
A new family (part 3)

-So... Can I ask you another question? –

- It's okay...

- Do you like him? –

- Huh? –


She looked at me like a beast, she didn't seem to have a shred of doubt in making such a statement. I looked away and continued to help with the turkey stuffing.

- Do you have a problem with me liking it? -

- Oh, so you admit it? -

I didn't know it, Peter is a great guy, I know it took a short time to know him, but still, there was something that made him different from others, he wasn't afraid of me, many people thought twice when trying to mess with a weirdo like me, my scarlet eyes scare anyone, but he has never seen me differently.

He looks into my eyes like I'm a normal girl, and maybe...just maybe if we had both met under different circumstances...we could have a different relationship.

- I don't know yet... but if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that he... maybe special... for...

- Girls, sorry to interrupt, the potatoes are ready! Am I interrupting something?

You know...I think there is a reason why Uncle Ben said that I am the king of the annoying...

-Peter... YOU ARE AN IDIOT! –

My spidey sense vibrated in an instant, but by the time I saw it coming...one of the knives was already in my face...

While Wanda, MJ, and I were resolving our little dispute, Pietro was helping Aunt May downstairs.

-So Peter grew up in this neighborhood.

-That's right, his uncle and I raised him after his parents left him with us. –

- Your uncle? And where is he? –

-He...died a little over a year ago. –

-I...I'm sorry...Peter explained that he had lost someone but I didn't think it was recent. –

-Don't worry, in fact, he'd be happy to see you and your sister. –

- Why do you say that? –

- Peter didn't have...the best friendships in his life, so when he walked through that door with you...I never felt so happy in all my life, so if it's not too much to ask...please take care of Peter. –

- Don't worry...he's our friend...-

- Thank you. –

A couple of hours passed, the turkey was ready, the gratin in the oven, a well-decorated tree that shone like never before, I never thought I would see those 6 chairs in the dining room occupied again?

There was just one small detail that we all forgot...

-Hey... If they made the punch... right? –

-Pietro... for someone so fast, you took too long... -

Punch is almost essential at a Christmas party, and Aunt May loves punch.

-I'm sorry Aunt May...I think the three of us forgot to prepare it...-

-It's okay Peter, I'm sure we can do something. –

- I have something, I knew something could happen so I bought a box for us, it's in my apartment, so maybe Wanda and I can go get it. –

- Me?! –

- Of course, I would also like to show you the neighborhood. –

- In that case, I'm going too! –

It seemed that things were heating up a bit, however, I believe that MJ had no plans to take anyone but Wanda, and for some reason, my spidey sense vibrated, but there was no danger nearby, or at least not one that I was aware of.

-I'm sorry Pietro, maybe next time I'll take you for a ride alone. –

MJ was pretty straightforward, she told Pietro that as she placed her index finger on his nose and pushed his face back.

-Come on, it's almost time and we don't want the food to get cold, do we, Wanda? –

- Yes...of course...let's go at once. –

MJ and Wanda took their coats and left immediately, while Aunt May went to the kitchen to prepare something last minute and Pietro kept me company while the girls returned.

"I hope Peter likes it."

-This is great...-

- What do you mean, Pietro? –

- Well, I can tell you that spending Christmas alone with your sister's company is nice, but being surrounded by more people, especially with a mother figure like your aunt...is great...Thanks for inviting us. –

Pietro was a great kid, maybe he used to act mature because he had to take care of Wanda since they were little, but the happiness reflected in his face... was the best gift someone could receive.

- It's nothing, hearing that makes me happy, it's...the first time in a long time that a real friend tells me that. –

-Sure, but don't let it go to your head, don't think you're worthy of my sister...-


Wanda Maximoff

Queens December 24, 20XX, 9:35 pm

I was very surprised when Peter's friend made that request, she showed me nice places on the way to his apartment, restaurants, a kind of urban art gallery, the graffiti that was there, Peter would die to see them.

