
Ground Slithers

“How far away are they? Can you hear what they’re saying? Do they sound frightened?” Jay whispered.

Asra pulled closer to him again, “It’s hard to tell in fog. I think they’re talking about each other, about some of their friends going missing. I think I heard one mention your skeletons, but they seem uninterested. They don’t sound frightened, but they don’t sound evil either. And I know what you’re thinking - there shouldn’t be children out here.”

Jay nodded, deciding not to say anything else.

“I commanded the skeletons not to slay any humans, so there’s no risk of that happening.” He thought.

He sensed four of Blue’s smaller skeletons still running through the fog in groups of two, finding things to slay. They were about 200 to 300 yards (230m) deeper in the fog, and it seemed that Lamp had ditched the smaller skeletons as it went much deeper, about half a mile (0.8km) away, and still going further.