
My Mate My Wolf

Lilly, princess of the Azure Woods pack, knew she'd never had a choice in her mate. But never did she think she'd be traded away to the most ruthless Alpha in Werewolf history. She knew she could look forward to a loveless mating, but now she was doomed to be at the mercy of a monster. Dimitri Alpha of the Silver Lake pack never wanted a mate. After his father was betrayed by his own mother, he knew he could never trust females. But an arrangement made in blood before he was born saw him saddled with a mate. Whether he wanted her or not.

MorbidWriter · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

(Lily POV)

My wedding night, technically speaking, ended with me in my bed alone. Bastard fucked me like I was one of those plastic blow-up dolls and left me alone and sore in a strange place. The worst husband ever! 'Mate.' I chided myself. The term was mate around here. I'd have to remember I was surrounded by wolves now.

A little maid with blue hair and a dimpled smile was waiting for me when I woke up. I squeaked in surprise and pulled the covers tighter against me. "Who are you?"

She curtsied. "I'm Anna your maid. I've drawn you a hot bath and I have several outfits prepared for you."

I blinked several times before my brain caught up with her words. "Outfits?" I asked dumbly. I wasn't the smartest person in the morning. Anna nodded her head. "Yes, the maids collected your things from your aunt and put them into your wardrobe."

"Oh." That was all that I could say.

Her smile widened. "Would you like me to help you into the bath?"

I shook my head. "That's alright I can manage."

I got out of bed wrapping the sheet around me. I talked over to the bathroom. The bathroom was far too big for just one person. The tub was big enough for ten and the shower was just as big. I shook my head at the gold fixtures and marble countertops. Such unnecessary opulence. It was very impressive, don't get me wrong, but stainless steel and or brass would have done just as well. Sterling silver would do just as well.

I let the sheet drop to the floor and slowly sank into the hot water. The aches and pains from the night before were lessened as I soaked in the hot water. I let out a sigh as I relaxed. Moments later, I was woken by someone gently shaking my shoulder.

Anna was standing next to the tub. "I'm sorry to wake you Luna, but if you sleep here, you might drown."

I blinked my eyes several times and set up straighter in the tub. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep. Give me five minutes and I'll be out."

She curtsied and exited the bathroom. I quickly took a sponge and got a good lather, and scrubbed all the important spots before rinsing off. I exited the tub and dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around myself and stepped out of the bathroom.

Anna was standing next to the bed. Five different outfits were laid out for me. I thanked her and looked them over. The first was a white lace dress. The second was a crimson tube dress with spaghetti straps. The third dress was a purple cut out with a lace bodice. The Final dress was blue with long sleeves and a plunging neckline.

I chose the fourth one naturally. Despite my horrible night, I was going to have a great day. "So, what am I supposed to do today?" I sure hoped I had something to do. I wasn't going to just be a kept woman. Even if Dimitri hated me, I would be useful.

"You have an appointment with the packs, Gama." She said as she helped me into my dress.

I nodded my head. "Thank you. Can you show me the way?"

"Of course Luna." She curtsied again and showed me out of the room. I followed behind her into a part of the castle I hadn't seen before. She led me into a sitting room with three large sofas and several armchairs placed in a circle near a fireplace.

In the center of the ring of sofas and armchairs was a table full of cookies, cakes, and finger sandwiches. I stopped in my tracks, taking in the impressive spread. "Are we feeding an arm?" Anna giggled. "The cook didn't know what you might like, so she made several items and asked me to make a note of which you favored." unbearable here.

I shook my head, grinning sheepishly. I like Anna. Maybe life wouldn't be so bad here with her around.

I sat on one armchair and accepted a cup of tea and some cookies from Anna. "Where are we?"

"You audience chamber Luna. Later, I will show you to your quarters and take you on a tour of the palace." She said with a curtsy.

"You don't need to curtsy to me all the time," I told her.

"It's protocol, Luna."

"Well, in private, you don't need to do it." I took a sip of the tea and moaned in pleasure. It was sweet and had a lovely aroma. I helped myself to a few of the deserts. They were all so good.

A few minutes later, a tall man with long grey hair in a long braid down his back entered the room and bowed low to me. "I am Garet the Pack Gama. Or the third in command in human terms."

I nodded in acknowledgment. "So what does a Gama do?"

"I'm in charge of personnel. That's why I sought an audience with you, Luna. I understand as a human you might not be familiar with our customs. The Luna of a pack deals with the civilians of the pack and matters regarding them while the Alpha manages the fighters, finances, and pack diplomacy."

I nodded my head. "So, my job will be to take care of the day-to-day pack issues. I can do that. What exactly do you need from me?"

I hadn't noticed it but he was holding a folder in his hand. He handed it to Anna, who in turn handed it to me. I opened it up and found they were resumes with photos attached to them.

