

Jay was walking behind Red, with Blue and Heavy at his side.

Sweeper was somewhere further behind, practicing its role as rear guard. Hopefully.

The strange item the girl had given him, the [Guidance], had changed since he bled over it. A small red line appeared and pointed from the centre of the black polished stone to the outside.

It kept pointing in one direction no matter which way he turned it, much like a compass.

Since it said it was location locked to 'Luna', Jay believed it was leading him to a person or place called Luna. and coincidentally it was also the direction he was going in.

Well, it pointed south-south-east, but not too far off-track as he was heading directly south.

He decided to make a decision about whether or not to go to 'Luna' once the girl woke up; he would have liked to prepare more adequately for a long stay in the wilderness, and perhaps there were supplies at 'Luna'.