
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · Films
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43 Chs

Chapter 36: A Day with Diana & Saving some people

After spending a little over two weeks with the Amazons, I'm currently walking along the shores with Diana. Turning to her I ask, "Diana, would you like to spend some time in a city? Maybe see some sights and enjoy some good food." With a small smile, she nods and says, "That sounds good. So, what's our mode of travel?" With a grin, I pick her up in a princess carry and unfurl my wings as we take to the skies. Looking down at her face, there's a small but noticeable blush and I give a small laugh which makes her snuggle into my chest. 'Adorable! Seems like she's sorting everything out in her head.' Slowly flying towards New York city, I spot a nice ramen shop, so I land in an alley to not be too noticeable.

After entering, we are led to our seats and we each order a water to drink. "So, since you've been at home for a while now, what are your plans for the future?" Giving me a smile that looks a bit sad she says, "Well, for now I just want to save as many people as I can, where I can. As for the future? Hmm...I'm not really sure just yet, but I have an idea depending on circumstances. What about you?" Smiling softly, I say, "For now, I just want to enjoy life and relax. But no matter where I go, trouble seems to follow. Soon the same will happen but until then, I'd like to enjoy some nice relaxation and peace. Of course, doing that with some lovely company is a nice bonus." Showing a beautiful smile, we get out ramen and continue with some small talk until we're done.

Walking back outside after paying, I take hold of her hand and we walk down the street. Looking over at Diana, I see her having a small smile as she grips my hand a bit tighter. 'Like I said, beautiful and smart. Looks like she's getting a clear head now.' Smiling myself, we just walk around at random enjoying each other's company. After a few hours, we make our way back to Themyscira for the night. Walking her to her place, she looks like she wants to say something, but I hold a finger to her lips and say, "Think it over a bit more, there's no rush. I'm going on a trip for a few days, but I'll be back, you have my word." She gives me a smile and a kiss on the cheek and says, "I'll be waiting." She then walks inside as I think about some of my favorite characters that I want to save from an early death.

The next morning, I wake up and start brainstorming who I want to save. 'Target #1, James Bond. He finally has some true happiness and life kicks him in the balls. Target #2, Moonlit Black Cats Guild from Sword Art Online. Mainly Sachi though as she really feared dying but of course greed became the guilds downfall. Target #3, Yuuki in SAO2 who is dying from AIDS and has no family left.


*(A/N: Quick spoiler warning for anyone who hasn't seen the newest James Bond movie. Skim ahead to the next A/N if you are still wanting to see it as this will spoil the ending! If you don't know the characters, I'd recommend watching the movies. :)*


Making a rift to the end of the James Bond movie 'No Time to Die', I appear on the roof where James will appear. Hearing him talking to Madeleine Swann, who is his lover and the mother of his daughter, I turn as he says to her, "Hold that thought." As he finished climbing up, he asks me, "Who are you? This island place is going to be blown up soon." Giving him a smile, I walk up to him as he takes one step back. Placing a hand on his shoulder and looking him in eyes while knowing Madeleine can hear us both now, I ask, "What would you give to be with them again?" Realizing that I forgot about the incoming bomb, I do the old *SNAP* and the bomb freezes before it can open and deliver on the island, only the bomb is frozen in time, nothing else. Looking completely astonished, he says, "I'd give everything just to be able to hold them again." Seeing his eyes tearing up I say, "What if I told you that you can do that again?" With widened eyes he says, "Impossible, I've been poisoned. If I touch either of them, they will die and that's worse than just me dying." Giving a good chuckle I say, "Well, I expected nothing less my friend. State your wish and I will grant it. Humor me with a wish at the very least if you don't believe me. Let me heal you first though, too much blood was lost." Healing his body is easy, now for his wish.

Checking himself over, all of his wounds are healed but the scars are there to remind him of the past. The past makes you who you are so why get rid of them. Looking at me he says, "I wish for this poison to disappear so I can be with my family. That is all." Giving him a smile, I reply, "Granted." To make it look flashy, a giant pillar of golden light appears above us as I remove 'Heracles' from his body. Making a portal to the others, I say, "Come, you are cured now." As I step through, I see a crying Madeleine looking at me with widened eyes and James follows me although very hesitantly. They avoid a hug since they aren't sure if it's really gone. Giving a sigh I say, "Have some faith, will you? Kiss your woman and hug your daughter already." Giving him a shove, he finally hugs her, and no one is dying. Shocker, right? "Don't forget the little one, Hehe." Madeleine calls Mathilde over and they share a group hug.

James turns to me and asks, "How?" Giving a chuckle I reply, "What kind of being grants wishes? And if you say Genie, I'll throw you in the middle of the ocean." He smiles and says, "God, right?" Giving a nod I say, "Correct. But not just a god, I'm a higher existence than the God you know of from myths and books. I'm an Archangel as well, don't mind the small details. Any questions?" Madeleine asks, "Why save James?" Giving a smile I say, "He's a good man, plagued by many unfortunate events. True happiness comes rarely to someone of his profession, so I took it upon myself to grant him freedom from my wife's domain and let him continue to live happily." Madeleine tilts her head and asks, "Your wife's domain?" Nodding I say, "If I didn't offer him a wish what would have happened?" Instantly she says, "He would have died...impossible!" Chuckling I say, "Quite possible actually. I myself have mastery over death, but that's not important right now. Lady Death is my wife. Forgive me for now introducing myself earlier, my name is Lucifer Morningstar, your friendly neighborhood Archangel and God, pleasure to meet you." Giving a bow after and unfurl my wings and bring out my halo.

