


Snarling wolves chased Jay through a black forest, his heart pounding as he pulled himself through bushes and kept falling over roots and rocks; It was like they were trying to hold him back.

He felt like the wolves were close to him, and at any moment they could snap their dooling jaws and crush his neck - it would be his doom.

Soon, the black trees got thicker and the forest floor turned to mud, which only got slipperier, and the more he gave into this thought, the slower he seemed to become.

Soon the trees became so thick that they formed a wall. There was no escape, he was done for.

Turning around, he saw the wolves charging through the forest.

The wolves were not normal by any means: all of them were large, blue and translucent.

Their tails all had blue strings attached to something, and as Jay’s eyes followed these magical blue strings, he soon saw a tall jagged mountain with a giant blue diamond-shaped mana stone of some sort.