
My Mate My Wolf

Lilly, princess of the Azure Woods pack, knew she'd never had a choice in her mate. But never did she think she'd be traded away to the most ruthless Alpha in Werewolf history. She knew she could look forward to a loveless mating, but now she was doomed to be at the mercy of a monster. Dimitri Alpha of the Silver Lake pack never wanted a mate. After his father was betrayed by his own mother, he knew he could never trust females. But an arrangement made in blood before he was born saw him saddled with a mate. Whether he wanted her or not.

MorbidWriter · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

When we reached our rooms, my aunt threw herself across the bed with her arm over her face in what looked to be a very dramatic posture.

"Lilly, you will be the absolute death of me. I nearly fainted when I saw you weren't behind me."

I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. "I'm alright, you were moving too fast for me to keep up in this ridiculous dress."

She made a noncommittal sound then got down to business." The competition is going to be stiff now. I didn't know that Yuki worked so fast. The little bitch has already made it into the King's bed, which puts the rest of the betrothed, and especially you, at a great disadvantage. But having expected something like this was the reason you are in that dress."

"Why again?"I asked her.

"Well, darling, the King was moving about the ball watching all you girls. Making a point not to be noticed, and all he saw of you was an amazing set of curls, and a great figure covered in lace. At the presentation ceremony, you will be bearing your entire body to be observed, he will be more interested in yours than the others simply because he has seen far, far less of yours than the others."

I winced as she began to pull out the presentation ceremony outfit that I was going to wear,

"Alright, Lilly we have one hour to make you look like a princess." My aunt declared.

"I think Disney would disagree."

She bathed me and demanded I shave my legs, my underarms, and to my horror, my sex. When I had fully bathed and shaved she began to help me get into my lingerie. It was a tight transparent corset of white lace that had no frills on it and laced up with a sheer ribbon up the back. I straightened as my 34 DD breasts were squeezed to their full glory, my smallish pink nipples hardening underneath the constant rubbing of the material.

Sheer white stockings were snaked up my legs and the lacy tops rested on my thighs and were attached to garter ribbons hanging from the corset. I had already put on the completely transparent thong and watched my aunt undo my hair putting the combs carefully away before ruffling my curls and then pinning them back up in a very messy, yet oddly sexy, updo.

She put a small bit of lip gloss on my lips to highlight their natural pink shine then without much warning she slapped me on each cheek. I stared at her stunned and she smiled, "I can't put makeup on you, and you needed a bit of blush. You're tan so it takes a bit more than a pinch to get your cheeks red."

I rolled my eyes at her. She suggested I not wear shoes. It would set me apart from the other two who would be wearing tall, hooker heels. Last she draped and fastened a silk cloak around me. The cloak was fur-lined and for a moment I looked like some kind of kinky princess. I took in a deep calming breath. I could do this.

We walked quickly to the chambers, my feet feeling the cold trek with every step we took, "You know hooker heels sound real nice right about now."

My aunt looked down at my feet, "Are the floors that cold?"

I shrugged, "It's uncomfortable, but not unbearable yet." I admitted.

"Chin up sweetheart, in we go." She said encouragingly.

We stepped into the council room, which looked more like a large private office with a long desk in front of me. The four council members sat at the long desk and I was relieved to see that someone had taken the time to put a very plush, rug down for all three of the betrothed to stand on.

I stood waiting, the first one to arrive, and slowly the other two arrived wearing black transparent lace, their slender frames on proud display underneath different styles of lingerie.

They looked at me startled by my robe but remained quiet as we all waited. Then the door to the right of the desk opened and the werewolf I had met in the hall strode in, ice-blue eyes flashing as he looked at the three of us.

He bowed to the council members and stepped past them to sit upon the throne on the raised dais behind them. My mind was spinning a thousand miles a minute. The wolf who made my heart race and my lady bits quiver was the cold hearted king?

I was so confused especially when I got a look at his face. It was a cold emotionless mask. Our eyes met and to my surprise I saw heat there. A strong powerful animalistic hunger that made my knees weak with desire.

An old werewolf stood up and stared past my shoulder at who I could only assume was my aunt,

"You were told she needed to wear something that we can see her in? You were made aware of the laws? Were you not?" He asked in disapproval.

I spoke up before my aunt could. "We were both aware of the custom elder. But my body is for my Kings eyes alone. Since he was not yet in the room you didn't need to see me." I answered. I kept my back straight and chin up.

The elder stroked his beard with a look of contemplation before I saw a hint of approval. "Very well your grace. Please disrobe."

I nodded and untied the cloak, letting my aunt slip it off of my frame. It was obvious that no one expected white because there was a mutual intake of breath as the four old wolves stared at me stunned for a moment before clearing their throats.

The king nodded to the elders who had turned to him for permission to begin. They called Yuki up first. She had a confident yet sultry smile as she stood on a raised platform. She didn't flinch as the Kings came down for his throan and put his hands on her body, lifting her arms and hair and turning her this way and that.

The scene repeated for the other girl and then it was my turn. My heart began to thud violently against my chest as I stepped forward and felt my body be devoured by the council as well as the king. He gently touched me, lifting my arms and turning me this way and that, and after being dismissed he kept staring at me.

