
My Ninja Gamer Way

Yuki is just your average 14-year-old boy with no parents or friends. After forgetting that he had a presentation that day. He dies of a sudden heart failure, but he wasn't supposed to die that day. He finds out that he was accidentally killed by an apprentice god. That's why he gets the chance to get reincarnated into an anime of his choice, with the gamer ability. As a fan of Naruto, he obviously chooses to get reborn in the Naruto world. But is he ready to face the challenges that the Naruto world will throw at him? Find out.

budgie_man · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

chapter 12: Id-Create


???:" I'm here too."

'That voice, the third hokage?'

I turned my head and saw him.

'Wow he looks old.'




I was lying on the bed, still recovering from the unexpected tackle by Naruto.

He was staring at me, his blue eyes filled with joy, excitement and surprise, as if he couldn't believe I was awake.

Naruto:" Yuki! You're finally actually fully awake! I can't believe ..."

He kept on talking so I tried to speak up, but my throat was still sore and my speaking skill was too low. I got handed another glass of water and my throat already felt a lot better. I tried to speak, but all I managed was a weak "H-hey."

I could see the relief and happiness surging over him as he grinned from ear to ear while tears formed in the corners of his eyes.


[Naruto Uzumaki]

Naruto Uzumaki is a child from the Hidden Leafs Uzumaki clan. He became the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails on the day of his birth, a fate that causes him to be shunned by most of Konoha. He is the son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze.

Age: 4


Hp: ???

Attack: ???

Speed: ???


Rep: 78


'Is his level that much higher than mine?' 

Hiruzen patted Naruto on the head and looked at me.

Hiruzen:" It's good to see you awake, Yuki. How do you feel?"

He spoke with a warm and comforting voice.

"G-good en-nou-gh."

Hiruzen:" Wonderful. Do you know who we are?"

I nodded, lifting my finger (with lots of difficulty) and pointing towards him. "The th-ird ho-kage" And then Naruto. "Naruto."

He nodded and smiled.

Hiruzen:" You've been through a lot, Yuki. But you're safe now. We're here to take care of you."

Naruto:" Yuki, we've got so many things to do! *Gasp* You haven't tried Ichiraku ramen yet! You've got to try that"

I smiled.

'Naruto, Third Hokage... I'm glad to actually see you guys.'

Hiruzen started talking to the nurses, while Naruto enthusiastically kept on talking about Ichiraku ramen. I used my perk, multi-channeling, to listen to Naruto and Hiruzen at the same time.

'I never realized how OP this perk is. Being able to perfectly focus on two things at the same time is incredibly useful.'

Hiruzen was telling the nurses not to spread the news to anyone, not even their colleagues or significant others. 

Hiruzen:" I know you all understand the dangers this could bring to not only him but the whole village. So just as a safety measure, I'll have Inoichi put a mental blockage on you. I hope you all understand. This is for the safety of the village."

Nurse³³²:" We understand Lord Third. For the village!"

'Me waking up is big news, not only for the hidden leaf but also for the other villages. After the nine tails attack, the once strong and indestructible hidden leaf was turned into a weak, burning village that lost most of its reputation and power. The other villages definitely know that the Nine Tails is sealed into two kids, but one of them was pretty much an empty husk. If they realize that I have woken up, who knows what kind of danger I'll be in?

 Hiruzen snapped his fingers, and I saw some people that I hadn't even noticed disappear.

After a minute or two, Inoichi entered through the door and approached the nurses. 

Inoichi:" You can be assured this procedure is pain- and harmless. Everyone from the V.I.D.(Village's Intelligence Division) has a mental blockage, including me. So you have nothing to worry about."

'Is he going to do it right in front of me and Naruto? I mean it's not like Naruto is paying attention to them, and I was catatonic for the last 4 years.'

He made some hand signs and two clones appeared. The three of them put their hands on the nurses and started to implement the mental blockages. They closed their eyes while the nurses' eyes went blank.

I looked at Naruto, who was still bubbling with enthusiasm about Ichiraku ramen, seemingly oblivious to the gravity of the situation. He was like a bundle of light, not caring about the things around him and just living in the moment.

Inoichi finished up and so did Naruto.

Naruto:" Yuki, you're gonna love ramen! We'll go to Ichiraku's together once you've completely recovered."

I weakly nodded and smiled. His excitement was contagious and now I was even more curious about the taste of the legendary Ichiraku ramen.

I saw Hiruzen approach us and turned my head.

Hiruzen:" I'll have to leave now, but don't worry I'll make some of my men and women stand guard. If you want, I could even let Naruto keep you company?"

I nodded and was instantly crushed by Naruto hugging me.


'This dude might actually kill me one day!'

Hiruzen left, and Naruto continued to passionately talk about ramen until he fell asleep.

'Yep, I think he's actually asleep now. It's time to do it. It has been a long time since I tried, I wonder if I'm strong enough.'

A green screen appeared.




Empty dungeon(1/100)

Pokémon dungeon: bug lair(1/10)

Undead dungeon: zombie lair(1/10)

Ninja dungeon(0/100)


'I can't believe it! It's finally unlocked'

It had been a long time since I originally wanted to use this skill, but at that time it was still locked.



~Flashback brought to you by Yuki remembering something(4 years and 5 months).~




Sebastian:" It's for your own safety, Yuki. You're not tough enough to take on a dungeon, Yuki. You can't even properly walk."

'What about the empty dungeon? Isn't it empty?'

Sebastian:" It is empty but that doesn't mean it's safe, Yuki. The empty dungeon has its own gravity, one that's a lot stronger than the one you're used to. With the way your body is right now, you would instantly be crushed, Yuki."

