
Chapter 29

"Nathan, you're calling having sex with a stripper, as a married man, living?" Brandon asked

"Um, Brandon, you've never been fun, I'm not surprised." Nathan said

"You know I'm telling the truth." Brandon replied

"Look, Greg, it's either you release those bad boys in your sac or you will continue to be miserable till she gets out of this baby making mood."

"I'm rethinking this best man thing. Let it be known today that I will not have sex with strippers at my bachelor's party." Brandon announced.

"Or what?" Nathan asked.

"Or I'll lose my wife."

"To be" Nathan corrected "And, there's a reason that whatever happens at a bachelor's party stays at a bachelor's party. Which will happen in Vegas by the way."

"I think Nathan is right."

"Thank you" Nathan said relaxing in his chair with victory all over his face.

"What the fuck? Don't tell me that you will actually do what he just said. You're married Greg, with kids at that. What are you trying to teach your kids? They look up to you. Don't do it Man, it's not worth it. This clown here is not married but already making a mess out of his relationships. You're taking advice from someone in three relationships."

"I didn't say I will cheat on my wife, I'm just saying that I'll think about it."

"And I'm not with Jess anymore, she made Juliette know I was cheating on her by asking that I take her to this fancy restaurant. Even if she was paying, she put me at risk."

"You're pathetic."

"Look, it's not my fault Ladies love me. They look at me and think "damn, who's this fine man checking me out?" I guess I'm just lucky with women but my heart beats for only Juliette. She's the Juliet to my Romeo."

"How has she not found you out yet? How does she not know you're still cheating on her?"

"At least I do it only for the fun of it and what I do with these women are things Juliette would not do with me."

"But did you ask and she didn't get adventurous with you?"

"I didn't have to ask, she has already mentioned earlier in our relationship that she's a lazy person in bed. Anyways, that's how I ended up with-"

"Chlamydia." Brad interupted.

Greg and Brandon laughed and then Greg said, "that's a good one Brad."

"Fuck you Brad, you asshole!" Nathan said laughing.

"Keep multiplying your partners. You will definitely lose Juliette when she finds out." Brandon said

"Speaking of that, I saw her at the same hotel I was at with Leighton. I was literally stuck in the room,I literally couldn't go out to see the great parts of the hotel because I was scared of running into her after telling her I was on a business trip. I was even more scared of running into that roommate of hers."

"Who, Chelsea?" Greg asked

"No, the guy roommate, the one he mentioned to us last time he was almost dumped by her."

"I don't know about him." Greg said

"That's because you are so busy with your family stuff. So, Juliette decided to get a male roommate. This man is literally a ten, and the day she found about Jess, through her nosy best friend whom I've told you guys hates me so much, was the day he moved in. We have a little altercation because he wouldn't let me in and shit. Anyways, I saw him with her at the hotel."

"Doing what?" Brandon asked.


"Walking? I was expecting you to say they were all loved up doing PDA and whatnots." Brandon replied

"Juliette doesn't like PDA, so, obviously they wouldn't be doing any kind of PDA. Anyways, I bumped into him three times, luckily I was wearing my baseball hat. Out of those three times, they were together twice. It was a torture not to barge into her room to see if she was with him but my consolation is that she's a bad liar and if she got with him, she will confess it to me."

"She's a good person. Unfortunately, she's with you. The world really isn't far." Brandon said

"Well, you don't expect-" Nathan started but he got distracted by a brunette woman sitting alone at the bar. He had been waiting to see if there was anyone coming to meet her when she walked in but nobody came and she was on her phone all night. And she called the waiter to bring her cheque for the drink she just had and as she was checking in her bag to get her card, Nathan walked over and told her, "I'll be damned if I let a beautiful woman pay for a drink when I'm still sober."

She gave him a weird and confused look and said, "who are you and what are you doing?"

"The name is Nathan and my Dad raised a gentleman, what I'm doing is doing what gentlemen do."

"Well, mine raised a strong and independent woman who can afford to pay for her drinks." She replied.

"No ma'am, I didn't mean to insult you or anyone, I just think it's nice  to appreciate a woman, especially a strong one."

"Listen Nathan, I'm not going to sleep with you because of a glass of vodka, so get lost."

He looked immediately offended and said, "Sex? Is that how low you see yourself. Do you think you deserve to be insulted like that. I'm offended that you think so little of yourself. That you think a person want sex from you for doing a bare minimum makes me blame the fucking rigged system. I mean, you are attractive but the fact that you think everyone sexualizes you makes me sad. Have you seen yourself? You're a freaking goddess. People should be throwing themselves at you, asking you what you want them to do for you." Then he turned to the waiter and said, "After getting her bill, come for double of what she pays, have a great night beautiful."

