biting Bella all over and pleading for her to come back to him. 'I can see the venom changing her, she'll be alright now.' I walk back to Rose and the baby. Sitting next to Rose she says, "Can we have one soon? You know my dream is to become a mother, even though we have Bree now, I'd like a child with my own genes." Giving her a kiss on the forehead I say, "Of course my love, I'd like that as well." (A/N: Even though they will have a child, the time for him/her to grow will be the same as Renesmee so no taking years to let the child grow up. That's even if Rose will come with Lucifer to another world or stay with the Cullen's. Just food for thought, not sure what I'll do.)

Jacob comes into the house and considers killing the baby. I see him from the corner of my eye and he stops midway, going through his imprint vision. As he comes out of it he drops to his knees. "Congratulations Jacob, you've imprinted." Smiling at Jacob I say, "The wolves are upon us. Stay here Rose." Edward, Jasper, and Alice start fighting but I come out with wings full mast in crimson again, "STOP! Jacob had imprinted on the baby. Try to hurt anyone else here and I'll end your existence." My voice booming across the land making the ground tremble. Edward speaks up, "They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on, can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law." The wolves leave and we all head back inside. The women dress Bella up in her Blue dress and comb her hair. I can see her body repairing itself at a fast pace. Her chest cavity springs up and a few seconds later her eyes open revealing red eyes confirming she's changed.

Elsewhere at the Volturi, Aro receives a letter from Carlisle saying Bella has changed into a vampire and is added into their family officially now. Marcus tells Aro that their dispute with the Cullen's is over but Aro still wants Alice for himself only for her power to see visions of the future. Of course soon, Aro will want Bella for her shield power and a few others that join the fight against them thanks to Irina seeing Renesmee in the future. 'Poor Irina, played by Laurent thinking he was your mate. A forgivable mistake, maybe I'll save you as well. Benjamin is a good person, maybe I can expand his power and persuade him to stay with the Cullen's and give him an upgrade to his power over the elements. Hmm....decisions, decisions.'

"I'll see you very soon Aro, Let the games begin. HAHAHAHA!" A very malicious laugh coming from me. Back at the Volturi, Aro is currently sitting on his throne and feels a chill down his spine.