
My Ninja Gamer Way

Yuki is just your average 14-year-old boy with no parents or friends. After forgetting that he had a presentation that day. He dies of a sudden heart failure, but he wasn't supposed to die that day. He finds out that he was accidentally killed by an apprentice god. That's why he gets the chance to get reincarnated into an anime of his choice, with the gamer ability. As a fan of Naruto, he obviously chooses to get reborn in the Naruto world. But is he ready to face the challenges that the Naruto world will throw at him? Find out.

budgie_man · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
16 Chs

Chapter 6: Family

_Yuki's POV_


I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

' What time is it?'

Sebastian:" Right now, it is 7:30 a.m."

' Yeah, that's a good time to wake up.'

I started stretching because stretching is a lot more important than you think.

I learned that the hard way in my previous life.

The school I went to made us run 5 km up and down two bridges, and they didn't let us stretch beforehand. My whole body was aching for three days. So yeah, stretching is a must.

' Okay, time to run.'

I stood up, crawled out of my crib, and started running around it.

'Haha, I know. You might ask yourself, how can this baby run? Easy, I'm no-'

Sebastian:" Are you okay? Who are you talking to?"

'To anyone that's listening. Where was I? Oh, yeah. Easy, I'm not just a baby, I'm the baby. I have reached a point where I'm stronger than any baby that has, is, or will ever be born. You don't believe me? Then I'll show you. STATS.'


name: Yuki Uzumaki Senju

age: 8 months

status: baby

title: genius, wise man

lvl:2 exp: 0/100

hp: 240/240

chakra: 2310/2310






charm:50 (+20)

int: 102





' I know, I know, amazing. I even managed to increase my chakra and chakra control by one point. One point. O-one *sigh* that's slightly disappointing, but I was able to get a hold of my chakra for the first time. Only for a few milliseconds though. I also didn't level up because I haven't received any quests yet except the one I got when I was born. Sebastian told me that I'll start receiving quests once my baby status goes away.'

I crawled back into my crib and laid down.

Upon reviewing my stats once more, my demeanor immediately shifted towards a serious one. At least as serious as a baby could look.

'Eight months, it is time. I know I won't die, but I don't know what will happen to the people around me. What if me existing changes the amount of people and even who dies? What if Kakashi dies? What if my parents die?'

These were all thinks I couldn't stop thinking about for the past three months, but I ended up coming to a conclusion.

'There is nothing I can do about it. I mean, what was I possibly going to do? I wouldn't even have been able to intervene in any kind of way, I'm just not on that level yet and probably won't be for quite some time.'

'It is sad that I might lose one or even both of my parents, because I honestly have become quite fond of them. The love and care that I have received from them is truly something special, but there is really nothing I can do.'

I looked at the dark corner of my room while thinking.

'Wait? Is the darkness moving, no I'm probably moving.'

The door suddenly opened, and my parents entered.

Ochra (mother):" Where is my little boy? Oh, there you are!"

She immediately picked me up and squeezed my cheeks.

Kurosora (father):" Stop it, you know he doesn't like that."

He ruffled my hair as he looked at me. I just giggled.

Kurosora (father):" Come, let's go eat."

'Wait, w-what? EAT! No, NO PLEASE NO!'

We sat down at the dining table, and that thing carrying the mammal juice came closer. Although I've been a baby for 8 months, it's still hard for me to drink from that. But what has to be done shall be done.

Kurosora (father):" When will Kakashi get here?"

'Oh Kakashi is coming? Nice!'

Ochra (mother):" He said that he'd get here around 11 a.m. He's likely to show up on time, considering today's an important day."

'Makes sense that they know about Kushina's delivery. She and my mom are family, but I don't know how they're related. Third cousin maybe?'

Kurosora (father):" Should I tell him that if he wants to visit the cemetery with Yuki he could do that?"

'Taking a baby to a cemetery is kind of ironic you know. Bringing the beginning of life and its end to the same place.'

Ochra (mother):" Sure, it would do him some good. He always visits the cemetery alone, going with someone else will definitely help him heal. We should invite him to eat with us more often. After all, everybody knows that I make the best miso soup with eggplant and he certainly does love miso soup with eggplant."