I stopped listening to the council members as they grilled my aunt on my health and family. I focused on the intense ice-blue eyes that never left mine. I felt his gaze on me like warm hands, brushing along my body. My breathing increased a bit as the heat of his eyes caused a warm sensation in the pit of my stomach. My nipples were painfully erect and I was sure he could see my glistening pussy lips. I wanted him so bad. This was crazzy. I was dreading being here but now I wanted his roaming eeys to bereplaced by his strong caloused hands.

My aunt's touch snapped me out of my lust haze. The council was about to announce their verdict.

"Your majesty, per tradition you may take one girl with you to your chambers. One night for each girl, if you are unsure as to which you want to be your mate. Also as per tradition we, your council of elders declare that all three are suitable candidates to be your Luna."

I refused to look at him. I could see out the corner of my eye Yuki had already assumed he would choose her. But as I heard her take a small step forward the Kings velvet voice called my name. All three of us stared in shock.

"Very well your majesty. To be clear is she to be the first or only?" One of the elders asked. He had an open book with a quill. I guessed he was the chronicler.

"Liliy Laine shall be my Luna." The King said with finality.

My aunt nodded putting her hand on my elbow and walked me to the king. He held out an arm for me and I took it. We walked out of the hall together. I did my best to ignore the death glares Yuki was shooting me.

The king lowered his arm and walked further into his room removing his outer jacket and taking his boots off before collapsing onto the couch. He looked irritated as he looked past me to the door. His eyes burned into mine. I could see lust, anger, and resentment again.

I moved forward and put my hands on the back of a chair, "Why didn't you tell me who you were earlier?"

A devilish smirk lifted a corner of his mouth. "I thought you knew who I was. I thought you were bold to speak to me like that. I guess I was mistaken."

I chewed on my lip pondering his words before shrugging, "I suppose I should apologize for kissing you. Had I known who you were I wouldn't have let you."

His ice-blue eyes darkened. A predatory light glinted in their depths. "I kissed you, little human."

I couldn't help but smile, "Did you? I can't seem to recall." I didn't know where this teasing side of me was coming from but I liked it. Alone with him now. Our obvious attraction was evident if the tent in his pants was anything to go by.

The Kings stood and stalked towards me. A predator stalking his prey. I stood very still the sudden hunger in his eyes exciting me and making me panic all at once. One of his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me flush against him. His free hand gripped the back of my neck forcing my head up to look at him. He captured my lips with his. A deep, powerful, kiss that made me limp in his arms.

I gripped onto his shoulders to keep myself from falling. I felt giddy and dizzy. I couldn't get enough of his kisses. I couldn't get enough of him.

He growled again and broke away from me. As before I was slightly dazed but I came to my senses faster. I was feeling frustrated now. "Mind telling me what the problem is?"

"You." The single word was a growl.

"Me? Then why the hell did you bring me here?" I was positively incensed.

With a speed of movement I didn't know he posseed I was lifted off the ground and pinned under him. His eyes were a swirling mess of emotions. "Because your my mate! But I don't want you!" He was breathing heavily his entire frame shaking. "If you were a wolf I could just reject you and it would be over. But your human. To make it all worse your very scent intoxicated me." His words were a guteral growl and before I knew it the transparent crose was ripped open. He held the two halfs in his hands and I was simultaneously aroused and terrified.

He was a man on the edge. He was wild and feral. I scooted away from him. He saw the movement and grabbed my ankle hauling me back towards him. With another swipe of his hand the thong I was wearing disappeared. He threw it to the side and literally ripped his own clothes off. I stared wide-eyed at the naked man before me.

His body was lean and muscled. Every inch of his screamed power. But what really caught my attention was the tree trunk jutting from between his legs. The damn thing was about as long as my arm. I tried to push away from him. It was way too big he was going to split me in two. His hand was still on my ankle. He pulled me back to him and spread my legs open.

"Wait please," I begged.

"Mine!" was all he said or more accurately was all he growled. In the next moment, he sheathed himself deep inside me. I cried out and gripped the sheets beneath me. I wasn't a virgin. No, I lost my virginity to Eric vanderhall when I was sixteen. But Dimitri Grayson was bigger than anything I had felt before. He stretched me to my limits and despite my pleas, he wasn't gentle.

I dug my nails into his back wanting him to hurt sd much as I but It just seemed to excite him more. After some time passed I adjusted to him and I let myself get lost in how good he felt inside me. But then just as I was about to reach orgasm he bit me. He bit me! His teeth felt like hot needles as they sank into my neck. After the initial shock and pain, I felt an overwhelming urge to bite him back. That's exactly what I did. I sank my teeth into his neck till I drew blood. He howled and I felt something hot and wet enter my womb. It sent me over the edge and I came right after him.

I was surprised that I came. I lay limp beneath him for a moment trying to process what had just happened. Then his heavy warmth was gone. He rolled off me and out of bed his hand covering his neck where I bit him. He faced away from me. I couldn't see his expression but I could tell he wasn't happy.

I watched as he left me alone in his room. I waited for him to come back but he never did. I cried for a few hours before I eventually fell asleep. This was my life now. I was mated to a king that was physically attracted to me but didn't want anything to do with me. But needed me for one reason or another. Maybe just maybe I could learn to love him or I could get him to love me. Was I being naive? Probably but what more could I do. I knew enough about werewolves to know that now that he marked me I was his and he was mine. For better or for worse.