
Chapter 28

"Apparently, Winston has been doing a good job hiding his nutjob mother from anyone and everyone, we wonder why" Sam said.

"Hey! That's my brother's mother, don't call her that. Show some respect." Matt scolded him.

"I'm sorry Sir, I was out of line." Sam apologized.

"So, what do you think we should do about this?"

"Maybe get his trust and then you can ask him all these questions. If he's hiding it, you're going to do alot to build his trust and make him open up to you. Just get back and we can take more about this."

"Sure thing. Wait, do you think my father knows about this part, you know, the condition of his mother."

"I doubt it, because he would've included that in the file you saw, but we cannot be so sure that he doesn't know."

"Uh, thank you Sam, I totally understand. I'll talk to Collins and brief him about this too to see what Intel he has."

"Okay, talk soon Matt."

"Alright, bye."

Matt sat on the edge of his bed trying to think of what he had just heard about his brother's mother. Questions rushed through his mind, he wondered if his father knew about the mother of his stepbrother. He wondered why his father had only files on his stepbrother and not his mother. Thoughts of what Sam meant by what the woman said before she became completely dumb. He hoped his father did not do anything but he knew his father was not heartless enough to put anyone in the hospital. Then he thought, he could have motive to do what he did. The motive being that he did not want his mother finding out that he had an illegitimate son. In the file, he brother was older that him by some years and it was during the period his father was dating his mother. He did not want to overthink it without first talking to Collins and Sam and going over proper investigation because drawing conclusion, so he slowly finished his dinner and went to bed.

After Nathan finished talking to Leighton, he got dressed and went out to meet his buddies, Brandon and Greg. They have all been very close friends since their highschool. Nathan and the boys shared a lot of memories together and they were very close to each other. Only one of them, Greg was married. Greg married his high school sweetheart and Nathan thought it was stupid but it made his friend happy so he didn't try to question his friend's choice. To show that he was infact happy for him, he agreed to be Greg's best man. Four years later, Greg was blessed with twins whom Nathan took as his godchildren. Brandon on the other hand was engaged to his fiancee and was about to ask Nathan to be his bestman again, but Nathan did not know since they just said they wanted to hang out at their favorite bar, when they called Nathan out.

When he arrived at the bar, he saw them already there, they had ordered a glass of vodka and we're chatting heartily.

"Hey punks!" Nathan yelled as he walked towards them. They cheered back at him.

"How's it going buddy? You look nicer than usual." Brandon commented.

"You know how it is." Nathan replied shaking Brandon's hand and fist bumping Greg

"So, how was your trip?" Greg asked

"It was okay. I left early."

"Let me guess, Leighton was a pain in your ass." Greg continued.

"She just changed man. Let's not talk about her now, what's been going on with you two?"

"Well Sofia and I got engaged" Brandon announced

"Really? Congratulations Man. I say this as your buddy, I am so happy for you."

"Thank you. And I have something to ask you."

"If you're asking me not to show up at your wedding drunk, I really cannot promise you that, you're getting married and the bachelor party will be lit to the point where I will need to get drunk so, no can't do, Buddy."

Brandon rolled his eyes and said, "No dumb goose, that's not it but wait, you're planning to get drunk on my wedding day?"

"That's how people know that the bachelor party was turnt up!" Come on Greg, back me up, you remembered how much fun yours was."

"We were too drunk." Greg replied.

"Too drunk that he forgot his vow and had to use John Legend's all of me lyrics as his marriage vow. Imagine if he didn't know the lyrics."

"Easy, he would have used Westlife's I wanna grow old with you, problem solved. I mean, he knows the song and it has very powerful lyrics."

"Nathan, we're serious"

"Brandon, I have never been more serious in my life. But, what were you going to ask me?"

"I'm regretting it already."

"If you want me to plan your bachelor's party, I will do it but, just for this marriage. I'm not doing it for your next."

"What the fuck man?!"

Nathan and Greg laughed really hard but Brandon did not.think it was funny.

"He's joking Man." Greg said still coughing from laughing too hard.

"I'm not joking. Hello? Am I the only one who sees that they're not compatible? The woman loves everything he doesn't like and they met two months ago."

"Nathan, not everyone is going to move from one woman to the other. Some of us want to settle down, and when we do find the love of our life, even if it's in less than twenty four hours, we still want to marry them."

"Okay, love expert. Now, what did.you want to ask me?"

"Forget it. Your stupid joke has ruined it."

"I promise to still be surprised, just tell me."

"I'm done talking"

"Fine. I'm sorry Man, that was out of line and I'm sorry."


"Do you want me to kiss you for you to forgive me? Because I'll do it. I'll turn fruity just for you. Anything to make you forgive me. Including this kiss." Nathan said and puckered up his lips for a kiss. He leaned in towards Brandon who laughed and pushed his face away.

"Stop it stupid!"