'Nah they're too salty and I don't like eggplant.'

Kurosora (father):" No, they're a little bit too salty, but still pretty good."

'Still don't like eggplant though.'

Ochra (mother):" It's currently 8:30 a.m. , so we could go for a stroll outside?"

kurosora (father):" If you want."

He got up and went to get their shoes.

'Oh, nice. That chair looks much better with a black tint.' I said while looking at his chair.

I looked at my mom and she had a worried look on her face so I reached out and squeezed her hand as I smiled at her.

Ochra (mother):" Aww, you're so cute." She turned me around and showed me to my dad.

Ochra (mother):" Look! Look at his face. It just makes me want to squeeze him to death."

He approached us while holding the shoes.

Kurosora (father):" He's my son after all. I'm just glad he resembles me more than you."

Ochra (mother):" What do you mean by that? You know what? It doesn't matter."

She put her shoes on and we left the house.

I immediately started using observe on everything that came close enough. I actually did this every time we went outside, it was the most efficient way to level observe up.


' That's a sound I like hearing.'

I opened my notifications.

<Your skill [Observe] has leveled up by one level.>


This is one of the gamers ability. This ability shows the user information about the thing it is used on. When used on living creatures, it shows the user a short summary about that creature and its stats. When used on non living things or plants, it will show the user a short summary of that thing or plant and also the effects it might have on the user.

Range: 4m²

I used observe on my mom to see if anything changed.

[Ochra Uzumaki]

Ochra Uzumaki is a [access denied]. She has a kind, warm and social personality. She is a very calm and collected person, but she will lash out at people who mess with her family and friends. She is the [access denied] and also the host's mother.

Age: 24


Hp: ???

Attack: ???

Speed: ???


Rep: 89

' So only the range increased. I'll probably be able to see more once I hit level ten.'

I looked at my mom and realized that she looked a little concerned again.

Ochra (mother):" You know, I'm just worried, you know. What if something happens while we're gone? What if he's scared and he needs us? I just don't want to leave him alone."

'I don't get scared'

Kurosora (father):" Stop worrying, Kakashi will be there with him. You trust Kakashi right?"

Ochra (mother): Yeah."

Kurosora (father):" Good, and you know that Yuki doesn't get scared easily. He's our child after all. The mission is also too important, Minato and Kushina need us. I'm the shadow hokage and Minato's best friend. I need to keep an eye on things to make sure nothing bad happens."

'Wait, hold on what? My dad is the shadow hokage? I didn't know that he was that important.'

Kurosora (father):" You need to be there so that if things do go bad, you'll be able to subdue the Nine Tails with your Adamantine Sealing Chains. They need you and this isn't the first time Yuki Will Be alone with Kakashi. So don't Worry, what could possibly go wrong?"

'Nice, You Just jinxed us.'

They hugged and after walking around for a few hours, we went back home.

A few minutes later, Kakashi arrived while I was chilling on the sofa.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

My dad stood up and let Kakashi in.

'Eyo, dad rocking those black air force.'

Kurosora (father):" So you know what You have to do right?"

Kakashi:" Yes."

Kurosora (father):" Good good." he patted him on the back. "Just to let you know, you can bring Yuki with you to the cemetery if you want."

Kakashi:" Are you sure? Won't that potentially bring him in harm's way?"

Kurosora:" Don't worry, what could possibly go wrong."

'Nice, you just jinxed us again.'

Kakashi:" I'll think about it."

Kurosora:" Good." he patted him on the back." We have got to go now. Ochra lets go."

They said their goodbyes to me and Kakashi and left.

Both of us knew that we were about to have a great time when we made eye contact.

'You know what? Let's do this, what could possibly go wrong?'

CHOP CHOP CHAPTER!! Sup, new chapter here, hope you liked it. This is my firts double release, but you guys deserve it for having to wait so long. My plan is to at least publish one chapter a day, and this time I'll actually commit to it.

But for now,

Budgieman out.

budgie_mancreators' thoughts