

Jay stood up, after crouching behind the tree; his position was discovered. There was no point in hiding so he prepared to fight.

The two-hander knight was charging to Jay, while Sweeper was sprinting towards it, intercepting the enemy.

The knight had a target though, and it wasn’t going to let some measly skeleton stop it.

Holding its sword with one hand, it rested the blade on the back of its gauntlet and continued its charge, forcing Sweeper to either dodge or die.

Sweeper naturally side-stepped to dodge the hulking armored enemy, slashing at it as passed by - though no real damage was done as its sword scraped armor.

Immediately, Jay released a wall of bones from his gauntlet and a white barrier was made between himself and the knight. Unfortunately, it really was just a pile of bones. It had no structural stability or any real protection, and was tall as it was wide.

It was more like a mound than a wall.

Jay readied a spear from behind the barrier.