
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · Anime et bandes dessinées
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59 Chs

Natsuno Kirihime

(A/N: Hiya, Sj here. I got a special announcement for today. I'm doing this little experiment to see if having a discord server would help motivate me to write more often. Don't get me wrong, I like writing but I'm lazy by nature. So here it is!


I'll be active there. We can talk about random ideas or potential fanfics to make! Or if you just want to talk then I'll be there too!

Another thing, a friend of mine convinced me to make a pat,reon so here it is!


I plan on adding early access chapters there. I got the next 5 chapters but I haven't edited them yet, they should be done by the time it's next Sunday. Meaning a good thing for the people on webnovel, I'll be uploading weekly again! Only on Sundays so I don't burn myself again and disappear for 8 months. I still got uni to study for after all.

Next, I'll be doing 4-5k words, to make it easier for me to write and for you guys to read. I used to write 7-8k words, which I realised during my uni studies that doing so was a bad thing. Today's chapter is an exception (6k) but the rule will apply.

Finally, special thanks to Zerot_Solar and Lazyservant for the daily power stones even though I've been inactive for the past month. Seeing them every day gave me the motivation to write during these busy few weeks. Seriously bless y'all for reading my shit :)

Enjoy the read~

-Natsuno's pov-

(Rin): "Haaah, why do most of my friendships require me to fight them if they're related to a demon?"

Rin mumbles to himself as he takes a glance at the icicle that was fired at him before looking at me with those sharp blue eyes. From his tone, It seems like this wasn't the first time he's fought against a friend before, nor was it his first time responding to a surprise attack. Hmm, I'm more interested in him now.

(Rin): "Demon possession? No, her aura's too stable for that to happen. Plus her eyes are golden instead of the usual eerie green that I'm used to. They look good though, sorta like Naneko's."

Rin says that as if he's come to understand something before denying it. Well, It's something similar, but unfortunately, he didn't have the correct answer nor did I try telling him the answer.

Also, thank you for the compliment.

'He surprisingly has a good head on his shoulders.'

A gentle female voice that only I can hear says as she seemed a little surprised by Rins quick thinking. I agree with her, he's not one to act out impulsively even though his appearance would mislead you to believe otherwise. Well, considering we thought he was one of them, of course, he'd be a tricky target to deal with.

(Rin): "Yo, you're still sane in there, aren't you?"

Rin says without an ounce of tension in his voice as he calmly analyses the situation. Strange, is the first thought of an attack from a friend not supposed to be confusion and a feeling of betrayal? Well, it depends on how he views me for that, I guess.

(Rin): "Not talking huh. To be fair you never were one, to begin with, so I can't judge you for that."

Rin says with a nonchalant voice as he strikes me with his blunt words. Mmm, I know that... I can't help not voicing my opinions...

After all, most can barely hear my voice to begin with...

(Rin): "Since you haven't attacked me yet, and that last attack didn't have any bloodlust or killing intent to it, I assume this is some kind of test or something? But what for?"

Rin says with a thoughtful face as he seemed pretty confident that was the case. Although this is a test to see if he's really part of them, does he truly not think I'd kill him if I was serious?

The feeling of being underestimated like this was a little aggravating

'Don't fall for his words. We still need to confirm if he's part of them."

My partner, Vep, says as I continue staring at Rin. I'm not happy to do this. I really wish Rin isn't part of them, but I made the contract long ago and I can't break it. If he isn't part of them, I'll bow my head and repay him for my actions somehow.

I took a deep breath as I reaffirmed my resolve before tapping the floor with the tip of my shoes. In place, a thin layer of ice formed as it began freezing the surface of the ground.

(Rin): "Whoa, slippery."

Rin jumped back 10 meters as he thought it was an attack but wasn't able to dodge the frozen floor that extended to 50 metres from where I stood. He slid for a few more metres before using his tail to give him a better support. Weird, his feet look to have sunk a little.

(Rin): "..."

(Natsuno): "..."

We had a little standstill where we looked at each other's eyes before Rin started running towards me, looking as if the ice hadn't affected him at all. He has a good balance.

(Vep): 'He doesn't seem to hesitate one bit to a potential danger.'

(Natsuno): 'I agree.'

He doesn't seem to be wanting to use his miasma yet either. Will he just power through with only his physique? Looks like he's confident. Maybe too confident.

I thought such as I summoned more icicles and a giant glacier to attack Rin. Rin didn't stop one bit as he jumped over the first icicle before grabbing it with his tail and directing it at me before dodging the rest. I hurriedly summoned an icicle shield in response to block it before feeling a presence to my right.

(Natsuno): "!!"

Rin suddenly appeared beside me who performed a handstand before directing a spin kick towards me. I barely defend myself by summoning a small glacier pillar to block his attack but it shattered immediately from the impact as Rin backflips in temporary retreat. He's quick.

