
Chapter 74

On the day Janet was leaving for college, Marcus as helping her get her stuff ready. He had slept over—something that he had been doing a lot since they got very serious in their relationship. He always made sure she was okay, happy and spoilt. He loved to shower her with gifts almost everyday, they had travelled to some states for vacation, although some of the trips were for work for him, but she had enjoyed the entire trip regardless. She felt loved being with him and around him. He had even invited her to his house and she loved every second of it, but she felt like he was comfortable when they're at her place.

At his place, they couldn't do the fun things they did at her place like cooking, baking—eating doughs, playing some fun games by themselves or in the company of her friend, Fawn, going to clubs—it was his club but she did not know it was his, he had instructed the staffs that knew him to act like they did not know who he was—, funfairs—Marcus was scared of heights and did not tell Janet but she found out when they got on one of the rides and he almost passed out—,ice cream dates—where they literally eat ice creams till they get their brains frozen but they just continue the torture because they were having fun and that pain was just a little price to pay for the fun, and other things that they did under the sheets.

Janet had introduced Marcus to Fawn after they had talked her going back to college. The news had been a shock to Fawn and she did not trust Marcus and any future motives he might have. She told Janet that she would feel much better if she introduced her to Marcus so that she could ask him about his intentions for her. In order not to make the meeting look or sound too official, she asked Marcus to accompany them to the club. When they were almost alone at a section of the VIP lounge, she started interrogating Marcus and he was very relaxed and answering the questions she asked him. He assured her that he was doing what he was doing because of the love he felt for her and also because he believed that her company would need a CEO that knew exactly what she was doing by having the best education. He assured Fawn that if they eventually fall out of love for each other, he'd still not retract the investment he was making by paying her tuition in full. Fawn seemed very satisfied with his response and he actually meant every word of what he promised. Since then, he was very comfortable whenever Fawn was around her and he'd occasionally ask her about Fawn or any of her friends that she had told him about.


"I can't believe I'm finally going to college, this is a dream come true. My mum is going to be ecstatic when she learns of this." Janet said and then sat at the edge of her bed.

Marcus, who was trying to make sure her luggages are locked in turned to look at her, smiled and said, "My baby is going to college, I'm ecstatic too. I'm thrilled, excited, jubilant, giddy—"

"Got it, you know your synonyms" she interupted

Marcus laughed and then sat beside her. He just stared deep into her eyes—sometjing she was still trying to get used to. He looked very proud of her, so when he said that he was proud of her, she knew he was not lying. Sometimes, she couldn't read what his eyes were saying but today was not one of those days, his expression was very transparent, just the same way the wild passion from their lovemaking last night was. It was so good that she feel tears slipping out of her eyes and then she whispered—admist gasping and trying to breathe—"Marcus, I....I love...I love you. I love you so much." He paused and raised himself up to look at her—still inside her—and then he kissed her deeply like his entire life depended on it. When he looked back up at her, he said, "I love you more, Janet." The thrusts that came after that were deeper and slowly. It felt so good that she felt herself climaxing multiple times, Janet knew that she was gone with this man, they were now of one soul and she knew she couldn't leave him anymore.

That was the first time she told him that she loved him and he thought that she was just saying it because they just had the best intercourse ever but after they were done and cuddling up for some seconds before they'd head into the showers together, she held him tight, looked up at him and said, "Marcus?"

He looked down and said, "Yes baby?"

"I know you must think I said what I said earlier because we were in the heat of passion but I just want to tell you now that everything is over that I am really in love with you and it's scary and so beautiful. It's like we're of one soul—i don't know how possible that is but it is—"

"Babe?" He interupted her.


"I know how it feels, I have been in this side of town a long time now, I'm just glad that you finally made it here. Also, it's not as scary as you think, you'll get used to it and see how beautiful it is. I love you so much." Then they were locked in another session of passionate and intense make out.

As soon as that was over, Janet started sobbing. Marcus did not understand why she was sobbing, all he could do was console her by hold her close and tight. She sobbed for almost ten minutes, when she was done she looked up at him and said, "Let's just take another shower together, I might not do this with you for a while."

Realizing why she could have been crying, he lifted her chin up and asked, "Is that why you're crying?" She nodded and then he said, ''Baby, I already told you that we would make this work"

"What if you get used to not having me around? How am I supposed to be happy when you're not there?"

"I'll come over every other weekend, I promise. Except I have a meeting that I cannot cancel but even when that arises, I will make it up to you."

She sniffed, nodded and said, "Okay. You promise?"

"I promise, I cross my heart, I pinky swear" then he pulled her in for a hug and said, "Come here my precious lover."

They later went to the bathroom together, showered and went to bed with him still reassuring her that nothing would change between them when she'd go to college.

 Janet looked around her room and said, "I feel like I should still get some of my things—like that stress ball, I haven't used it in a long time but I feel like I should take it with me. Like, what if I need it"

Marcus turned to look at what she was talking about, then he went to pick it up and put it in the bag. "There, now you don't have to think about whether or not you should take it along with you."

She chuckled tiredly and said, "Thank you"

His phone rang and he picked up, it was Michael, he was calling to give him update about something that happened in one of their clubs. Marcus tried to keep a neutral facial expression because Janet was watching him.