She looked confused at first but after getting what he was saying, she smiled and said, "What a way to compliment me. Thank you."

"You're welcome" he replied and was about to walk away when she called back and said, "My name is Tiffany."

"Hello Tiffany. Nice to meet you." And then he turned to leave again and she asked, "Do you come here often?"

"It depends. Is there a reason for me to come? If there is, like today that my friends asked me to hang out, then sure but if not, I don't."

"Well, can you hang out here tomorrow? Maybe by 7:30?"

"Uh, sure but how do I know you're not going to stand me up."

"Of course I wouldn't silly."

"But how would I know that? How can I believe you?"

"Fine, here's my number so that you will believe me."

Then she gave him her number and he promised to call before coming tomorrow. She got her receipt and then left.

"What just happened?"

"Nathan just Nathaned another woman. Ugh! I hate how easily they fall."

"Uhh, have you met me? Like I said, I'm irresistible."

"But there are more good-looking men."

"Yeah but none comes close to my word game."

"True. All hail King Nathan!"

The laughed and then started talking about something else. They asked the waiter to bring the bill. Brandon paid for their drinks and then Nathan paid what he promised to pay and then he went back home. He got home and was a little bit tipsy but his body was quite balanced.

He wanted to call Tiffany from he accidentally called Juliette. He called her once and when there was no respond, he checked the number and realized he called Juliette. "Fuck! Now I gotta call her again so that it looks like I really wanted to talk to her."

So he called again.

Juliette was just about to sleep when her phone first rang, she ignored it but when the second ring came in, she checked the caller and it was Nathan.

"Hey Babe" he said immediately she answered

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm doing good. You didn't text or call me to find out if I was home already."

"So sorry, I was overwhelmed with a lot. How was your trip back home?"

"It was good actually. I came back hours ago. Then I hung out with my buddies, you know it's been a minute since I last saw them. We talked and caught up on the things we missed out on and it was really a lot. But I'm glad we had that fun today. Now, I'm a little bit tipsy, I don't know if you can tell. How was your day Queen?."

"It was okay, a little bit stressful but I'm glad everything is over and I'm about to rest. We did a little debate tournament today and guess whose team won? That's right! Mine did. That was one of the fun things that happened. I just finished having dinner and I'm about to sleep. Tomorrow morning at dawn, I'll get my bags ready to go back home.

"Oh, I can't wait for you to be back."

"Yeah, me too."

"Well, I need to sleep now, or else my face will get swollen by tomorrow. Are you at home?"

"Yeah, of course. I'll let you rest now, see you soon."


Then she ended the call and turned off her lights.

Ashley was passing by Skye's room and saw her rearranging her luggages so she knocked and went in after Skye had told her to. She looked around and then sat on the bed and said, "Can't wait to leave already?"

"No, it's nothing like that. I get anxious if I arrange my bag the day I'm travelling or leaving."

"How did you know that?"

"Easy, I lived in a foster home."

"But you got adopted once."

"Yeah but our Matrons made us packed our bags everytime. According to them, we were telling the universe that we're ready to get adopted and the universe will act on it and bring up foster parents."

"That place is twisted but I see where they were going with that, even though that was very selfish, they were trying to teach you kids how to use your subconscious mind, just not the right way."

"Skye smiled and said, "oh well."

"About earlier, if you felt embarrassed by what I said in front of Winston, I apologise. I just freaked out, that's all."

"You don't have to apologise Ashley, you were just trying to look out for me. I apologise for laughing, I'm just so used to looking out for myself alone that when anyone tries to look out for it, it's so foreign."

"I think I understand. I just don't want you you get too grown up even though I know that you're past the age that I should be worried about you not knowing. I should be focused on making sure what you know is good enough so I guess this is going to be me giving you "the talk", is that okay but you?"

"Uh, sure." She looked at her clothes that she was trying to organise into her luggage and went to sit down, but Ashley stopped her and said, "you can continue arranging your clothes, I can talk to you as you do your thing." So she continued packing.

"So, have you ever felt a certain way towards the same sex?"

"Are you asking if I'm gay?"

"I'm just- yeah, are you?"

"No, I'm straight. I like boys."

"Okay, um, have you ever acted on this feeling?"

"You mean if I've gone to second base?"

"No, I was asking if you've kissed a guy."

"Oh yeah, kinda."

"What does kinda mean? Did you do it your lips or tongue?"

"Lips and tongue."

"Okay, so you've french kissed. That's um, okay, I guess. When was this?"

"Last year."

"How old were you when this happened?"


"Okay. Did you do any under the shirt thing?"

"Like touch my breast?"

"Uh, yeah, li-like that."


"When was this?"

"Last year."

"You were still fourteen when it happened?"


Ashley looked at her but in her head she screamed "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!"