

“If only we had a torch or someth-”

A light lit up the cave as Anya pulled out a luminous orb with a smug smile. Its white-blue light lit up the surrounding area, reaching about sixty-five feet (twenty metres) away.

That was when they saw it, one of the monsters they were here to slay.

It had black, slimy, reptilian frog-like skin.

It was like a large, human-sized leech yet with some startling differences: its mouth was a gaping hole filled with spiny teeth, surrounding its mouth were ten white eyes, most of which were locked onto Jay, though at first glance they simply looked like white spots.

It didn’t have any arms, though its legs consisted of multiple tentacles, all of them wriggling around, which gave it silent movement, while much faster than the normal way a leech moves. It was perfectly suited to hunting in a dark cave system.