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Then he hung up, turned to Janet and said, "Babe, I need to go now—"

"Work?" She asked and he nodded. "Well, I guess I'll see you in four months or whenever"

He studied her expression, it was obvious that she was mad so he just sat bad down on the bed. She looked at him and said, "Don't you have something to attend to from work?"

He shook his head and said, "I don't care about that, it can wait, you're more important. What else do you need me to help you organise?" He was walking around looking for something she'd want.

Janet was shocked by his act but she felt guilty so she walked over to him and said, "Marcus, I don't want to be the reason your company suffers. If someone or something needs your attention, I think you should go and take care of it."

"Don't worry about that, I have someone that should be in control of everything till I get there."

"Marcus, honey, I get that but the person who called you would not do so if this person in charge really could take care of business. So, I think you should go handle that."

He shook his head and calmly said, "it's okay, I wanna be here more than I wanna be there."

Janet knew that this was a lost cause because he had stubbornly made up his mind and she couldn't change his mind when it concerns her. She knew that Marcus would choose to run her way even if there was a fire at his business site so she dropped the subject.

There was a knock on the door immediately. They looked at each other briefly and then he told he that he'd get the door. She just followed him out to the living room because she wanted to also see who it was. It turned out to be Fawn. Immediately she saw Marcus, she asked about Janet and Marcus pointed inside the house. When she had seen Janet and hugged her, she turned to Marcus and said, ''Hey Marcus, how are you doing?"

Marcus nodded and said, "Good, thanks for asking. How are you doing?"


Fawn got engaged with talking to Janet and then Marcus phone rang again. He excused himself and took the call in the kitchen, the two women could see him but they did not hear what he was talking about. Janet knew it was because of the call from earlier. She knew that she shouldn't have made him stay back, it looked like something serious had happened because he rubbed his head and then spoke in a whisper. Fawn did not notice because she was focused on telling Janet how much she was going to miss her and what Shauna and Rita said about her. She would not have noticed that Janet was not listening if she did not say something mean that the other ladies said and Janet just said, "Uh huh" as she had been saying since she started talking.

"Janet? What is wrong? You're not listening? What are you thinking about?"

"Uh...nothing. I was totally paying attention to you." She lied.

"Yeah? What was the last thing I said?"

Janet knew that Fawn had caught her in a lie so she said, "Look, I'm sorry, I just can't ignore what Marcus is doing." Fawn turned to look at Marcus who was in the kitchen on a phonecall. "He looks very fine to me, Janet"

"You don't know him that well, you wouldn't know what he looked like when he's distressed."

"The man I'm looking at doesn't look distress but you can go over to ask him what's wrong"

"I know what's wrong, something is going on at his workplace and he was called to come but I made a face and he thought I didn't want him to leave and you know how stubborn I told you he could get? Well, he is stubbornly refusing to go check it out."

Fawn just shook her head and said, "I understand you girlfriend. Look, why don't we both convince him to leave. I'm sure if we both do it , it will be harder for him to refuse. Come on, let's go over and tell him I can help you with whatever thing you need again."

They walked over to where Marcus was and Janet heard him say, "Put it over him till he talks." She thought she did not hear what he said properly so she dismissed it. When she touched his arm, he turned and then said, "I'll be there in some couple of hours" into the phone as he hung up the phone.

Marcus looked at both ladies and said, "I feel ambushed, what's going on ladies?" Then he held Janet in a loving embrace.

"You sound like that should not wait. I think if you leave Janet in my care, I can handle every other thing here." Fawn started

"I get it but I want to be here when she leaves, up until she boards the plane, so even if you beg me to leave, I do that think I can." Marcus replied, rubbing up and down Janet's back.

I'm not begging you to do it, I'm insisting that you should go handle whatever it is that you were talking about over the phone." Fawn explained.

Marcus shook his head and then Janet said, "Babe, I think she's right. You looked very stressed when you had to take the call earlier and I don't think I want you to continue staying here with me, I'll be very fine."

Marcus signed deeply and said, "You really want me to leave?"

"No—not in the right sense of it but I think your absence at work is worse and I don't want you to regret not leaving here any faster.

"Fine. But, I'll have my driver take you to the airport, and you cannot talk me out of that one."

Janet nodded and said, "Okay. Agreed."

He kissed her lightly and murmured, "I'm gonna miss you too much"

"I know, me too."

"I love you so much. Text me all the way and even when you get there. Call me even. Just put my troubled heart to rest, okay?"

"I will, and I love you too." Janet replied and rested her head on his chest.

They were lost in a moment with each other and then Marcus's phone rang again and he just ran into Janet's bedroom to grab his shirt because he had been wearing a vest and one of his white shorts that he had left here in her house. In less than five minutes, he was dressed then he came back to kiss Janet again before walking out of the apartment in giant strids.

Immediately Marcus walked out, he called Michael and asked him about the situation of things, then he said, "Whatever you do, make sure he does not die, I'm going to the warehouse to see the level of the damage that was done. Meanwhile, send August to bring me the eyes of that loud mouth punk! I'm done being soft with their stupid asses.