(Rin): "Fucking hell, that's cold. I should've brought a thicker jacket for this or some gloves. I'm shaking like mad."

Rin says whilst faking his shivers and rubbing his hands together, but still having an eye of vigilance. Strange, the temperature is already -50 degrees celsius. Even for a demon, a temperature like that would cause them to feel a moderate to a high amount of uncomfortability if wearing light clothing. Unless they have ice or cold affinity.

Luckily I set up a barrier just before this. Else we would have attracted a lot of attention. Not to mention the plants and wildlife would have withered away.

(Natsuno): "Ice skates."

White Miasma formed around my boots before I jumped up, letting a pair of ice skates to form beneath them.

(Rin): "Ooo, skates."

Rin says as I hit the floor before skating towards him. Let's see how long it will take for him to use his miasma.

(Natsuno): "Blizzard."

I spoke as the scene around us changed to white as a small scale blizzard appeared to obstruct Rin's vision. I skated around him whilst hiding my presence, waiting to see what he would do. In that short moment, Rin suddenly closed his eyes before making a move.

(Rin): "There!"

(Natsuno): "!!"

He could tell my location with just that? Was it his miasma ability or just pure hearing? Interesting. Regardless, I dodged his punch before summoning another ice pillar beneath him to free up some space between us.

(Natsuno): "Jack Frosts."

More arrays of miasma circles appeared before multiple Jack Frosts were summoned. They're small demons made of ice and snow, with round, circular bodies and small wing-like arms. Their speciality is their kamikaze-like attacks.

(Rin): "What the-"

Rin found that out the hard way as he punched one of the Jack Frosts but its body still remained stuck onto him. It didn't stop with just that one though as more and more of the Jack Frosts started to pile up on him, quickly rendering his arms and legs useless.

(Natsuno): "Get ready."

I said those words while skating around before putting my hands in a bow and arrow position. A light white miasma circle formed at the tip of my aiming finger before a barrage of ice arrows came firing out. Unlike the previous icicles that were large and powerful, these are much smaller and emphasise speed.

Yet they can still pack quite the punch.

(Rin): "Oh shit."

Rin was somehow able to get rid of the Jack Frost's that were stuck to his body before trying to dodge the arrows but couldn't after getting a Jack Frost stuck to his tail, which messed with his balance. The arrows are sure to kill a demon if they weren't to guard with their miasma. I didn't feel comfortable with this, but I still remained my attention to Rin, even if he dies from this.

Luckily I was pleasantly surprised.

(Rin): "Alright, you've had your fun and games, now answer my questions already."

Rin stood there without a scratch as blue flames surrounded him with a fierce Miasma. He had an icicle arrow in his palm but that soon melted after hitting its melting point.

No, correction, it evaporated.

(Natsuno): "Blue… Flames...?"

I spoke out in confusion from what I was witnessing. Was one of them a user of blue flames? It might be one of their mutated abilities, just like ours. I thought to myself as I stared at the flicker blue flames that captured my eyes. They look beautiful.

But strange. I feel like I heard something from Shura nee-san about those kinds of flames… Were they some kind of taboo in the demon world...? Why was that again?

(Rin): "Yep, I'm Satan's son, now state your business. I don't want to end my date on such a bad note."

Rin said those words with a heavy voice as if to answer the confusion in my head. I think I remembered what those blue flames were about! Shit…

… I think we got the wrong person…

(Vep): 'It seems like we got the wrong demon.'

Vep says in confirmation of my thought as I feel like I've done something idiotic. He's gonna hate me now...

(Natsuno): 'Vep, we'll talk about this later.'

I give the voice in my head an imaginary glare before thinking up what to do. I'm in a bad mood now. I thought I finally had a lead for Vep but now even she's confused. I'll do what I said I'd do if this was wrong.

(Vep): "M-my apologies!'

Vep mentally apologises to me as I feel my face burn up from the embarrassment of my mistake. Why did I give in to her pestering…?

(Natsuno): "Likewise... I also enjoyed my first date… I'm sorry... I got the wrong Demon."

(Rin): "Eh?"

I bowed as I felt sorry. I really enjoyed my time with Rin today. I originally asked him out because I was coerced by Vep to see if he was related to those people, but that wasn't the case. He was just a regular person with some demon in his bloodline. It's not exactly uncommon, but every once in a while you'd see half-demons living a regular life.

(Rin): "The wrong Demon, huh."

Rin repeated my words, most likely not believing what I said, as the feeling of guilt got worse. I shouldn't have gotten impatient when he asked me why I asked him out. I was too embarrassed to think of a cover-up that I just flat out tested him. I'm a horrible person...

I got on my stomach on the cold floor as I rested my forehead on the ground and had my arms and legs out in a snow angel position as a sign of my seriousness in the apology!