-Nice, isn't it? –

- Wow, that's amazing...especially...-

- The one about Spider-Man? He is very popular in these parts, curious, a vigilante who is not accountable to anyone is more popular than most authorized heroes. –

Discovering Peter's secret was something we expected, but after thinking about it, he must have gotten into a lot of trouble if he was forced to leave his old school to go to A.S.A.

- Why do they admire him? –

- Well...it's hard to explain, but since he started his "heroic" activities half a year ago if we can call it that, he's a different hero than the others, he has powers but more than just seeming to be a powerful figure...he's like one of us. –

- What do you mean? –

-I don't know, but it's clear to me that he's someone you can count on, New York, Queens felt safe with him, the kids were safe because someone could come along at any time by swinging...but things have changed. –

Changed? Well...it's a surprise that Peter was quite popular and he doesn't seem to know it, but suddenly disappearing must have been hard for his fans.

-It's been three months since he disappeared, rumor has it that he was captured and others that he was killed. –

- And you... what do you think happened to him? –

- I think the avengers have him, training him, I doubt they'll get rid of someone that talented. –

Wow...if only they knew that their acclaimed hero breaks his arm every time he saves someone.

MJ and I continued, we went for the punch at her apartment and came back as soon as possible, we talked some more, I managed to evade her questions about school and my powers, she only knows that I can levitate small things, but there was something that for now I can't evade...

-You know, you're great Wanda, most of them run away because they can't stand me talking or asking about them hahaha. –

-Well...I think I understand that a little bit...-

-Hehehe, in any case... can I make the last comment? –


- I won't leave Peter to you alone...

- huh? What... what's that about now? –

- I know it may sound a little strange now...

She stopped suddenly, came face to face with me, and with a serious face, she confronted me.

-Maybe you have Peter to yourself for now...but I...don't plan to lose. –

I think now I know how Peter feels when Flash or Pietro threaten him...but I think he was right, I couldn't spend my time ignoring what I feel, even if it's so new, I want to believe...that I can have something real for the first time.

-Okay...but you must know...that I hate to lose...-

Face to face as my eyes glowed for a moment in a fiery red, I saw my reflection in her eyes, but it still wasn't enough to make her turn back.

- Well, it looks like they're back! –


Peter Parker

Queens, December 24, 20XX, 9:50 pm

MJ and Wanda arrived earlier than we expected, so in the meantime, Pietro and I were having fun seeing how many marshmallows he could put in his mouth, with his metabolism he can eat up to 500 without dying in the attempt... but it seems the girls didn't take it well.

Finally, we all sat down at the table, the freshly baked turkey, the gratin, the cookies, the punch, the pine, the TV showed Time Square in all its Christmas glow.

*Clin Clin*

-Please give me your attention-

Aunt May got up to make a little toast, we all laughed a little, the seriousness with which she said it was somewhat surprising.

-I want to thank you for being here, but most of all I want to thank you for the two new members of our little family. –


-Aunt May...we don't know what to say. –

Aunt May had welcomed Pietro and Wanda, they were surprised but happy, and so was I.

-So from now on don't forget to call me Aunt too. –

- Of course! –

Wanda was very happy, maybe her Christmas wish...could be fulfilled this time.

-Well, I didn't come unarmed, let's make this year's picture and hang it on the wall! -

MJ took out the camera she used for her pictures that she sent to the newspaper, an exemplary reporter...more or less.

We all got close to the tree, MJ positioned his camera with a timer...

-Very well everyone says Merry Christmas -


- HAPPY...-

The latest news, a portal has appeared in the middle of Time Square, multiple entities are starting to come out...you can see the shape of a young man...he is raising his hand...red energy is coming out of it...IT SEEMS LIKE IT IS GOING TO ~~~~~

We seem to have lost communication with our team at the scene but it seems that the recent appearance is an attack of villains...

- Christmas? –

Once again...my luck is smiling




Thanks for stay here, the wait has ended, My Marvel Academia resumes their story

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