'Priceless, every time heh.' Waving my hand in their faces, they break from their stupor. "Any other questions?" Shaking their heads as a no, James walks up to me and shakes my hand and says, "Thank you for everything, truly." Pulling him in for a hug, I say, "Keep them safe and be there for them now. As of today, the world will know that James Bond has died. It will be safer for you three that way." He gives a nod as I look to Nomi, the new 007, and she nods as well since I said that part loud enough for her to hear. She still looks stunned though, can't blame her really. "Well, I'll bring you four to Madeleine's place now." Putting my wings and halo away, I make a portal to her house. as we leave, I give a *SNAP* and the bomb rains down on the island eliminating the 'Heracles' project.

Before they go inside, I say, "James, here's your old car." *SNAP* Materializing in front of us is his old Aston Martin except this time, bullets won't crack his windows nor leave a scratch on the paint. "Enjoy. Should you need a safe place to hide, this car is literally indestructible. I have to go for now, but should you need me for anything, just send a prayer, Hehe." Flashing a grin, I take out Yamato and move on to the next rescue.

***********************A/N: James Bond Spoiler Completed! **************************

I love not having to wear a VR headset to enter the game, makes life so much easier. Arriving behind Kirito and the others, I watch as they open the secret door with a treasure chest. As they open it, and alarm blares as the room turns red and the monster spawn all around them. Their teleport crystals don't work here either as they fail to activate them many times. the fighting ensues as one by one, they all die except Kirito. As they die though, there's a faint *snap* each time. Letting just this guild live and not the people from the past doesn't fell right but I don't want to interfere too much as it may upset the flow of the timeline too much. As Sachi is about to break into pieces, I give another *SNAP* and she disappears in particles.

Finding myself in a hospital room with no one else besides Sachi and I, I look to see her still breathing. As I will wake her up, the others will be in a comatose state until Kirito ends the game to not cause an uproar as a few people survived after dying, that would cause issues. Walking over to Sachi, I get an idea. Unfurling my wings as far as they can stretch in this room and having my halo show, I see her eyes start to open. Looking very confused, she sees me and says with a sad smile, "So I did die huh?" Chuckling I say, "No, you did not. I saved your guild from death, and they are alive. Though Kirito is still inside, but he has to clear the game, destiny stuff. Anyways, I'd like you to accompany me to help someone else that plays SAO. You will get to see Kirito again as well." Giving her a smile, she closes her eyes and smiles as well. She then says, "I accept. I have nothing left here and I accepted death although I still fear it." Chuckling I correct her saying, "Her, you still fear her. She is my wife by the way." Looking very confused I say, "Don't mind it, shall we go? I'll heal your body first and give you a nice dress." Placing a hand on her head, I heal her completely and give her a nice purple dress with white seams and frills at the end of the sleeves. Picking her up in a princess carry, her whole face goes red as I chuckle and make another rift. 'I forgot how different anime logic works compared to the more realistic people like my girls.'

Appearing above the crowd of people, Sachi sees Kirito and almost yells out to him, but she remembers to hold it in as he thinks that she died. Seeing Yuuki laying down with Asuna in tears as Yuuki is almost at the end of her life, I whisper to Sachi, "Stay here for a moment, I came to save her." She nods and is left floating above as I make my presence known with my wings and halo in full glory. 'Style points, heh.' Giving a *SNAP* and freeze everyone besides Kirito, Asuna, Sachi, and myself in time so they don't know what happens here today. Landing a little bit away, I make slow steps towards Asuna and Yuuki and I see Kirito tense up and reach to grip his sword handle. Giving him a calm smile, he sees the intent in my eyes and relaxes while giving me a nod. Finally arriving in front of Yuuki, I crouch down and say, "Do you want to live?" She gives a sad smile and says, "I don't have much to live for now. My family died due to the same disease as me and my body won't keep up for much longer. Maybe if some things were different, I might say yes." Taking her hand in mine, I say, "What if I told you, I could bring back your parents and sister while curing you as well?"

Pure disbelief is mostly what I see but when she sees my wings and halo, there's also some hope. She then asks, "Can you really do that? If so than yes, and I'll follow you anywhere as payment." Chuckling I say, "If that is what you wish then so be it. *SNAP* Your body is healed although you still have to logout to see the difference. Why don't you all logout and I'll teleport you to Yuuki's hospital room.' They all nod and I see them disappear. *SNAP* making time resume, I'm already invisible again as I take Sachi in a princess carry again which she gives a cute, "AAH!" Chuckling, I make a portal to Yuuki's hospital room.

