
My Ninja Gamer Way

Yuki is just your average 14-year-old boy with no parents or friends. After forgetting that he had a presentation that day. He dies of a sudden heart failure, but he wasn't supposed to die that day. He finds out that he was accidentally killed by an apprentice god. That's why he gets the chance to get reincarnated into an anime of his choice, with the gamer ability. As a fan of Naruto, he obviously chooses to get reborn in the Naruto world. But is he ready to face the challenges that the Naruto world will throw at him? Find out.

budgie_man · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 7: Cemetery

Once they left and Kakashi made sure that the coast was clear, removed his mask and joined me on the sofa.

Removing his mask became a regular thing after he realized that I only smiled at him when his mask was off.

I used observe on him to see how my rep with him was.

[Kakashi Hatake]

A youngster from the hidden leaf village, Kakashi Hatake is a prodigy. He's well-known for his impressive abilities and his successful career as a member of Anbu. He was a member of team 7 led by Minato Namikaze, but during one of his missions, one of his teammates reportedly died. Furthermore, he also accidentally killed his other teammate, successfully earning him the nickname "Friend-Killer Kakashi". He used to be a very stern and serious ninja, but now he has a more carefree and laid-back personality. Both his parents are dead, but he is close with Minato Namikaze and Kurosora Senju.

Age: 14


Hp: ???

Attack: ???

Speed: ???


Rep: 51

'Fifty one, not bad.'

We just chilled for a few hours. We played some games like peekaboo and he read me a story.

Everything was going well, until Kakashi looked at me with a weird look.

Kakashi:" Would you like to go to the cemetery? Look to the left if you'd like to go."

'Of course I DON'T want to go! Going to the cemetery just screams trouble.'

I looked to my left and Kakashi stood up.

Kakashi:" Okay, to the cemetery."

'Hey! Hey! Hey! You liar, I looked to the left.' I looked at him and gave him a frustrated look, but that didn't really work because I look to cute.

Kakashi:" What? Are you mad? You had to look to my left, so your right."


_Time skip brought to you by Yuki trying to look angry (25 min)_

_Kakashi's POV_

The moment we arrived the atmosphere changed.

I walked to a grave on which an all-too-familiar name was written, with Yuki in my arms.

'Rin Nohara'

I crouched down to place some flowers that I had purchased on the way here.

Kakashi:" Hi, I brought the kid I always talked to you about with me. I'm sure you are happy that I finally brought someone with me. At first, I saw babysitting him as another D-rank mission that Minato gave me to help me learn to value human life again. So I didn't see this mission as a serious one, but I now realize that I have actually started to honestly care about this kid."

Kakashi:" I'm sure that it is obvious whose kid this is. He looks a lot like his dad, but he has his mom's hair. For a child, he's very smart. That's definitely something he got from his dad."

I stood up and looked at the grave one more time.

Kakashi:" I have to go now. I haven't told my dad and Obito anything about Kushina's pregnancy yet. She's actually delivering the baby today, so today's going to be a happy day. I'll go no-."

*swish* a piercing sound came flying right at me.

'Behind me'

I instantly used the substitution jutsu to replace me and Yuki with a block of wood. *thunk*

'Wait it has a tag, SHI-'

*BOOM* Like a crackling lightning bolt, the sound hit my ears.

I used my body to shield Yuki while we got sent flying into a nearby tree. *crack* I didn't if that was my back or the tree, but I needed to get out of here.

I immediately stood up, started running to the trees and pulled my headband up.

I could feel my chakra rapidly decreasing.

'If I run straight through the forest, I'll reach help.'

*swish* *swish* *swish*

I instinctively jumped, while turning around and with one glance, threw a kunai, perfectly parrying the ones heading our way.


I had a plan, using the explosions as a cover, I threw six shurikens at the attacker.

Something that looked like a man, but wasn't, came speeding right at us, while dodging my kunais.

I looked at the distance between us

'Twenty meters, not yet.' I held my breath, I was calm and focused.

As it came closer, I could see it smiling at me.

I threw a kunai in the air.

'Ten meters, not yet.' My eye was starting to hurt.


When it was finally close enough, I threw Yuki high up in the air and jumped backwards.

"Did you really think that you could just dodge my shurikens? I wonder, do you bleed?"

As I said that, I pulled my arms back, effectively pulling the strings attached to the shurikens back and sending the shurikens flying back at it.

It jumped trying to dodge my attack, but instead jumped right into the kunai I threw earlier.

As it fell to the ground, the shurikens came crashing into it.

*shunk* *shunk* *shunk* *shunk* *shunk* *shunk*

Seeing that it wasn't dead yet, I used the strings that were now in its back, and One-arm shoulder threw it.


The ground cracked from the sudden impact and a small crater was created.

I jumped and caught the falling Yuki.

"I guess not."

I covered my eye again and started running towards the village.

'Fortunately, the fight didn't take too long. Otherwise, I would've had to use ninjutsu too, and that would've completely drai-.'

*Sqwelp* I suddenly felt a stinging pain in my leg that I knew all too well. Making me drop Yuki.

'What the?'

I lost my footing for a second, but regained i-


I got sent back 30 meters, flying through all the trees in my way.


Blood splattered through my mask onto the ground.

I looked up expecting another attack, but nothing happened.

'It's not coming towards me? I have to run.'

