
A new Family (part 2)

- ¿MJ? –

I couldn't believe it, what was MJ doing here? But above all WHY DEMONIOS ON THIS DAY?!

-What tiger, what reflexes, but... what are you doing here? –

Damn it! I'm sure my life can't get any worse...


- ¡¿Eh?! ¡¿Wanda?! –

- Who is she Peter... :)? –

Me and my mouth... I don't know what was going on, Wanda was wrapped in a very menacing red aura, I was about to go crazy, my childhood best friend and my new friend were putting me in check.

-Let's both get up... are you, all right? –

"Pietro, my savior!"

-Don't look at me like that Parker, you give me the creeps. –

I'm glad Pietro intervened, but now I had to find a way out of there with the boys and hatch a quick plan...

-MJ dear, I'm sorry to interrupt you but I need some vases that were left upstairs, you have to put these flowers on before they wither, then you can come and say hello. –

- All right, Aunt May, then we'll introduce each other properly guys...-

Aunt May...

-Ok... I think that'll give you a couple of seconds...-

- Aunt May...-

-I know, honey, there's a reason I'm the best. –

I think she should be the one who has the powers, it's more instinctive than me, because she didn't inherit it from me.

Aunt May realized my situation, I confessed that only she and Mr. Stark knew of the provenance of my powers, besides that my identity could not be discovered at least not publicly until I was an authorized hero. So, she helped me evade MJ

- Listen, let's get out of here, I have something important to tell you... I don't think there's anyone else... but it's the only way to at least keep everything for a while. –

- Keep? What do you mean? –

I took them quickly by the hand and as if they were paper, I took them out of the store and took them to a nearby alley so no one would listen to us.

- What's the matter, Peter? –

- I'm sorry for bringing them like this all of a sudden, but there's something I have to ask of them. –

- ¿Peter? –

- Please... don't say anything about us attending A.S.A. –

They froze, they didn't understand why they had to keep secret the fact that we attended the Avengers Academy. If they looked any further, I think it would be hard to hide everything related to that I'm Spiderman.

- What are you talking about?

- Listen, MJ doesn't know I've switched to A.S.A; In fact... she doesn't even know I have powers. –

- What? –

They had an expression of doubt, they did not know what I meant, these days that someone possesses a power is as common as seeing a person crossing the street, ok bad example but you understand. No one else other than my aunt knows how I received my powers.

But at least... I'd like to trust them a little bit... at least a little.

- You mean the fact that you have always been ungifted and now you have them miraculously by some magic trick? –

- Hey? Your... How do you know that?! –

Just a minute... do they know about me? What am Spider-Man? No... I must not draw premature conclusions.

-Peter... maybe it's not the best time... you probably don't want this to be known but... Flash told us a little bit about you. –

- What did he do what? –

Flash... did he talk about me?

-While you were taking the ball test, he came over to find out why everyone was nervous about you...-


-And when we ask a little bit, we tell you about the great act you did during the admissions test. He was quite intrigued and from one moment to the next he got upset, claiming that as someone "useless" like you said he could do something like that. –

- We wanted to ask you, but apparently you had worked very hard to prevent it from being known that you...-

- What am I Spiderman? ... -

Damn... I don't think I'm as good at hiding my identity as I thought, but what did I expect?! If he was about to suddenly go to an academy of heroes, with aadic powers and suddenly the watchman "Spider-Man" disappears without continuing to give what to talk about publicly.

I think I'm a hero's joke.

So, they knew... all this time, they know that? And yet they stayed with me?

-Well... if you think about it a little, I think it was more than obvious that a guy with spider powers showed up at school and disappeared publicly could be related. –

Wanda looked at me making a slight joke, probably not to sour the moment so much, but still that appeased me a little bit.

-Peter... We understand... and I think we understand better than anyone what it's like to have to get something and carry it in secret. away from people just because you're different. –

-That's true... Although... I was a little glad to know there was someone like us... "someone like me" –

Wanda looked calm, blushed a little and lowered her voice so she muttered something but couldn't hear. Did they understand? Really? I know practically nothing about them, but still... I want to start getting to know them.

-For now, we promise to keep your secret safe, I think there's a good reason to hide this from your friend. –

-If that... MJ or whatever her name is does something to hurt you... I'll make her pay! –

Wanda was excited for a moment, although I was a little concerned that she said that in a way... something terrifying, I was grateful... not just because they'll keep it a secret... but because I was finally able to find friends I can trust.

My cell phone suddenly vibrate, it was a message from Aunt May, she says we should be back soon, if we wanted to have dinner we would have to help prepare everything for Christmas, Aunt May has always been very firm and strict about it. It's better not to mess with her too much.

-Thank you, guys...-

- No problem! –

- My aunt says we should go back, there's a lot to do for Christmas dinner, do you stay, right? Aunt May makes a turkey to die for, she'd be upset if you left sooner. –

-If there is no alternative, I think we cannot refuse. –

- I thought I'd stay anyway! Let's go! Let's not leave Aunt May waiting! –

I couldn't help but blush when Wanda called my aunt "Auntie," she smiled; looked back as I walked forward, only MJ and Flash had named my Aunt May. It made me think we'd gotten closer.

