
My Long Lost Mate

"Oh! Thank you for catching that little troublemaker. Please give her back to us," said one of the guards while panting for air. Not knowing what to do, I frantically held the man's hand and pleaded, "Please save me! They are going to hurt me! I don't want to go back!" The man first looked at me for a couple of seconds, then at the guards. "Go," he said to the guards grimly. Surprisingly, he was on my side. I was counting on my lucky stars to ask for help from him and I was fortunate enough to earn it. "What?" asked the guards, confused by the man's words. "I said go... before I kill you," he threatened. I was hiding behind the man's back and couldn't see his face, but my guts told me that he meant his words. The guards looked surprised by his words but quickly recovered from them and, instead, started to challenge the man, "We won't go before you hand us that girl." The man sighed and said, "I warned you." After that, the man let go of my hand and turned my body around. "Don't look," he said, before starting to walk towards the guards. Every step he took exuded confidence, and he was not the least scared of the guards who were armed with swords when he himself had nothing but his bare hands. I closed my eyes even with my back towards them and heard one of the guards scream trying to attack the man. No longer after that, the only sound that I could hear was something like... bones breaking. A few moments later, it was completely silent. Is he done? The silence was soon broken by footsteps that I assumed were getting closer to where I was. Is this the footsteps of the man or the guards? That was the question that popped up in my mind. I was ready to run, but before I could proceed to do that, two strong arms gripped both of my shoulders, turning my body around. I nervously opened my eyes to find a pair of red eyes staring softly at me. "Are you okay?" ... The story revolves around a girl who was tortured and the leader of werewolves. (A slow burn book) ... ***CAUTION*** Updates are irregular, as it will depend on Author's availability. [The art cover fully belongs to me. Art commission by the amazing Instagram artist @heytheathea]

winterdaisy55 · Fantaisie
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246 Chs

The attack - Part 4

Every person that heard what the sentinel just said stopped what they were doing. Their faces immediately turned grim with signs of anger visible all over them. I nodded to Alpha Harry, indicating that it was finally time to get the plan going.

"Where are they?" I asked the sentinel to confirm their current location.

"Just beyond our borders, we still have around five minutes before they step into our territory."

Five minutes was more than enough for me to go around and ambush them from behind. We needed to show them what they would get for messing with our people.

I cried out to all the warriors, "It is finally time for us to go to war. Do not fear blood, but crave for it as we will paint our land red with their blood. We will shed their blood until the very last drop. Do not stop until the white snow beneath our feet turns red in color. Remember all the things they have done and turn those memories into our vengeance."

Their cheers soared after my words. They were all clearly ready for the battle to come. The adrenaline rush inside me was pumping as I smiled, I couldn't wait to get my hands on them. I was curious to know just how great they were that they were able to kill so many people. Let's see how many minutes they will be able to hold on before I tear their heads off.

"Now, shift," I issued the order. Right after the order was announced, we all shifted from our human form to werewolf form. The fabric covering our bodies was immediately torn, our fur slowly crawling out from under our skin as our bones enlarged, forming the body of a werewolf. Our five fingers soon turn into paws, complemented by long claws hidden just under our hair. I let my sharp canines be exposed as I walked on my four, ready to pierce into whatever was seen.

I ran through the woods, followed by Andrew and a number of warriors just behind us. Going around the border, I sniffed the air to search for their current location. It was easy to find their scent as they smelled foul, like that of rotten meat. Their eminent scent hung in the air strongly as there were a significant number of them.

[My poor nose, they smell like shit. Do they not shower or something?] Andrew mind-linked me, seemingly agitated by the smell that came in contact with his nose.

[Smells a lot like you] I answered nonchalantly and a slightly irritated growl was immediately heard.

[That's a big insult] He snarled, [You don't smell all that good yourself].

[You sure have gotten brave, Andrew] I glanced behind, looking at Andrew, who deliberately avoided my gaze by looking sideways, showing only the back of his head towards me. I snorted at his action and refocused my attention on the foul smell to quickly locate the rogues.

As the smell got stronger, we were also getting closer to their position. We hastened our pace until their shadow was visible between the trees, and stopped before we got too close for them to notice our presence. I watched over them quietly, paying attention to what they were doing.

They were just one step away from stepping into our borders, but still in their human forms. They rummaged through their pockets to pull out a bottle, the very same one as what I found yesterday, only it was still full of its contents. What was inside was a black liquid, something that was rare to be seen if not on the black market. They opened the lid of the bottle, but only gulped the contents after they shifted to their wolf form.

After drinking the potion, their initial size magnifies with their claws and canines turning sharper and longer than before. So I was right. It was the potion that gave them their strength. I looked over at Andrew and the warriors, showing my canines as in a smile. Knowing that my assumption was correct, the plan would definitely go smoothly if everyone did their job well.

We waited for them to enter our territory and met the other groups of warriors before ambushing them from behind. When what we were waiting for finally happened, we lunged at them, surrounding their group with our large number of warriors.

I landed on top of one rogue, causing him to be taken aback by the sudden weight on his back. He was attacking one of the warriors who was struggling to hold him back before I decided to greet him with my claws. Surprised, he turned his back, and I was now his new target.

He was undoubtedly stronger than any other rogue that I've ever fought with before, but not so strong until he could manage to overpower me. He pushed me off his back and jumped, ready to bore his claws on me. But sadly, he was slow, slower than me. In one swift movement, my claws touched his neck, only to tear it off the next second and he lay lifelessly on the ground.

