

Anya mounted her crossbow onto the top of a weapon rack and took aim.

*Pshew!~ Phoonk!~*

The bolt effortlessly pierced into the side of the statue's head with a critical hit, cracking its head sideways and almost causing it to stumble.

All the skeletons took advantage of the statue's brief state of pain to move in closer and do some easy damage.

They managed to get a few hits in but the statue quickly recovered, and before its head was even upright, it was lucid enough to defend itself.

The floating swords started to whirl once again, but not quickly enough as Blue and Sweeper were able to pass through and deal heavy damage.

The two skeletons within the whirling swords forced the statue to alter its sword technique. It promptly thrusted its stone swords back and pierced Blue and Sweeper, however, this just meant that Red was able to hit it from behind.