(Rin): "Uh, what the hell are you doing?"

Rin asks as he seems confused about what I'm doing. Is it not obvious?

(Natsuno): "Complete Surrender Dogeza!"

I replied without looking up. I made a severe lack of judgement so I must atone myself for the sin. If Rin desires to step on my head then so be it!

(Rin): "Uh... Huh?"

-Rin's Pov-

Well, this has been one of the weirdest dates I've ever been on, and probably one I'd never forget about. One minute I was enjoying Natsuno sticking to me like a needy child, the next minute she flips the switch and attacks me with an ice type miasma.

Then when I finally release my miasma, she does a 180 and tells me she got the wrong person before making a stupid reverse snow angel dogeza pose. What even is this situation?

(Rin): "Get up."

Natsuno trembled at my words before she got up. Why's she shivering? From the cold? Well, whatever, I looked at her expressionless face that was a little red, probably from embarrassment from making a mistake, or the cold, but I didn't care. I'm annoyed.

(Rin): "Now tell me what the hell that was about!"

I say that whilst pulling her cheeks. I didn't want to punch her but I had to get rid of my annoyance somehow. Her cheeks are surprisingly stretchy. Something I wouldn't imagine from how she always has the same expressionless face, but I didn't let that stop me from seeing how far they'd stretch.

(Natsuno): "I'm Showey!"

I could hear the heart-throbbing voice of Natsuno as her eyes teared up from me shouting and pulling her cheeks apart. I stared at her for another 10 seconds before letting go of her as my anger diminished a little. Haah, I feel a little better now.

(Natsuno): "Rin's a meanie."

Natsuno says with tears in her eyes as she makes a frown and rubs them. Looks like I got that change in expression huh. In a shitty way.

(Rin): "Oh shut it, you're the one to blame for it. Who are these demons you're after anyway?"

I said that as I had the urge to stretch out her cheeks again, but luckily I restrained myself as I heard the voice that I've been thinking about for the entire date.

(???): "You see we're on the hunt for a certain group of Demons."

In between us, a chibi-like version of Natsuno that's about 30 centimetres tall, suddenly appeared, saying those words with a face full of pride as she crossed her arms. She looks exactly like Natsuno, bearing the same silver hair as her but has golden eyes instead, along with… a lower body like a mermaid and the only article of clothing she's wearing is a shell bra? Not what I was expecting from the voices' elegant and beautiful tone.

By the way, ratio wise, she has some huge knockers.

(Rin): "Hmm, what are the characteristics of these guys?"

I asked the chibi mermaid in front of me while still remaining vigilant. I don't think they'd attack me again but you can never be too sure.

(Chibi Mermaid): "That is the problem."

(Rin): "Oi, do both of you two have a screw loose or something?!"

I said in an annoyed tone to the clutz in front of me as I poked her tiny head. What the hell is wrong with these two?

(Chibi Mermaid): "Hey, you violent brute! How dare you lay your finger on me!"

Chibi-chan said as she pushed my finger away. Seems like she isn't sorry about the misunderstanding from before.

(Rin): "Yeah yeah, says the brute that chucked a lump of ice at me!"

I say as I stretch out her cheeks too. Her little fairy-like body wasn't enough to stop me from hitting her, but I didn't want to rip her cheeks off though so I had to be careful.

(Chibi Mermaid): "I'm Showey!"

The little chibi cries as she taps out in pain. I waited another 10 seconds before letting go of her.

(Rin): "Alright, I've had enough anger released."

(Natsuno): "Meanie."

(Chibi Mermaid): "We won't forget about this transgression, vengeance will be ours!"

The two say as I give them a deadpan expression. The chibi mermaid seems like the opposite of Natsuno. She's more talkative but gives off an unreliable impression, unlike Natsuno.

(Rin): "Haah, give me a second."

I said that as I used my silver flames to fetch some oreo cake I made yesterday.

(Rin): "Here."

I said so as I handed a plate and spoon to Natsuno, and another to the mermaid who was complaining a lot. Hopefully, this helps calm them down and we can discuss this shit properly. I get that I hit them both but they started this with a stupid misunderstanding that would've killed an ordinary person.

(Chibi Mermaid): "You think food will lessen our frustration?"

Again, you started it so I have the right to be angry. But I didn't say that as I just looked at Natsuno.

(Rin): "I mean, Natsuno seems to have forgiven me."

(Chibi Mermaid): "Eh? Traitor!"

Natsuno seems to like the oreo cake as bites them with a peaceful expression. Makes it hard to believe the cold expression was hers.

(Rin): "Going back to the topic, how the hell do you fail to get the right target? At least do your research before you get aggressive like that!"

(Chibi Mermaid): "Well excuse us Mr Anomaly. You're the one with the weird soul power!"

I yelled at Chibi-san before getting a weird answer in return. Soul power? I have a bad feeling about this and their reasoning for this.

