
My Ninja Gamer Way

Yuki is just your average 14-year-old boy with no parents or friends. After forgetting that he had a presentation that day. He dies of a sudden heart failure, but he wasn't supposed to die that day. He finds out that he was accidentally killed by an apprentice god. That's why he gets the chance to get reincarnated into an anime of his choice, with the gamer ability. As a fan of Naruto, he obviously chooses to get reborn in the Naruto world. But is he ready to face the challenges that the Naruto world will throw at him? Find out.

budgie_man · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

chapter 13: Chakra Suppression

'I'll think about that another time.'

I looked at Naruto, he was still sleeping.

'This is real. This is now my reality.'

'I am Yuki Uzumaki Senju!'



"ˢᵗᵒᵖ ˢᵗᵒᵒᵒᵒᵖ!!!" Instead of stopping Naruto started running even faster while pushing my wheelchair. We were speeding down the hallway, narrowly avoiding all the nurses and doctors. Not even the other patients were safe from us.

Naruto:" It was your idea you know!" he said while laughing maniacally.

"ᴵ ᵈⁱᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵐᵉᵃⁿ ⁱⁿˢⁱᵈᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ʰᵒˢᵖⁱᵗᵃˡ! ᵂᵉ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗᵒ ˢᵗᵒᵖ ⁿᵒʷ ᵇᵉᶠᵒʳᵉ ᴴⁱʳᵘᶻᵉⁿ ˢʰᵒʷˢ ᵘᵖ!"

Naruto:" We have been waiting for hours now, he won't show up anytime soon."


Naruto:" Huh? wha-"



'That's a broken bone, damn this hurts. Should I just tell everyone that I can already walk again? No, going from pretty much paralyzed to being able to walk in just three weeks is way too suspicious. Who even thought that having a child supervise another child was a good idea!?'

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around.

Hiruzen:" It looks like you guys have been enjoying yourselves."

'Did he time that?'

Naruto/me:" Hiruzen/ᴴⁱʳᵘᶻᵉⁿ"

Naruto went to hug him but I just gave him a smile.

Hiruzen:"Let's go back to your rooms, shall we?"

We went back to our rooms while having some small talk. It consisted mostly of Naruto talking about how fun these last three weeks have been. Once we arrived Hiruzen started talking.

Hiruzen" I'm very happy that you guys have been getting along wonderfully and you look a lot better now Yuki"

He was right. I put on some weight, still skinny, just not like a pile of bones that would probably be swept away by a light breeze.

Hiruzen:" So Yuki, what do you think of leaving the hospital and living with Naruto."

"ᴵ ʷᵒᵘˡᵈ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ."

Of course Naruto immediately tackled me.

'This is great. There have been multiple moments where I wanted to train but couldn't because I was being watched by nurses. So living alone with Naruto would be a great thing.'

After a few hours, I finally got discharged from the hospital.

Naruto, excited and full of energy, helped me pack my things. When we left the hospital staff only said farewell to the hokage, acting like we weren't even there.

As we walked through the village, Naruto talked about future adventures and plans he had already made. I of course listened, occasionally chiming in with a witty remark.

The villagers looked at us while muttering to one another, but I honestly didn't care. 

It was already quite late when we reached Naruto's apartment and honestly the apartment wasn't bad at all.

There were certainly some problems, such as the fact that wires and pipes were scattered around the outside of the building. The inside wasn't perfect either, it wasn't as spacious as I expected and I noticed small cracks appearing. The biggest problem was the mess Naruto had created, but putting all that aside, it looked very liveable. 

After unpacking all our stuff, Naruto immediately went to sleep.

'I envy him. I wish I was able to fall asleep that fast.'

'But it's not bedtime yet. It's training time!'

After making sure that the coast was clear, I entered the empty dungeon.



I again was sent to the ground.

'I'm still not used to transitioning from normal gravity to this.'

Mustering up some strength, I was able to sit upright in the lotus position. 

After some experimenting I discovered that the lotus position greatly enhanced chakra development.

So I focused, finding and getting a hold of my chakra only took a few seconds now. I shaped my chakra into a small string with a pointy end and started making my way to my 13th Tenketsu. 

While I did that I simultaneously did two other things. 

Firstly, I was thinking of a way to suppress my chakra. I didn't forget about the side quest I got and I had to complete it before opening my 50th Tenketsu.

Secondly, I was trying to strengthen my body with chakra. Tsunade and Sakura were able to do this and it gave them monstrous strength. If I could somehow replicate it, my frail body would at least be as powerful as a normal kid's body.

'My life would have been a lot harder if I didn't have Multi channeling. It really is an overpowered perk.' 

Of course, I wasn't doing this alone, I had Sebastian.

I asked him to think of possible ways to suppress my chakra, but none he gave had been effective.

'Maybe we're looking at it the wrong way, maybe instead of just trying to figure out how to suppress my chakra, we should figure out how chakra sensing really works. That way we can find a way to counter that.'

<You have come up with a solid plan>

<Intelligence stat will be increased by one point>

'That's a good sign.'

Sebastian:" I don't know if this helps, but I have realized that when you're trying to sense chakra, you subconsciously mold your chakra to a sensory type.

'Okay, thanks for the tip. So when I try to sense someone, I subconsciously mold my own chakra into a sensory type. Chakra sensing works like a radar, but how does a radar really work?.. A normal radar works with a transmitter that sends out radio waves that get reflected by an object and then that gets caught by a receiver.'

<You have been in a higher gravity zone for long time>

<All physical stats will be increased by one point>

'Nice, but back to thinking. So to reflect these waves an object has to have a certain density and chemical structure. So in theory if I could somehow change one of these aspects of my chakra. Sensors wouldn't be able to, or at least have a harder time, sensing me.'