-AHH, ¡AY! –

- I told you... don't get any strange ideas, Parker! –

You see! Pietro also has mental powers! He grabbed me by the head and started squeezing it tightly, his face was terrifying, much more than the first time we met.


The three of us came home walking home, we didn't go very far so it didn't take us long, we talked about what my home was like before, about why MJ wasn't supposed to know. She was a journalist after all, I don't know whether or not she would keep the secret after she found out, but it's better to prevent than to regret it.

-Aunt May, We're back. –

- Oh, I'm glad you're back, but now I need a little help. –

Aunt May had finished some ingredients for the turkey, and needed to go get some ingredients to the store, but the nearest super was about to close in a couple of minutes, plus it was likely that it was full.

-I can go, I will arrive in less than five minutes. –

-Pietro! -

- Really? I'd really appreciate it. –

Aunt May gave Pietro a list, Wanda seemed a little worried that she would come out on fire as she always does, but I think he already had something in mind. Pietro winked at us slightly, walked out of the flower shop quietly.

-Well, I think it's okay here. –

Pietro accelerated in a fraction of a second, arrived almost instantly at the supermarket, thanks to his speed the security cameras did not even notice it, but his biggest problem was at the time of paying.


Meanwhile, Aunt May asked us to help in preparingthe rest of the dishes, this time we would have to prepare a little more for our guests, but she was very happy that more people enjoyed her cooking. Especially if they were my friends... I feel weird to say that.

-Aunt May, we'll go upstairs and finish preparing everything. –

-It's okay, honey. –

Aunt May stayed fixing the plant site, Wanda and I went up to help MJ finish.

-Your aunt is very nice; it makes you feel at home. –

-Yes, she is awesome. –

The house looked pretty good, all our stuff was there, our pictures and the old furniture.

Wanda looked and saw a picture of me with my Uncle Ben when we went fishing.

-Woo, is this you Peter? You were too small, and who is he? –

- ... He was my Uncle Ben –

- Oh, and where is it? –

- ...; he was the important person I lost. –

- I... I am sorry... I didn't know that. –

- Don't worry, it's been a while since that, plus you told me about your parents, I think it's only fair that you know about him. –

-He must have been a great person; you seem to love him very much. –

-If so, he was my role model, he taught me many things about life and what I could face... He was my hero. –

I think I got a little nostalgic at the time, but not in a nice way, the only thing that could come back to my mind was the day he passed away; I can't forget the feeling the moment he left.

-For a long time, I was shaded by others who were better than me, I was always trampled on and left out of most things, but he never saw me like that. Uncle Ben always believed that I could do good things, if I had the chance to do something for someone, I had an obligation to do it. Although...I think that was the main reason he ended up in the hospital many times. –

- Yes, more times than you can count... –

- ¡¿MJ?! –

- But that was the great thing about you, Tiger. –

- Eh?! –

I couldn't help but blush a little, she was always this daring, even her slight flirtation made all my senses vibrate.

- /// Do you... you heard us? /// –

- I think it was obvious, the kitchen is right in the next room so...-

- Oh, it can't be. Oh I almost forgot, this is Wanda, she goes with me at the academy where... I attend now. –

- Oh, she is your friend? It's pretty cute, it's nice to meet you, I'm Mary Jane but you can tell me only MJ. –

- A taste... Wanda Maximoff but Wanda is enough. –

"I don't like this redhead at all"

-Well, if you want to help, I'm still preparing the filling, Tiger, you can prepare the potatoes to make the gratin. –

- All right. –

- And Wanda, you can help me finish the filling. –

- All right. –

It looked like Wanda wasn't comfortable near MJ, I wonder why? But I think it's good that they can talk about getting a little closer.

-I'll go to the dining room so you can have more space here. –


Both responded at the same time, MJ let out a little laugh, Wanda was a little embarrassed for some reason, I took a tray and the spape peeler to start preparing them, even I could cook something on my own.

-So, tell me, what's it like to study with Peter? Is he still a brainiac? –

- Hey? What's that all of a sudden about? –

- I just want to know a little bit about his new friends, it's not usual for him to be this close with someone, much less with strangers. –

This girl... I've only met Peter for just under a month, but I still can't afford to lose to her...

-I met Peter during our school's admissions exam, he's pretty good, even...-

- Even? ...-

- It's nothing! the point is... he's a good person, he's pretty smart and witty...-

-Wow... interesting...-

What's wrong with this girl?! Peter wasn't joking about how aggressive he was, it looks like I'll have to be more cautious, if anything gets away from me, I'll have to...

-So... can I ask you another question? –

- okay...-

- Do you like him? –

- Eh? –

Thanks for read another chapter of My Marvel Academia, please like and comment what part do you like it, any suggestion or only say if you like the story, that helps to much.

See you later, The new chapters are weekly, thanks for understand.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Loyal_1Acreators' thoughts