
Chapter 75

Marcus was in full combat mood. In this mood, he could wipe out the entire layout of all his enemies but now he was not sure who and who were his enemies because one of his boys was just caught burning down one of his warehouse. This warehouse contained most of his ammunition and the lab where he was trying out some new mixture for his "white powder" "coke" business was carried out. Apparently, they had discovered where his warehouse was and only fifteen people including him and Michael knew where the warehouse was located. He did that for his safety and security, and also for the security of the scientist that was making the mixture. The scientist was from another country and he was supposed to keep him safe but three of the traitors in his team had conived with the enemy and they had kidnapped the scientist. Marcus was not worried about this warehouse because he knew that he could make back what he had lost in a month but they may kill the scientist or do something worse to him.

"Sir, I don't think he wants to talk."

"Michael, don't worry about that. I will make him talk. Take three of the SUVs and have some bodyguards in all three, then come to my woman's place. Have her into one and then, without any kind of suspicion, create a sort of diversion but get her to the airport safe and make sure she leaves the country before your asses leave that airport, do you understand me?"

"Yes sir."

Calmly, Marcus said, "Michael, of anything happens to my woman, consider yourself dead. A suicide would do you more good than my wrath, do you understand me?"

"Yes Sir" Michael knew that Marcus was not bluffing. He also knew that Marcus had gone into combat mood, he hoped he did not get this way in front of Janet. He knew that he wouldn't but he also knew that it must have taken alot of strength to restrain himself from being like that.

"She is now in your hands. Protect her with your life." Then Marcus ended the call and got into his car, his driver just turned on the car and drove off.

"Where are we going now Sir?"

"To the devil's abattoir."

The driver swallowed hard because he knew that the devil's abattoir was Marcus's torture house, they had not gone there in a while but if Marcus had to go there, someone was in deep trouble. Nobody goes into Marcus's devil's abattoir house and comes out alive, it was just not possible, that's why it's called that.


"You guys are too cute, what the hell?" Fawn said.

Janet blushed and said, "I finally told him how I felt about and I feel like we're completely honest with each other. Like, Marcus could never lie to me, and I could never lie to him. But, if he ever lied to me, I think I would know, that's how much I know him and trust him."

"I heard when you said you loved him, I thought I didn't hear well, when did that happen?"

Janet chuckled and then went to sit on the couch and said, "Well, that was not so difficult actually. We were right in the middle of the best sexual—"

Fawn held up her hands and said, "You are not going to call it sexual intercourse and make it all weird. Janet, when are you finally going to say sex like the rest of the work? We're in 1992 for fucks sakes! It's time to say you had sex with your man, it's not a bad word. Besides, you cuss all the damn time"

Janet started laughing so loud and hard, "I didn't know it borthered you too"

"You're weird. The first time you said it, I just thought it was a mistake. Not today darling, not freaking today!"

"Fine. We made the best love in our entire life. Fawn, it was so good that I cried like a baby. I was so emotional and it just felt right to tell him how I felt. I mean, the man was all up in me and hitting all the right spots and moaning in my ear—he wasn't outrightly moaning but he was making these sounds that felt like he was moaning and we were basically I'm sync. Fawn, the way he moved brought literally tears out of my eyes. I was overwhelmed and you know I've been feeling all love crazy about him, last night, I felt like we were one soul. I've never felt that way before, it was so beauti—Fawn, are you crying?"

Fawn sniffed and then wiped her eyes. Then she said, "How could I not, you just described something and watching you talk about how he made you feel, what I saw for myself and what I've been seeing you both do, I am so happy you found your soulmate. What you just described is a soulmate, Janet. They come once in a lifetime, if you lose then, you will never find another one."

Janet smiled, hugged Fawn and said, "And I am so happy that I found mine, it's the best feeling in the world."

"What time is your flight?"

"Twelve noon, why?"

"I wanna know how much time we have to talk about you" Fawn replied and the two women giggled.


Marcus got the abattoir and saw Michael standing outside waiting for him. Immediately Michael saw him, he watched his face to see how angry Marcus looked. The calmer his face, the more severe and slow the death of the traitor would be. Marcus walked past him and Michael ran behind him and said, "Sir...Mr Marcus...Sir...Sir, please hear me out"

Marcus turned to Michael as if asking him to speak because he was in a hurry.

"I could handle this for you. You told me to always handle your dirty works and I'm happy to do it, I don't want you to stain your hands with blood, I will happily do it."

Marcus just looked at Michael in a Stern and intimidating way, then he asked, "And why do you say so Michael?"

"You told me that I should never let you—"

"Show me where he is, Michael Lee!"

Michael knew it was now very personal. Marcus had only used his full name once and that was when Meredith ran away under his nose. Marcus would have killed him without a single feeling of remorse if he truly knew what happened that day.

Michael pointed to the place where the worker who had betrayed him was tied up. He followed Marcus. Immediately Marcus got there and the worker saw him, Marcus smiled and the man that was tied up, screamed and said, "I'm sorry...I am so sorry Sir...I don't know what got into me"

"Shhhhhhhhh, I know. That's why you will tell me who you worked for, where the professor is, the names and exact location of all the people involved in this bullshit, what they know or don't. In return, I will use only half of incisors as a souvenir on that wall over there" he pointed to the skulls on the wall. The man knew immediately that all the skulls on the wall were not mere decorations, they were the skulls of Marcus's enemies that had crossed him in the past, the ones that were responsible for the death of Martha, those he suspected that killed Meredith and others that have stolen or destroyed his properties in the past.

