

- Lord, I'd like to talk to you about Bjorn and his future. (Hild)

I was a little annoyed at the prospect of another pointless conversation about the future of my children ... Once Lagertha, now Hild. I understand that every mother loves her child ...

- Well, you can tell what is on your heart. (Ulf)

- I know you officially recognized Bjorn as your son and member of your house ... I would like to know what you plan for him in the future, Lord. Arne is your heir, but who will Bjorn be? (Hild)

It's not like I didn't think about it, of course it was my son and I wanted the best for him. I weighed all possibilities, all pros and cons ... he was ginger, in the 21st century, to get him ready for life, I'd just beat him up and took his lunch money ... so he would know what awaits him at school.

- Do you believe that if I decide to kill you, it will happen? (Ulf)

Hild was a little surprised by my question, but she had been to my house some time and got to know my character a bit. I didn't beat or bully slaves, even if they deserved ... if the food was too cold or someone had damaged something. Hild saw me kill too, so she got to know this side of my personality as well.

- Lord ... I know that if you want to kill me, you will. (Hild)

- Then why don't you believe me when I say that our son will have a good future? If he wants to see distant lands I will give him a ship, if he wants to be king I will give him some country ... his future will be in his hands, but on condition that he is loyal to my ... no, to his family. (Ulf)

- Forgive me, Lord. I never doubted your word, I ... (Hild)

- You doubted, but you don't have to apologize. (Ulf)

I stroked her cheek, leaned over her, and whispered in her ear.

- Go to the bedroom and wait for me there ... and we won't leave until you remember never to doubt me. (Ulf)

A few hours later ...

- Lord, I still have doubts (giggle). (Hild)

I looked at Hild ... I have no more strength ... Gods, I am not a rabbit. I could not say anything, I wanted to show how hard I am ... well, I'm not, or at least not anymore.

Two weeks later, Ragnar returned from his expedition. Of course, I knew about his successes, many merchants brought news about his achievements, and his name became quite famous not only in Norway but also throughout Scandinavia... Perhaps his newfound fame and the title of Jarl would attract Aslaug as a candle flame attracts a moth.

Ragnar's ships entered the port of Kattega adorned with the heads of defeated opponents and their family ... it was a show of strength and a clear message for potential opponents ... "Don't fuck with me".

I was not naive and I knew that merchants or their crews who come from different kingdoms of Scandinavia are also spies. Of course, I did the same, I paid the traders, I promised them better conditions or lower prices ... I knew they are not and will never be really loyal, but they were useful.

After the ships were moored, the unloading of the spoils and prisoners began. As I promised before, I did not care about the stolen goods, I only offered people to exchange gold and silver for gold and silver coins. However, prisoners, although actually new inhabitants are a better word, were "my property".

I wanted to increase the population of Kattegat and the surrounding area. Over the last two years, the number of newborns has increased due to the improvement of living conditions and a large amount of cheap food. But it would be a few years before they became useful ... and I didn't want to wait a few years.

Of course, one of the ways to increase the population was also the naturalization of slaves, and more specifically their children, who were taken away from them and raised as norsmen ... there were also cases of naturalization of adult slaves, but they were not common and they were mainly women ... but women could bear children, so it wasn't a bad thing for me.

An hour later, Ragnar came to my home to report on his accomplishments ... it was another feast occasion.

- You did well, but I heard you encountered some difficulties. (Ulf)

- Several Jarls formed an alliance to defeat us, set up a camp in a narrow passage between two mountains ... it is easy to defend such a camp and we had to attack uphill. (Ragnar)

- It was not possible to go around the mountain, or maybe there was some way through these mountains? (Ulf)

- No, it wasn't ... but there was another way. I sent a dozen people to the mountains, the army wouldn't be able to climb there, but a few people weren't a problem. The rest of the army stood one kilometer from their camp, simulating preparations for an attack ... They began to prepare to defend themselves, and at the same time the people on the mountains began to push stones at them, it turned into a small avalanche. (Ragnar)

- I guess it caused a panic and they started to run away. (Ulf)

- Partly, they dispersed in different directions, some wanted to attack us. A few hours later, only a handful of them were left to flee into the forest ... we tracked them down and killed them. Then we attacked their settlements. (Ragnar)

- How many prisoners did you bring to Kattegat? (Ulf)

- A total of 500, women, children and men. Nobody older than 40 years. (Ragnar)

It was good news, for sure such a number of people will strengthen Kattegat ... Especially before next year's raids ... maybe I'll take a vacation in sunny Spain.