Seeing Yuuki with a smile as she checks over her body, puts a smile on my face. "Let's wait for the other two to get here. By the way, this is Sachi, Sachi this is Yuuki." They both smile and wave as they give a greeting to each other. A little while later, the doors slam open as Kirito and Asuna rush inside, but the door is locked. I sigh and make a portal in front of them to inside here. I don't forget to make Sachi invisible, this will be a good surprise, Hehe. Asuna runs up and hugs Yuuki screaming, "YUUKI! You're ok right? How do you feel?" I chuckle at her rapid-fire questions, but Yuuki confirms that she's fine with a smile. I come up behind Kirito and place a hand on his shoulder and say, "Look behind you." Making Sachi visible again, he turns and goes wide eyed. Still frozen in place, I give him a little electric shock to wake him up. He starts crying and asks, "Is it really you? This isn't another nightmare, right?" Sachi shakes her head and hugs him. Only then does the dam break and he starts bawling while muttering, "I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you guys. I'm so sorry." She just pats his back and after a while he finally stops and smiles. Looking at me he asks, "You did it didn't you?" I just give him a cheeky smile as he punches my face, so I let him hit me.

His hand shatters and the girls look horrified. "What? Did you think you would actually hurt me? I'm a God you idiot, you're only a mortal, dummy. Show me your hand. *sigh*" Raising his hand, it's twisted up as some bones are broken, nice form on the punch though. Placing a finger on his hand it visibly heals to new as I say, "Relax please. I saved all of them that day. Even though greed got them killed, it wasn't right. Sick bastard and his death game." They're looking at me weirdly, weirdos. "Anyways, Follow me. Oh, and remember, whatever you see, don't ever tell anyone. Well, maybe Suguha, but that's up to you. I'll know if you tell anyone else other than them." Giving them a grin that gives them the chills, I make a rift to my inner world.

Arriving home, I say, "And of course, they're still lazing around. Girls! I'm home!" One by one, they all come running up to me and give me a kiss besides the Ancient One of course. Turing to the SAO group, I say, "Girls, they are Kirito, Asuna, Yuuki, and Sachi. Guys, these are my wives, Rosalie, Natasha, Kate, Hela, and Lady Death." They wave to each other and says their greetings, but I turn to Death and say, "Love, can you grab Yuuki's parents and sister for me please?" She nods and gives me a quick kiss and disappears in a black mist. Turning to Yuuki I say, "Your wish is granted, your family will be revived and cured in the process." She starts tearing up and hugs me, so I just pat her back and comfort her as she keeps mumbling a thank you.

A minute later, Death appears with three souls that looks a bit restless. Yuuki is frozen in place but soon smiles. I walk up to the three and say, "Yuuki misses you three, would you like to come back and be a family again? If you do, you'll have to live here for a while until I find a suitable place for you. You already died in your world so there's no going back." They look at each other and nod as the mother says, "Thank you." I smile and start making their bodies, with clothes of course. (Parents don't have names as I can see on the wiki, the elder sister's name is Aiko.) Placing their souls inside the bodies, they begin to wake up and stand. Before they can move, they're tackled by Yuuki and all of us smile at the reunion. They have a private conversation and Yuuki's sister Aiko comes up to me and says, "I'd like to follow you as well since Yuuki is and we don't have a place to go just yet. Please let me be of some help." Patting her head, I say, "No problem. I'll make you two into Angels if you would like." Their eyes shine and they rapidly nod their heads. "Hahaha! Good, I welcome you to godhood." (Minor God's level of power but still, more than most worlds and can be upgraded if they ask.) Placing my hand on their heads, a bright light engulfs the place and what comes out is both Yuuki and Aiko as Angels with the same wings and halo as me. they kept their eye and hair colors though.

"I'll send you three back now. I have some other business to get back to, but feel free to call on Yuuki if you want to talk again. Sachi, do you want to stay as well or go back? The choice is yours." She smiles and says, "I'd like to go back for now, but I'll talk to you soon. If you're not busy later on, I'd like to do the same as Yuuki and Aiko. But for now, I want to know what has happened since I 'died', Hehe." Giving her a smile, I say, "Very well, I can always stop time and come get you, or you can ask any of my girls and they would be happy to come as well. Farewell for now, and good luck." Seeing them a little confused as to why I said, 'Good luck.' I grin and send them into a portal to Kirito's house.

"Rose, please show the Konno family a good time and maybe have some fun back in our world (Twilight). I'll see you all soon." Giving my girls each a kiss and a wave, I make a rift back to DC to see Diana. 'Sometimes I can't help myself. At least some of my favorite characters are alive now. Hmm...maybe I'll save a few more after Steppenwolf's invasion.' Arriving on the beach, I see Diana looking off into the distance with her back to me. Slowly flying over to her, I land softly and hug her from behind and whisper, "I'm back." She smiles and holds my hands and gives a soft, "Welcome back."


This one is over 3k(usually 2k) words, holy balls my hands hurt lol. Took longer than I thought but here's a new chapter. I've been thinking for a while now and I wanted to save some people that were either at the end of an arc and then irrelevant, or just flat out died. Progress with Diana has been made and I'm trying not to rush it too much as there is still time until Justice League and some slice of life is nice once in a while. Let me know what you guys think and thank you all for sticking around. :)