There was fear in the eyes of the man, he began to physically shake. He knew he was going to die but he did not envision that he would be tortour and his teath would be extracted and used as a souvenir. As his eyes met Marcus's, he felt like he was in front of the devil himself.

Marcus could sense the fear, it excited him, so he said, "If there's a scratch on the professor, I will personally take off your tongue and feed it back to you. Now, start talking"

"I...um...I don't know...what was the first question?"

Marcus snapped his finger and two guards came and untied the man, then they brought a black painted glass box, it looked heavy but it had two opening ilon top of it. They dropped it in from to the man and then held in hands and forced it into the box, there were Swift's sounds and then the man yelled out in pains. Three of his fingers had been yanked off of the animals in the box.

Marcus laughed and said, "Oh, my bad, that's what happens when you ask me a question or ask me to repeat myself. What is in the will eat anything and everything that is put their. The next thing that will go in there will be your third leg, don't play with me!" Then he turned to Michael and said, "Bring all the others in here."

Michael went to call all the other people that knew about the warehouse that got burnt. He wanted them to watch him torture this guy so that they will know what will happen to them if they tried to double cross him.

The other man was still yelling in pain as the blood gushed out of his hand. As soon as the other workers got in, Marcus snapped his finger and the guards held the bleeding man up because he leaned on his fingers, crying.

The man held his fingers to his chest but with Marcus's signal, the guards held it out and another guard brought a wooden table and placed it in front of the man. The other two guards held out the man's hands on the table and then the guard that brought the table brought a hammer and gave it to Marcus.

He ran his finger over the hammer and then looked at the bleeding man who was still shaking and said, "Speak!"

"The... The pro...The professor...The professor has been taken to the lotus lair, they...they...they will not kill him but they said they will tor...tor...torture him till he agrees to make the same package that he makes for you."

Marcus chuckled and said, "I guess today is the day that I pay the Lotus leader a visit. His skull on this wall will look nice."

Michael immediately realized why Marcus had asked him to protect Janet safely out of the country, there was going to be a bloodbath.

"The other...two...two...two guys are Dar...Dar...Darwin and B...Bar...Bart."

Michael frowned, he hated those guys but they were really stupid to cross Marcus.

"Who are they?" Marcus asked Michael who was about to answer when Marcus's phone rang, it was Janet.

He signalled the guards to stop the bleeding man from crying. Then he answered the phone and said, "Hey baby"

"Babe... Are you busy?"

"I could never be too busy for you, my queen" Marcus replied smiling. Everyone in the room was shocked at his relaxed and happy countenance.

"Aww, so, I'm done here, is your guy coming anytime soon? Fawn and I were thinking to going to our coffee shop before my flight"

Marcus knew he'd never let Janet go anywhere alone right now, she was not safe. He needed to act fast so he said, "He's already on his way. Also, I don't think it's a good idea—the coffee thing." He hoped she will not argue and ask him why he said that.

"Why do you say so? Also, where are you, I can hear whimpering, is someone crying there? Babe, are you okay?" Janet was worried and he could hear it from the phone.

"Yeah, one of my worker had a work harzard"

"Oh my! I'm so sorry, is the person okay?"

Marcus looked over to the man trying to hold back the tears, still bleeding, and said, "Probably."

"I hope he gets better and the heals fast. Have you taken him to the hospital yet?"

"Uh...Sure, so you want him to get better?"

"Yeah, of course. Are you okay? I know it's hard to see your worker suffering in pains."

"I am fine. Babe, my driver is coming to get you, just go with him straight to the airport. I don't want you to get the coffee because I heard from a friend that the town is getting hot with trouble, I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Marcus, you're scaring me, what's going on?"

"Just some weird stuff with the police and some of the weird guys around. It's nothing serious, everything will be handled, I just want to make sure you're okay so ce I'm not there with you. You know, since you want this guy to be fine and I'm with him."

"Fine. But, what about Fawn?"

"She'll be fine, just don't tell her about what I just told you, I don't want to scare her. Look, it's probably way less than I'm telling you but I am just trying to make sure you're safe, okay?"

"Okay, I understand. I'll text you when your guy gets here."

"He's blonde and has green eyes, you cannot miss him"

"That's your driver?"

"No, my PA, Michael."

"Okay then, talk later, love you"

Marcus looked around first and then he coughed and said, "I love you too Baby"

Everyone pretended not to have been shocked by what they just witnessed. There was silence fore what seemed like five minutes because Marcus was trying to compose a love text message that he would send to Janet later. He read the message and smiled like someone in love then he sent it and resumed his combat mood.

"Michael, go get her to the airport." Then he turned to the bleeding man and said, "I promised someone that I will keep you safe so you will not die..." The man looked up very hopeful but when Marcus scanned him carefully, he murmured "yet". He told the other guards, "Find Darwin and Bart. The rest of you, you will be here to witness why I'm called Don today. We're visiting Lotus lair and until I have the skull of the leader in one of my clubs, as a decoration, we're not leaving there, do you understand me?"

They all nodded and then he asked the bleeding man, "What else do they know about us?"

The expression on everyone's face showed that they did not know who the Don was till he just said it.

"They don't know who you are. They think the Don is your PA, they are following him and his moves. I think it's a bad idea to make him escort your lady friend, Sir"

"Interesting." Marcus said and then called Michael and told him to wear a disguise and dress not draw any suspicion to himself. He told him what he just got from the bleeding man and Michaelf assured Marcus that he'd protect Janet with his life.

"Good" Marcus replied and then ordered for the bleeding man to be attended to but locked up.