'How strong would I need to be to enter then?'

Sebastian:" Oh, it's not really about your strength, but your durability Yuki. Your baby status is greatly weakening your durability. You would need to, at the bare minimum, have a thousand hp to safely use the empty dungeon."



~End of flashback~



'Forty beneath a thousand. Shouldn't be that big of a deal.'


'Let's do this.'

Blue particles engulfed my body, obscuring my vision until they suddenly faded away, revealing a bland room.

But I didn't have time to look around because I was slammed to the ground by the immense gravitational force.


I could feel my organs pushing down on me. It was like someone was trying to rip my organs out of me. The air was forcible being pushed out of my lungs and started losing my natural complexion. 


'I'm going to die!! I need to get out of here!!'

I was about to say ID-escape, but I stopped.

'No, if I can't even take I'll never be able to survive in this world.'

I was, slowly but surely, calming down and started to try to control my breathing.

I started imitating the breathing style of a woman in labor.

'Hee-hee-hoooo, Hee-hee-hoooo, Hee-hee-hoooo'

I could feel my complexion turning back to normal as I started inhaling more oxygen. 

The pain was still unbearable but I knew that I had to do this if I wanted to become stronger. I had already lost so much time. If I wanted to keep up with Naruto and Sasuke. I wouldn't just need to be as strong as them now, but stronger and by a lot. The way they started gaining power and strength by the end of the series was just ludicrous. But I need to be even crazier.


A notification popped up and I immediately opened it as I had nothing to do except suffer.


<You 1 have been exerting your body for min>

<All physical stats will be increased by one point>

<A new skill has been added to your arsenal>


'THAT WAS ONE MINUTE?!! This is worse than doing a plank for a minute!'

I looked at my new skill.


[Pain Tolerance(lvl1)]

passive skill

rarity: common

The ability to tolerate more pain. This won't affect the amount of damage you take but it affects the amount of pain you can tolerate. Stepping on a nail will feel like stepping on sharp pieces of glass.


'Oh nice. That's a great skill but I don't really feel that big of a difference.'

I looked around, even though I couldn't turn my head, and saw a clock.

I used observe on it but it was just out of my reach. 

I kept looking at the clock and realized that it had wasn't one clock but two in one. An outer and an inner.

'Sebastian? Could it be that one of these clocks tells me the time of this room and the other one tells me the time of the real world?'

Sebastian:" You're right Yuki. I can see that your int stat is finally kicking in."

'Haha very funny.'

I looked at the inner clock.

'This one is moving a lot faster than the outer one. Heck I haven't even seen the outer one move but that makes sense if you think about the fact that 1 minute in here is 1 sec in the real world. So I would presume that the inner one tells me the time of this room.'

Sebastian:" Again you're right Yuki. You're on a streak."

'I can't be away from Naruto for too long. Wait, what if the guards Hiruzen deployed sensed me disappearing?! No, that's impossible, they can't sense me because I have only opened 1 Tenketsu.'

The realization then hit me.

'Hey Sebastian, I know what we are going to do today.'

Sebastian:" I understood that reference."

I started searching for my chakra. The fact that only one of my Tenketsu was opened gave me a huge disadvantage in comparison to my contemporaries. I had to actively start working on opening them.

I found my chakra and started guiding it towards my Tenketsu. It was a lot easier than it used to be, probably because of my higher chakra control. The hole that used to feel like a gigantic wall was now completely gone.

Once I made my way through it, I felt weird. My belly button was warm, like someone had put some warm water on it. I went further, making my way to the second Tenketsu. Just like with the first one before, I sensed a huge wall.

I started sending big waves of chakra towards the wall, trying to make it crack, but to no avail.

'I have another idea'

Instead of big waves, I chose to turn my chakra into a string and started scooping away at the wall. Very small portions of the wall were getting scooped away.

'This is going to take some time. Let's just stay here for at least an hour. I can do that.'



~Time skip brought to you by Yuki suffering(43 min)~



'I can not do that' I said as I left the empty dungeon.

I never realized how hard the mental struggle of suffering through pain was. At least the pain was decreasing, because of the increase of my pain tolerance but it still hurt.


[Pain Tolerance(lvl5)]

passive skill

rarity: common

The ability to tolerate more pain. This won't affect the amount of damage you take but it affects the amount of pain you can tolerate. Stepping on a nail will feel like stepping on a broken glass.


At least my skill increased and I was able to open 1 Tenketsu.

My stats looked like this.



name: Yuki Uzumaki Senju

age: 4 years and 8 months

status: jinchuriki🦊, child

title: genius, wise man

lvl: 2 exp: 0/100

hp: 1280/1280

chakra: 3300/3300






charm:50 (-40)

int: 102







'You know I still have 5 points left. Should I use them all are safe up? Oh look, a butterfly.'



Decision making time! 

1) Balance it out. Try to make all stats equal by bringing them all close to 20.

2) Save up. Don't spend any points and wait until we get some more.

3) Go crazy. Put everything in 1 or 2 things and hope for the best. (comment which one)

To vote, just comment on your favorite pick. (Time up)

Remember, your choice will impact the story. 



'I'll think about that another time.'

I looked at Naruto, he was still sleeping.

'This is real. This is now my reality.'

'I am Yuki Uzumaki Senju!'

I am back, I am alive. Sorry for not uploading for so long. But now I'm back Kicking again. So yeah that's good. I hope you liked this chapter. I even tried something new with the decision making thingy. So that the story would be more interactive. Ps the pace will start picking up, so don't worry. I really hope you guys like this new concept the story.

But for now,

Budgieman out

budgie_mancreators' thoughts