"Now that you're Luna, I need your approval before hiring new staff," Garet told her.

I looked over the resumes in my hands. "I don't see any reason not to hire any of them, but I would like you to assign me a professional on pack relations."

I handed the folder back to Anna. She then handed it back to Garet, who took it. He stood and bowed low to me. "I'll send someone right away. Thank you, Luna."

I nodded my head and watched him leave. I let out a breath and gave myself a mental pat on the back. My first audience was a success.

My day was a blur of introductions and petitions. In the course of the day. I settle three property disputes, ten requests to join the pack, and at least a dozen requests to mate outside the pack. The disputes were straightforward, and the wolves wanting to join the pack was simple, securing male and female werewolves' mating rights was trickier.

The mates they wanted were not their fated mates, so it could cause trouble if they found their fated mates. But I granted a few of them permission. I just hoped they didn't come to regret it. As for the others, I didn't reject them, but I asked for some time to consider their requests.

After my last meeting, I retired to my room, hoping to get some rest. I kicked off my shoes as soon as I entered the room and wrapped a blanket around my shoulders, taking a seat by the window. Looking up at the setting sun, I felt calm, almost tranquil. I did well on my first day as Luna and I would continue to do well. "And to think my father thought I would disappoint them."

"I think you will do nothing but disappoint them while you are here. That is why your aunt is here and not your mother." Dimitri was in my room standing not a foot away from me and I never saw him. I stared open-mouthed at him. Shocked. Not by his cruel words. I wouldn't expect anything less from him. I was shocked that he would dare bring my mother into this. But a part of me barrier deep in my soul feared he was right.

Before I realized it I was out of the blanket and delivering a resounding slap to his face. In a flash, he grabbed both of my wrists and slammed me against the window.

"How dare you!" He snarled.

I felt the first of the tears roll down my cheek and I struggled against his iron hold. "You bastard, you absolute ass hole!"

He shook me briefly, yelling for me to stop it before I finally calmed down. He glared down at me, his ice-blue eyes like blue steel. "You think just because you're my mate that you can strike me?"

"I think you being an absolute dick gives' me the right to slap you." I fought against him, but he just pressed his body against mine, pinning me to the window. The cold of the glass and the heat of his body overwhelmed me. My body shook from the contrast in temperatures. Dimitri groaned in disgust and released me. I fell back to my blanket.

I glared up at him and he glared down at me. I worked on catching my breath, my heart still beating from the sudden fight. It was only when my breathing slowed that I realized Dimitri had stopped looking at my face. I could feel his eyes roam over my body and, despite myself, I felt my pussy moisten.

I watched him inhale. He could smell my arousal. I knew it. I watched as a tent formed in his pants. My princess bits were on fire now, but I would not give into them today. Not aft what this asshole said. I ducked under him and tried to make a dash for the door.

I should have known it wouldn't work. Before my hand even reached the door, he lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder. I shouted and struck at his back, trying to get out of his hold, only to be tossed onto a bed. My bed, I guess. I don't know how, but I saw that the sheets, comforter, and pillows were a deep navy blue. Under different circumstances, I would have been thrilled.

I sat up and stared at him defiantly as he stripped off his shirt. He climbed onto the bed and stalked toward me.


"In your dreams, asshole." I retorted. I was a little afraid, but I would not let him know that.

He a growl rumbled in his chest. "Maybe I should change that."

I gripped the sheets to stop my hands from trembling. "Do your worst furball. I'll give as good as I get."

His eyes did that weird shifting again. One moment they were ice blue, the next they were a vibrant amber color. The look in his eyes kept shifting from loathing to pride. I was getting a severe case of whiplash.

He moved blindingly fast and had me on my back, my hands shackled above my head and my legs shackled wide apart. I cried out in fear. What was this bastard going to do to me? My mind whirled with possibilities.

His hand touched my stomach, and he stared into my eyes. "Now, what should I do to you?"

I gritted my teeth and tried to kick him, but the restraints held fast and all I could do was feebly jerk my leg.

His lips pressed against mine and I turned my head, trying to ignore the sudden warmth that his kiss created in my stomach. He turned my head back and kissed me again, this time keeping me from turning away with strong fingers holding my chin. His tongue was warm and licked across my lower lip. He moved from my lips to kiss down my jaw and neck, trailing fire as he did so.

He stopped kissing when he reached the base of my neck. I was expecting him to bite me a defile me with his teeth, but he wrenched a gasp of horror from me when he ripped my dress in two.

I really liked that dress. Worse, not only did he rip my dress, but he tore my bra and panties off. I was crying now. The bastard ruined my favorite dress and underwear. If he didn't kill me tonight, I was going to make him suffer.

