
My Multiverse Trip

Reincarnation? Wishes? A System? Magic? Harem? Pudding? This story has all of those. Multiverse travel, kingdom building, fan boy dreams come true in this wild story starting in the Harry Potter world. Instantly op character? nope. sharingan at the start? nope. shameless Mc? yep. shameless comedy? yep. NTR. nope. Just to let everyone know this is my first story English is my native language I planned 0 chapters in this whole book and I literally started writing it because I simple wanted to read it myself. It contains parts from bringing the farm to another world, shadow hack, and supreme Anime system. leave any advice you want I read all comments and try to take them into account. (disclaimer I only own my characters I personally make) also there will be some grammar errors and some plot holes think of this as a rough draft I'm just winging it basically at this point lol doing well so far tho I plan to go back later to fix small things like speech and paragraphs sometimes I miss things. be gentle it's my first time.

Ryan_Colman · Fantaisie
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467 Chs

211. the summit.

At the summit every kage was allowed to bring 2 body gaurds. It was being held in the land of iron on neutral ground. This land belonged to the samurai who were said to rival ninjas in power.

It was Tsunade, me, and Minato who arrived shocking everyone in attendance that the 4th was still alive. It pissed the village of rock off greatly also.

"Your supposed to be dead how can you still be alive?!?!" shouted the short little tsuchikage with a massive nose.

Everyone however ignored him. I was assaulted by mei as soon as she saw me. "Hubby where have you been? These past few days you haven't visited me." She asked jumping into my arms.

"Ah sorry about that the akatsuki kind of blew up part of our village and I was busy rebuilding." I told her patting her head.

"Oh well that's okay then." she said happily enjoying the head pats. The cloud, rock, and iron, leaders looked at us in shock. Not knowing we had a nice alliance.

"The sand won't be showing up as they were absorbed by us due to a crushing defeat." I said shocking them further.

As soon as the shock wore off everyone sat down and begun discussing acting against the akatsuki since they had 'Killed the eight tails' who they didn't know was just hiding and traveling cause he was bored. An alliance was discussed. Before things could be finalized though our good Ole friend Sasuke attacked.

Standing in the middle of the table looking at us with one sharingan and 1 babyshit green eye. Was Sasuke uchiha who was being followed by jugo and I believe his name is suigetsu all wearing akatsuki robes.

"I've come for my revenge Ryan. I'm going to kill you for destroying my eye and then I'm going to destroy your village. You've taken everything from me including my revenge against my brother." he says pointing at me with pure fury.

I look him dead in the eye. "Naaah" jumping forward I grab him by the face faster than he can respond too and smash him through the table. Jugo is taken on by the kage of the cloud and thrown through a wall and suigetsu is fighting chojuro from the mist.

I'm just grabbing Sasuke's head and smashing him into the ground over and over again. he tried to burn me with his ameterasu but I'm fire proof bitch. He tried to summon susanoo I simple absorbed the chakra. he tried to hit me with a close up chidori. I just dislocated his shoulders. All through the room was sounds of him being smashed into the floor and screams of pure rage and mei giggling.

Right before he passes out I steal his other eye and replace it with a nice crap brown one quicker than he can respond.

"From this moment on you shall be named dumbass." I steal his sword seal all his chakra and throw him into my kamui prison. right as a white zetsu pops out of the table and tries to steal him from my grasp.

"Oooh too slow fuckboy." I smash him into the table aswell. Right after I'm done killing him obito pops up in his tobi disguise.

"I am madara uchiha and I demand the bodies of the 1 and 9 tails or I shall Declare war on the entire wor..." he shouts out as I suckerpunch him right in the face.

"Yo obito go back to your big daddy madara and tell him to kiss my ass." he tried to phase out into his kamui but I just use mine to negate it and punch him in the face again. "And that's for strapping bombs to me when I was born you little cunt."

He quickly dissappears leaving behind the dead zetsu. "we were talking about an alliance or something yeah?" I say sitting back in my chair. There were still sounds of fighting going on but sasukes friends where losing bad.

"I'm pretty sure most of these problems are caused by uchiha I have no idea how the ninja world has lasted this long with those idiots running around." I mutter under my breath.

After the fighting has finished I take suigetsu and jugo into my kamui prison with chakra seals on them. I'll deal with their crap later.

Back to the topic of the upcoming war. I had been chosen as the leader by tsunade and mei. they wanted me to hide do to the nintails but I just laughed saying I didn't even have it anymore. Which was true in a way as I had freed her. she was still in kamui she had taken up gardening in her spare time. I was keeping gaara in there as well since I figured I could just keep them from getting all 9 tailed beasts and thwart some plans.

We established a united ninja nation but what they didn't know was while they were all here I was stealing all their techniques from their respective villages. Including the irons sword manuals.

after the alliance we were forbidden from attacking each other and set up a joint training camp which was pretty laughable as they were all crap compared to the new mist and leaf which I had been raising.

Kabuto after the death of orochimaru had been making revived ninja with the help of zetsus bodies. What madara and zetsu didn't know what I had absorbed all the souls when they had left and killed off Kabuto. You can't fight a war without an army. However this did come at a pretty hefty price. You ever try to absorb thousands of souls gaining their memories? The system had to act and limit the information I was gathering and deleted all the useless parts. This also worked for the clones. Due to the system I didn't have any odd identity crisis as the main soul kept this one stabalized. However it did cause my soul to grow at a monstrous rate being a regular human soul. Anything over the limit was sealed to be distributed later on amongst the other bodies. so right now all the enemy had was an army of zetsu, a beefed up madara, and obito.