I tried to get a better grip on Yuki, but felt nothing between my arms.


It wasn't coming towards me, but Yuki.

My eyes widened.

It was trying to grab him.

"NOOOO!" I wasn't screaming, I was roaring.

I uncovered my sharingan and did some hand signs.

"Lightning style: Lightning Beast-running jutsu!"

The lightning hound formed in my hand and instantly ran towards the thing.

Before it could reach Yuki, the hound struck it down, stunning and electrocuting it.

I didn't stop there, I did some other hand signs while running at it.

"Wind style: Wind torpedo jutsu!"

I inhaled, gathering a large amount of wind into my lungs, and once I was within arms length of it, I expelled the air while pulling Yuki away from it and shielding him with my arms.

This created a highly explosive ball of wind, in the form of a torpedo that launched toward it.


Once it made contact with the thing, it instantly exploded.

My clothes were tattered, my breathing was getting heavier, and I could feel the blood seeping from my arms.

But Yuki was okay, he was safe, and that's all that mattered.

I looked at the wreckage, trying to find any signs of a dead body, but couldn't see much with all of the dust.

I carefully put Yuki down and gave him a thumbs up. He grabbed my thumb and squeezed it. Probably his way of saying 'do your best'.

I wobbly stood up, I was losing strength and stamina from the excessive amount of chakra usage.

But I had to keep going, the fight wasn't over.

All the dust had now cleared and I looked around.

There was nothing. No signs of it anywhere, it had just disappeared.

'Something doesn't add up.'

I looked at the huge crater that had formed, it was at least 5 meters wide.

'A crater this big shouldn't have been formed if it hit the thing? This shouldn't be possible, except if it didn't hit the thing!'

I frantically looked around.

'Where is it? It's not next, behind or in front of me? Then it mu-'

I jumped, narrowly avoiding the white hands trying to grab me.

Suddenly vines that sprouted from his hands, grabbed my legs.

???:"I̴̢͎̠̯̎͗̄̓͘͜t̷͕͚͗̃ ̴̠̻̠̣͌̉̕͠w̴͈͚̻̿͛͒̚͝ͅả̴̦͗̚s̷͍̏̈́ ̵̛̝ḟ̸̤͒̐̚u̷̡͔̲̽̈́͋̊͗͜n̷͍͌͝ ̸͉̞̲̳͈̀̽͐̀p̴̩̓̐͆̊̚l̴̓̒͐͘͜å̵̡̛͙͚̱̞͑̃y̸̪̍ȉ̵̛̗̗̂̀n̷̩̱̆͋g̴̨̛̺͍̤͔͊ ̷͉̞̇͑͛͑̀w̸̬͕͚̆̌̌̓͠i̵̡͔̝̳̔̇͐t̷̖̓̍͠h̴͚̬̮͛͒ ̴̩̼̘̖̾̔̿̉y̴̡͉͓̠͗̅̓̚o̵̻̘̓͌̆͜u̴͓͝,̵̬̲̮̯̆ ̶̤͕̃̏́̕͘b̸̮̯̱͛̈̆̀ǔ̶̢͚̔t̴̡̟̜̿ ̴̲̻͛̆͋͗Ĩ̶̮͍̬̜̙̉̉̚ ̵͇͊h̸̰̬͓̳̅̀͂a̶̢̜̹͗̓͑̊͂v̸̛͎̾̒ȅ̶͔ ̸͍̩̗͕͇̈͂̈́t̵̖̹͆̑͆̈́͑ǫ̵̰̪͎̏̑ ̶̬̤̟͍͊̑̑͛͝g̵̖̓̃̄̓͝ǫ̴͍̓̒̀ ̵̡̻̬͎͌̋̏̕n̴̪̍͒́͑͝ǫ̴̼̭͋̏̉̒̈́ẁ̷̮̤̺͜.̶͎̜͚̳̈̐͆̀

I got lifted up. I tried cutting the vines, but that didn't work, they were too hard.

Once I was high enough, that Yuki looked like a stone, I got slammed on the ground


I hit the ground, my ears were ringing and my body felt cold. My body felt numb.

???:"Ứ̴̰̓̀̆p̷̺͖̫̼͋̊ ̴͍͓̪͉͛̍̕a̸̻̭̝̳̿͘ĝ̶̣̿̈̚a̵̖̒͗́͑̕i̴̥̙̣͎̇͂͗͆̎ñ̵͚̠͍̃̉̚͝."

He hauled me back up and slammed me down again.


And again.


And again.


And again.


_Third POV_

Kakashi's body laid lifeless on the ground and Zetsu let go of him.

Zetsu walked past Kakashi towards Yuki.

Yuki looked at Kakashi with pure shock.

Yuki:' He-he's not dead right? There is no way he's dead?!'

Zetsu picked Yuki up and Yuki looked at Kakashi.

He was moving his mouth, but only faintly.

Kakashi:" Yu-Yuk-ki."


Zetsu and Yuki disappeared, and Kakashi fainted.

Two finger style: double chapter!! Sup, new chapter here, hope you liked it. Dropped two chapters at the same time, but again you guys defeniletly deserve it for having to wait so long. Was my first time writing a fighting scene, so I hope that it wasn't too bad. Ifv you have any tips or something, feel free to leave a comment. Next chapter will come out much sooner than these two.

But for now,

Budgieman out.

budgie_mancreators' thoughts