
My light (Twilight fan fiction)

(AU Twilight) Jason is a broken teenager with nothing to live for and has already decided the day he dies, but little does he know moving to forks was the best thing to ever happen to him. Read how this broken character finds his light though the mystery forks holds. )))) Authors note(((((( A couple of things, first, English is not my first language and I'm dyslexic so please be patient and correct any poor spellings for me, Updates will be slow, I work 12 hour shifts Monday to friday so I can't pump out updates. This is meant as a project to improve my English writing skills. Last point, this is a Alice pairing fanfiction. She's clearly best girl. * I own nothing only my OC, all credit to others*

Doctorgreen · Films
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7 Chs

Unknown feeling

(Alice's point of view)

"I've finally found him, my mate, soul mate, my everything, after having vision after vision of him for close to 40 years.

For the first 20 years I didn't have a clue on what theses vision meant, they were shadows, blurred images of a figure, he was tall, I knew instinctively it was a he.

For the last 20 years, the images became more defined, it started with his hair colour, black, it reminded me of ravens, my raven, his body became more clear, it was tall, a little muscular, not buff or ripped but enough to know he looked after himself.

Then it was his eyes, Amber, beautifully warm, almost flame like, I've seen him happy, angry, cry, even when his eyes looked empty like the flame within dwindled down, it was heartbreaking to see all of this and never know his name or how to meet him.

And then the visions I've had these past few months scare me, there are two possible futures for me and my mate, in both he dies, but in one, his firey eyes turn to a blood red, meaning he becomes a something like myself.

In the other vision, the one that breaks my heart to see, his amber eyes slowly lose thier colour becoming cold and pale, the flame within goes out. His body goes pale and blue, he's dead, never to come back, lost forever.

What haunts me the most is, I do not know what leads to theses futures, I needed to be careful, extremely so.


Here it was another day of school, while my siblings hated going to school after 40 or so years, I quite like it, it felt like playing a role, where I wasn't me, the real one that is, it's one of the only moments in my live where I can be "human".

Like any other day, we would meet in the cafeteria at lunch time, we always stuck together, most of the time one of us where in another's class, people knew not to approach us.

As we walked together towards an empty table,we could hear people whispering about us,"here comes the cullens", "she's so hot", "I wish he was mine", "there all assholes", "look theres the freaks".

I felt bad for my brother Edward, his gift allowed him to read the minds around him, all their thoughts from there anger to their lust, if it was a surface thought, he would hear it.

We could hear our biggest stalker, Jessica, talking about us, it seemed she was informing someone new of our existence.

I could feel someone staring at me, I was used too it as many would stare at us daily, but something was different about this, I could feel it, it was like magnetic force wanting me to look back, I couldn't help it, I had to know who was looking at me.

I turned around to look, their they were, thoses brilliant amber eyes, I knew in a instant, it was him, my soul mate, the man I've been having visions about for the last 4 decades. He was beautiful, even from this far away.

I was overwhelmed, I wanted to run to him, hold him, talk to him, so many emotions hit me at once, I became still like a statue,i even felt my undead heart skip a beat.

He couldn't look away either, he held his breath, I could hear his heart hammering, almost like it wanted to escape, we were locked in each other eyes, it was like dance of gold and fire, I didn't want it to end.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, a calming feeling washed over me, I knew it was jasper, his gift allowed him to feel others emotions and could manipulate them.

I could finally think rationally, my mate was finally here, I was so happy and scared, about everything, I had to be so careful, he's human, fragile, this could end amazingly or horribly , I guess I just have to let it play out.

"what's wrong alice" jasper asked me

"he's here" I said emotionally

"who?" Rosalie asked with a concerned look

"... My mate" I answered

Thier eyes widen, I could see them look at him, finally calming down, I could hear Edwards voice "he's human alice"

"I know" I said

"this could be dangerous alice, he could put us in danger"

"Im well aware of that" I answered

"Alice, don't"

"He's my mate" I snapped

"but he's human" Jolene snapped back

"he'll be one of us, I've seen it, so let it be"

Their eyes widen again, "are you sure Alice", I hesitating answered "yes", I knew by the look on Edwards face, he knew my thoughts, he'd seen through my mind and knew about the two futures my mate had, I begged in my mind for him not to tell the others.

He looked conflicted, then he nodded at me, I knew I could trust him, to keep quite about this.

Ignoring the looks my siblings were giving me, I concentrate my hearing towards my mate, I hear a his beating fast, his breathing shallow, I could tell he was overwhelmed, I hear a girl calling for him "jason".

I finally knew his name, Jason, it suited him so well, I repeat it over and over in my head, minutes past and finally lunch was over, I had to make a plan, luckily I had all day too think of one..


(jason's point of view)

I couldn't think straight, all I could think about was her, her face, thoses golden eyes, emotions I've never felt before, overwhelm me to the point I felt like I was hit by a emotional truck.

I could feel my heart beating fast, and my breathing short, I needed to calm down, you see when it came to emotions, I either felt none or little at all, so this was new to me, and I hated it.

From the corner of my eyes I could see her talking to the others, they looked annoyed, mayby even concerned.

"Jason" hello jason"

Bella calling me caught my attention, I looked at her and said "yeah, what's up"

"your face is all red, Are you sick?" Bella replied

I was blushing, that fact in itself was enough to calm me down before I embarrassed myself.

"no, just feeling a little warm"

"then take your hoodie off, and cool down"

There was no way in hell I was taking my hoodie off, just before I Could reply The bell went off, meaning lunch was over, "saved by the bell" literally.


Last period started, it was biology which was taught by a man, Mr molina, who Jason thought looked like every biology teacher ever.

Jason sat down beside his desk mate, who introduced themselves as Derek, he said some formalities and remained quiet, it seemed he was the type of person who totally concentrated in class, Jason preferred it this way.

Half way into the lesson, Jason looks towards bellas desk as she seat in front of him, he noticed she sat beside one of the cullens, Edward, who was sitting as far possible from Bella, almost at the edge of his desk.

Jason just thought he was trying to give her room, that was until he noticed Edward just starting at her for minutes at a time.

The bell went, signaling school was over, Jason watched Edward storm out of the room, then his eyes met bellas,

"You ok.." Jason asked

"ah yeah, I think?" Bella answered

"OK see you tomorrow I guess" Jason said

"yeah no problem" Bella said

Jason made his way to the car park, and headed for the gate, as he was walking he could feel a stare on the back of head, he turned just to see her, the girl that's been stuck on his mind since lunch.

When their eyes met, it hit him again, thoses emotions, it felt like a electric current running through his views.


Jason jumped, nearly tripping, he looked behind, there was a line of traffic, Jason face went red from embarrassment, he took a deep breath and walked towards the gate, starting his journey home. This unknown feeling was bothering him, he needed to figure it out, as soon as possible, because if every day was gonna be like this, it was gonna be a long year.

End of chapter


Thanks for reading guys :)