'Changing my chakra's chemical structure is definitely out of my pay grade, so density it is.'

So I started experimenting with my chakra.

I tried making my chakra strands thinner, but this greatly decreased my efficiency. So Instead of only making it thinner I also added more strands. The problem was that the density still added up to before. 

I focused on the chakra that was located at my belly button area. It was the source of my chakra. If I could just somehow change it.

'Wait... it isn't solid, nor is it a liquid or a gas.'

Sebastian:" What isn't?"

'Chakra. Chakra is an electromagnetic wave! IT WORKS ON FREQUENCY!! How didn't I think about that faster! I just have to change the frequency of my chakra source.'

I stopped both my Tenketsu training and thinking of a way to use chakra strengthening. Fully focusing on this, meaning that I was able to use 300% of my thinking capability. 

I could feel it, the frequency was around 2×10¹⁹ Hz. Which makes sense, because that means that it's in the X-ray's category and the hyuga clan use chakra for their x-ray vision.

I needed to get it out of the X-ray's category and into the gamma ray's. Meaning that the frequency had to be above 3×10¹⁹ Hz.

'Wavelength!! It needs to become smaller! A lot. I just have to force my chakra source into an even smaller region. Belly button!! Instead of my belly button area, just the belly button.'

This was hard and painful, but I delved into it and it was working.

Sebastian observed, offering guidance and encouragement.

Sebastian:"You're on the right track, Yuki. Try to alter the shape, fold it and mold it into what you want it to be Yuki. It's your chakra, you have full control over it."

I harnessed every ounce of my concentration, envisioning the change in frequency as a dynamic dance of energy. Slowly, the vibrations shifted, climbing higher and higher. The chakra at my belly button responded, resonating with my mental command.


As the frequency soared, a subtle but strong transformation occurred, I felt a strange sensation coursing through my body. It was my chakra, vibrating at a different level, resonating with a newfound intensity.

 I now held the power to confound chakra sensors.

I curiously looked at my notifications.


<A <strong>[Side Quest] has been cleared>

<The host has gone above and beyond>

<All <strong>[rewards] have been increased>

<A new skill has been added to your arsenal>

<You have obtained <strong>[6 points]>

<You have obtained <strong>[2000 exp]>

<The skill <strong>[True Chakra Suppression] has been added to your arsenal>

<Your knowledge of <strong>[Chakra Sensing] has drastically increased>

<Your skill <strong>[Chakra Sensing] has drastically levelled up>

<Your Chakra Control has drastically improved>

<Your Chakra has slightly decreased>


'I really did it!' a big smile appeared on my face and I looked at my skills.


<Skills >



rarity: common

The ability to use your mouth to convey information or express one's feelings.


rarity: common

The ability to move forward or backward using your feet.

Speed: 1,600 m/s (multiplied by dxt when running)


rarity: common

The ability to use physical strength to move something further away from you.

Push strength: 4,5 kg (multiplied by str points when exerting yourself)

[✨Chakra sensing✨ (20/50)]

rarity: epic

This high level Sensing Technique enables the host to detect and track down targets through their chakra signatures. You're even able to sense some (chunins) that hide their chakra.

Range: 200m³


[Pain Tolerance(9/40)]

passive skill

rarity: common

The ability to tolerate more pain. This won't affect the amount of damage you take but it affects the amount of pain you can tolerate. Stepping on a nail will feel like stepping on a Lego block.

[True Chakra Suppression(1/25)]

passive skill

rarity: mythic

This technique enables the host to suppress their own chakra, making it harder for sensor types to track the host. You're normally unable to use jutsu's while suppressing your chakra. However, just like the Ōtsutsuki Clan, you have learned to naturally suppress your chakra. Meaning that unlike regular shinobi, you're still able to use ninjutsu. 

[Chakra Manipulation(3/50)]

rarity: legendary

You can manipulate your chakra. This skill has great potential. 

[🔓 locked]






'Legendary AND MYHTIC!! I mean, I'm not complaining. My only question is, How did I go above and beyond?' 

I could hear Sebastian chuckling.

Sebastian:" It's because you changed your chakra source, Yuki. Meaning that you have permanently changed your chakra. You were never meant to do that, Yuki. Even Hyuga clan members will now find it more difficult to see your chakra with their Byakugan, Yuki."

An idea then popped up.

'If I learned how to use ninjutsu, I could make myself invisible, rendering me untraceable! I would be like a ghost.'

After an extra hour of opening my Tenketsu, I went back to the real world.

I was met with Naruto's monstrous snoring, but like, really?

How can a kid so young make that sound?

I pulled my blankets over me, but before I went to sleep, I decided to use all the points I had gathered.

'Ok, I have 36 points. I'm not putting any in int or wis. Charm is important, but not for now, so I can skip that. Luck at 50 is fine, so the best thing to do is try to equalize my lower stats.'

So that's what I did.

I ended up with three points, which I'd keep in case of an emergency.

My stats now looked like this:



name: Yuki Uzumaki Senju

age: 4 years and 9 months

status: jinchuriki🦊, child

title: genius, wise man

lvl: 7 exp: 600/3200

hp: 2560/2560

chakra: 3520/3520






charm:50 (-40)

int: 103






'You know, I wonder how strong I am compared to my peers? Maybe I'll do some exploring tomorrow.'

It's time to po-po-po-po-post.

Hey I am here. Sorry for not uploading, I had exams and then I just started procrastinating. But now I'm back again again. This time for real. The update schedule should be once a week (I have school, so more is kind of dificult). I hope you enjoyed this chapter and life. More characters will start popping up, so be ready.

But for now,

Budgieman out

budgie_mancreators' thoughts