I moved on to kill the next rogues, killing one after another until I lost count of them. I scanned my surroundings and saw Andrew, who was holding off two rogues at a time. One was in front and another was behind him. When he was focused on attacking the one in front of him, the other one surreptitiously tried to use this opportunity to land a blow on him. Nonetheless, no sneaky shit will happen under my watch.

Before he could attack Andrew, I stepped in front of him and let out a menacing growl. He stopped charging and jumped back to distance himself from me, as he was bewildered by my sudden appearance. Not giving him any seconds to brace himself, I ran over to him and knocked him to the ground. He struggled under me, using every bit of his strength to get me off him, but it was in vain. My canines had found their way down his neck, piercing through his flesh to cause fresh blood to ooze out of him. As he cried in pain, I ripped a portion of his flesh and pounded on his ribs. Not long after, I killed yet another rogue.

Andrew, who finally noticed I'd just saved his ass, said in the mind-link, [I could've held them off easily without your help.] There he goes with his pride.

However, I didn't want to miss this chance to tease him, so I replied, [Yes, and the next time I see you, you will be lying on your grave].

[You know I'm more than capable to—] He was cut off by a rogue who jumped on him, causing him to collide with the ground. That's what you get for being cocky.

I sighed looking at his clumsy behavior, so I left him to help the other warriors. Before leaving him to deal with the rogue himself, I said, [Focus, moron].

It was roughly ten minutes after the war broke out, and I noticed how the rogues were getting weaker by the minute. Looking at their demeanor, they were getting pretty antsy about how this was going. The potion must be wearing out. After this, it will be much easier to kill them off—not that it was hard before.

I proceeded to kill the remaining rogues, but stopped when there were only a few of them left. I looked around me and saw that the snow was red with blood, exactly how I imagined it to be before. I smiled and shifted back to my human form as I couldn't use the mind-link with any other werewolves besides the ones that belonged to my pack. Now it will be even more exciting than before.

"Stop," I ordered the warriors to stop attacking the rogues as they were now surrounded and obviously losing. "Shift," this time, it was an order for the rogues.

They growled in annoyance at being ordered, but soon complied as there was no other choice but to obey me. As soon as they shifted, they were immediately detained by my warriors. As they were forced to kneel against the ground, we could finally talk head-on without shedding any more blood.

"What do you want now? Just fucking kill us," said one of the rogues, annoyed at how they no longer held any strength.

"Do you want to die that badly?" I laughed, amused by their state of helplessness, "Though I don't like how you keep on barging into our territory, I have an offer for all of you."

It seemed that my offer had piqued their interest as they perked their heads up, trying to hold on to any hope that would be given for them to continue their lives.

"You do know that you won't be able to step out of here alive, right?" I inquired as I wiped my body clean of the blood, "I will let you live if you do what I tell you to."

"W-What is it?"

"I want you to kill each other," I announced, smiling from ear to ear to see the scene unfold, "I will let the last one remaining live. How does that sound?"

The last survivor will probably tell us everything that he knew as he was desperate to live. He even had the heart to kill his comrades. Leaking a few things wouldn't be a big deal for him in exchange for his precious life. Rogues were known to not have any sense of loyalty and what mattered most was their own life, so they would definitely accept this offer.

They were stunned by my words, but I could see how their eyes were glimmering with hope, "How will we know if you will keep your words?"

"I'm the Supreme Alpha. If I'm not able to keep my words, then it will surely hurt my pride, no?" I shrugged my shoulders in an apathetic manner. It didn't matter whether they trusted my words or not, as this was their only hope of living. There was no way they would decline this golden opportunity.

Looking at how they were deep in their thoughts, I raised my hand and waved the warriors away, ordering them to release their hold on the rogues. As soon as they were released, they jumped on each other, sending punches and kicks at one another. The weaker ones were mercilessly killed by the stronger ones, and there was not even an ounce of hesitation to kill them. It was a very amusing sight to see.

"Look at you smiling," Andrew clicked his tongue in disapproval, "We can just kill them ourselves and leave one to be questioned, you know."

"It's more fun this way," I snickered, "They were comrades just a few minutes ago, but look how things have turned. They are now after each other's throat."

As time went on, the winner of this slaughter was soon discovered. I clapped my hands as I glanced at the body lying on the ground, also at the pool of blood staining the immaculate snow. Finally, my eyes found their way to the last man standing, with blood covering his entire body as if it was natural for him.

"You made it," I smirked, "I shall let you live."

"R-really?" he asked, his voice rising in tone as if he was truly happy that he could live despite killing his allies just a minute ago.

"Yes, but not until you answer my question."

"A-ask away! I will tell you anything I know!" He replied desperately, gulping down once in a while.

"Tell me the purpose of these attacks."

His eyeballs trembled, and he stood silent instead of answering my question.

"Is that a hard question for you? Should I kill you then?" I threatened the man, leaving him no choice but to answer.

"N-no! I will tell you!" He fidgeted with his fingers as if he was anxious to answer but still gave it away, "I-it's your woman. These attacks are merely a diversion so you will be away from her and w-we could take her in our hands."

It was right then, that every sense of rationality had left me and anger was the only thing that I could feel. My claws elongated, my eyes turning bright in color. In spite of still being in my human form, I was not in control of my own body. My wolf took over.

My body was trembling like a volcano about to erupt, and when I couldn't hold it any longer, I let out the loudest roar I've ever let out in my whole life. It was a roar that shook the ground beneath, a roar that no one could bear. Everyone around me was suffering from the pain inflicted by the agony of my Alpha tone, but I was the one who felt the most pain. I was beyond enraged.

"Send him to prison."