They all laughed and then Brandon said, "I was going to ask you if you wanted to be my best man. You're one of my best friends and only unmarried friend so it's best if you handle that."

Nathan jokingly gasped and put his hands over his mouth and said, "o m g, you want me to be your bestman? Um, this is unbelievable. I didn't think you sawe that way. O m g, I'm speechless right now, this is crazy, you're gonna make me cry. I can't even right now. I can't even with you. You know how to get a bitch teary. Thanks so much Babe."

"You're a fucking piece of shit Nathan."

Greg laughed really hard.

"I accept. I wll. Yes, yes, oh my God, yes! Um, I'm getting so emotional, can someone like record this moment, I want to always remember it forever. Brandon, I love you so much." Nathan continued to mock Brandon.

"Greg, I told you I didn't want to ask this fool."

Greg kept laughing and said, "I wish I took a video of this theatrics because what?"

"Nathan, you gotta stop. People are fucking watching your stupidity and that's when Nathan broke out of character and started laughing too.

When they finished laughing, Nathan said, "It's been ages since I lasted tormented you, Brandon and I had to take this chance. Did you see the look on your face? It was priceless."

"Just like the look on the faces of these other customers, assholes! I don't even know how we are still friends."

"You can't stay away from me. Remember the last time you tried to in highschool and how you were bullied and you came crawling back?"

"I didn't- you know what, enough about me, how has things been with you Greg?" Brandon said. 

"Nothing much actually. Just that the twins had started daycare and it has given Sharon some free time and has also made her very occupied with other crazy things." Greg replied.

Nathan and Brandon laughed and Greg said, "No really, it's crazy. Everyday, it's a new topic. It's either she wants to create something or she's talking about how we need to tear down something in the house to replace it with something very stupid and useless to me, or she's talking about this stupid bookclub she just joined and how they're always rotating houses and she doesn't want them to come to our place when our house looks as it looks now. I'm genuinely exhausted."

"To be fair, you signed up for it when you decided to marry her so it's not exactly her fault you know." Brandon tried to defend Sharon

"Yeah but is she right though? I mean, she's talking about tearing down his home. That's his sanctuary." Nathan added

"You know, she even mentioned getting rid of my lair." Greg continued.

"Noooooo" Brandon and Nathan chorused.

"She wants to turn it into our basement number two. She said the first basement is just not, in her own words, "doing it" for her. I got pissed and she legit tried to tell me the structure of my house looks like the houses on playboy magazines. 

"What the fuck? We use that place. Now that's just cruel. It was okay when it was just youbut now we're being attacked here too." Nathan said. If the situation was not tensed, they would have all laughed.

"That's exactly what I thought. Like where am I supposed to relax when I want to get away from she and the kid's shit. Like I genuinely love them but they can be a pain in my ass. Then she said I should tear down a side of the house and make it safer for the kids. My house is currently literally baby proof every-fucking-where but she not satisfied. At this point, I don't know what I should do."

"Maybe talk to her and let her know you're not okay with this." Brandon said

"Yeah, and make her guilt trip me all year, and give me an attitude? I'll pass. You know, she has this passive aggressive way of getting whatever she wants and that includes telling me we're ready for baby number two."

"Dude, the twins are not even two, what's wrong with her!"

"She said she doesn't want them to be far apart in age. I don't know what to do. I sneak in condoms and pull out when she's not looking. I also crush up contraceptives in her food and drinks, I hope it doesn't affect her for her to go to the hospital and I get found out it but I'm doing it till she gets out that dumb shit out of her head. Dude, it is so freaking hard to live in these conditions, I'm tired fam."

"And what's worse is that we cannot relate to your problem, thank Allah."

"Dude, this is not the time. I came here to talk to my friends, not a clown that will make fun of my situation. Don't Chris Rock me, I WILL slap the shit out of your fucking face." Greg joked

They all laughed at the reference, and then Greg said, "that was a good one right? But seriously, I've been through all that for the past weeks and it's taking a toll on my mental health."

"You know what you need right now?" Nathan asked

"What, couples therapy?" Greg asked

"What couple's therapy? You need strippers!" Nathan said

"At this point, you no longer surprise me. You say the dumbest shit." Brandon said disappointedly

"You and I know that's exactly what he needs." Nathan replied

"I don't know shit." Brandon replied.

"Guys, sex with strangers who have surgically enhanced breasts and ass will not make my home liveable." Greg said.

"Greg, you make everything boring since you got married. Let me ask you a question, are you enjoying the sex with your wife?" Nathan said

"Not recently." Greg replied.

"Exactly! And I'm guessing you haven't climaxed in a very long time." Nathan continued.

"It's a job having sex with her because I'm thinking of not letting my swimmers get with her egg." Greg replied.

"That's disgusting Greg, don't ever bring that image to my head. I don't wanna know what happens in you or your wife reproductive organs. But, my point is, live a little." Nathan said.