

Five suits of rusted armor came marching through the forest. Their armor suits were making so much noise that Jay noticed their presence almost before his skeletons did.

Each of the skeletons were hidden in the forest, concealed for an ambush attack as they watched their prey from behind the thick roots and trees.

The five knights wore full-body armor, which was surprising as the villages didn’t have as much metal as a few bands wrapped around their clubs. It was majorly rusted through though, almost as red as it was silver-gray, and Jay guessed it was probably a remnant of a by-gone era.

Jay had not launched the ambush attack yet, as the knights were acting strange.

Firstly, they didn’t react to seeing the village decimated.

None of them paused in shock or looked around for threats; it was as if they had carried out the attack themselves.

Next, they started gathering some of the nearby corpses of the villagers.

“Hmm…” he gazed at them suspiciously.