My thoughts of violence were interrupted when his fingers reached up and tweaked one of my small pink nipples with his fingers, sending a charge of electricity and heat to my stomach and down to the junction between my legs. I gasped, and he locked his lips back onto mine, his tongue delving deep and entwining with mine. He ravished my mouth till I forgot I didn't want to kiss him. Hell, I forgot my name.

He broke the kiss and sat up, looking at my now heaving chest. I watched as his ice-blue raked over my exposed body, a contemplative look on his face. It made me wetter, wondering what he would do now. All fear had left me replaced with desire and a deep need that made me want to scream.

He grabbed my left breast, rubbing and kissing it, avoiding my nipples and instead of nipping close to them. He did this with both breasts. Both my nipples were hard and begging for attention. I cried in relief when finally his mouth locked onto one nipple and I moaned as his warm tongue danced around the tight bud. His fingers pinched and pulled on the one, then his mouth switched and he was licking and sucking on the other.

My pussy grew hotter and wetter as he fondled my breast. I moaned in pleasure. He began kissing down my stomach, his fingers never ceasing their assault on my nipples until he reached my slick entrance.

"Damn you." He growled and breathed in deeply. "You smell divine."

I tried to gasp out a thank you out of habit as he nibbled and kiss my inner thighs. He looked at me once before lowering his face and taking a long lick up my slit. I cried out in pleasure; No one had done that to me before. A warm, rough lick slid up my entrance as I felt strong fingers pulling my lips apart.

"Oh gods," I moaned, and he chuckled before licking just outside of my opening. I whined, trying to lift my hips to grind my pussy into his face, but with my legs bound, I couldn't do it. I felt the shackles removed and then felt two hands grab each leg and rest them over his shoulders as he leaned down and licked my slit up and down.

I moaned and writhed in pleasure, feeling the heat build-up inside me. He locked his lips onto my pussy and sucked, nursing the juices out of me, and delving his tongue as deep as he could into me. I began rocking against him as his tongue darted in and out of me, fucking me. I gasped and felt my body tense as a surge of heat flooded me. I arched my back and cried in ecstasy.

As I came back down, I realized Dimitri hadn't released my pussy, and was instead sucking and drinking my juices. The look on his face caused the heat to build in me again. His tongue delved in. I cried out in frustration when stopped licking me.

"Lilly, do you want me to fuck you?"

I nodded, not caring that I was practically begging him. My hips were thrusting up at him shamelessly begging him, and at that moment I didn't care. The heat was coursing through me and burning me alive.

"Say it."He growled

"Please fuck me!" I almost screamed.

He moved into position supporting himself on one elbow. Holding his cock in one hand, he lined himself up with my sopping entrance. Feeling the head of his dick rubbing and probing my cunt sent a thrill through me. When it hit its mark, he moved his hips forward, pushing his cock into me. The bastard was being slow on purpose. I wrapped my legs around him and tried to hump him myself.

He gripped my hip to hold me still and began slowly thrusting deep into me. Despite his firm grip, I twisted my hips from side to side, meeting his every forward move with a grinding motion of my own, putting an ever-changing pressure on my pussy and stress on my swollen clitoris. My revived orgasm was re-surging rapidly, building up in me, ready to shatter me again.

As he continued drilling into me, I felt myself shiver, then there was a rush of indefinable ecstasy laced sensations as my second orgasm swept through me. My legs tightened around him out of reflex as I threw my head back. I heard myself whine out something unintelligible.

Reacting to my orgasm, he sped up his thrusts, humping me furiously. Two orgasms and I was too spent at this point to do anything more than lay here and happily take it. His vigorous thrusting helped prolong my orgasm until the end. He howled and gave a couple of hard deep thrusts into me, each one punctuated by the feel of the pulsation of his cock, then followed by the sensation of something wet and hot coating my insides.

For a few minutes, I went blind as the feeling of his seed inside me brought me to a third orgasm that left me limp and senseless. I couldn't see, hear, or think. I laid there for what felt like hours before my senses returned to me. My hands were no longer bound and Dimitri was gone. I slowly sat up my body feeling heavy. I looked around the room to find him gone.

I tried to feel anger, but I felt too good. I laid there till I could get up and move to the bathroom, where I showered and then had a long soak in the tub. This was the first time in my life that I felt this relaxed. I wanted to hate him, but I just couldn't. I'd hate him later.

After my bath, I dried off, threw away the remnants of my dress, and put on my favorite pajamas. I was about to change my sheet when there was a knock at my door. Confused, I walked to it and found Anna and three other maids standing there.

"Can we come in?" She asked me.

My brain was still fuzzy, so I nodded before I could think about it. I watched as they changed the sheets on my bed and made it up for me in record time. I should have been embarrassed, but I was too high to care. Anna and the other maids didn't linger, and I appreciated that. Once they were gone slid under the fresh comforter and closed my eyes. I wondered what tomorrow would bring.