
Rear Vanguard 2

After another command, the skeletons retrieved their original weapons again and Jay had them perform another duty. A new one - one they may someday become familiar with.

Blue stood idly by as the other skeletons stretched the lizard carcass across a rock.

Blue didn't do the dirty work itself, but had Dark do the dirty work in cutting off the creature’s head.

Such was Blue's nature to delegate tasks to others, and perhaps it would be Dark's nature to perform executions.

Contrary to Jay's expectation, Dark's daggers were quickly inserted, piercing its skin with ease. A small splash of blood splattered some of the mountain rocks, and with a circular twisting motion the head was separated.

A headless tailless lizard body sat on the rock, blood streaming down, making it seem like a cultic ritual.

With the head chopped off, Dark also carried out the next phase of the plan: Use the head to go and pick off some of the red mushroom fruits.