(Rin): "How do they even relate, Chibi Mermaid-Tsuno?"

Does it have something to do with me being in this world…?

(Vepar): "Hey! This one's name is Vepar."

Hmm, if I remember correctly, that's a demon in the Ars Goetia, isn't it? But I remember it being a man, even though it was a mermaid and didn't he have control over water or something? Even if ice is a property of water, it doesn't feel right.

Also, is she gender-bent or is she just female due to some fanatics believing her as a female because she's a mermaid? Or was it because of the influence of manga's genderbending on literally anything that exists? Like rule63?

Regardless, I'm so baffled.

(Rin): "Yes, yes, Chibi mermaid-san. But Vepar, huh. You mean the mermaid from Solomon's 72 pillars?"

(Vepar): "That would appear to be so."

(Rin): "You don't seem so certain. Amnesia?"

(Vepar): "How could you tell…?"

Hmm, no wonder she attacked me for something like a weird soul power. I guess the demons of Ars Goetia have a unique soul property that's similar to mine. Was it due to me coming from another world or is it just a coincidence?

Or are the Demons of Ars Goetia originally from my world?

(Rin): "Only an idiot would do that kind of tactic. Do a little research for crying out loud."

I said as I gave chibi-chan a poke on the face again. This is weirdly entertaining.

(Vepar): "Muu…"

The chibi's face turned red as she gave me a sharp glare. Looks like I've teased her a little too much. But regardless, she should do more research if she's hunting down a target.

(Vepar): "But can you blame me? In textbooks that Tsu told me about, this one was able to use water, create storms and lead armed ships. In this form, however, this one can control ice even without a water source, snow and blizzards. What do you think it could be?"

(Rin): "Hmm, so there's either inconsistencies with the mythologies, you've somehow merged with another deity with the name Vepar, or Solomon did something to you."

(Vepar): "This one had the same thought. For some reason, memories of using my powers while being enslaved by Solomon can't be remembered. The only thing recallable was my mermaid body being slightly different, being ordered around to deal with menial tasks, and that's about it. Recalling the other demons is a difficulty."

Hmm, sounds like the classic amnesiac anime character, been a while since I've seen them though. Seems like the only option they have is to look for the other demons and see what they know. Though judging from how I got tested, I can imagine it's not easy to talk to them normally.

(Rin): "Hmm, how are you related to Natsuno and why did you make a familiar pack with her?"

I asked Chibi-chan before looking at Natsuno who finished eating her slice of cake and was staring at Chibi-chans' oreo cake as her next target. This glutton really lives in her own world huh.

(Natsuno): "Too many questions. Our turn."

When I caught her in her act, Natsuno put her hand up to stop me from asking even further.

(Rin): "Fine, what do you want to know?"

Probably the same question as before.

(Natsuno): "Could you help us?"

Oh, that's a little unexpected. Though it does seem like an anime event to be asked by the beautiful girl for help.

(Rin): "Well, you guys still haven't told me what those demons are or why you're hunting them down."

Before I make any flags or whatever I need to know my enemies. I don't want to be the type to blindly fight against a group of demons unless I have no choice.

(Natsuno): "It links with Veps Memories."

Natsuno says as she looks at the little mermaid in front of us.

(Vepar): "Indeed, it does. Before making the contract with Tsu, my previous master was the man whom you refer to as Solomon. A detestable name. Anyway, before my memory cuts off, he mentioned something of a tournament of his that all the demons of the Ars Goetia are taking part in. He dubbed it as "Solomons Game"."

Vepar says that as she frowns when recalling Solomon. Hmm, it looks like he put her through the mud with those orders.

(Rin): "Have you made any contact with the other Ars Goetia?"

(Vepar): "We have. A few actually. We encountered Andromalius, no. 72 of the pillars, and Seere, no. 70 of the pillars. The former was causing problems a few years back in Africa, banding a group of thieves in hopes to control the entire continent before we interfered."

That's a shocker. Looks like they made progress in getting rid of one.

(Vepar): "The latter was causing problems around the world, stealing from random convenience stores to even stealing the England Queens Crown Jewels. We caught him by chance when he was found interested in... Tsu's mother."

(Rin): "Pfft, what?"

Eh? He had caught feelings for Natsuno's mum? I looked at the girl next to me and tried picturing what her mother would look like. The mental picture of him went from a king of thieves to just a disappointing person.

(Vepar): "It's as ridiculous as you think. When we heard of that we immediately froze him and exorcised his soul. His so-called good nature character was nowhere to be seen from his aggressive attack"

Hmm, I feel like some people would applaud him for his milf fetish, though it's a bit scummy for him to do that if she's still married and with a happy family. Looking at Natsuno, she seemed to have really disliked Seere.

(Natsuno): "We also exchanged words with no.2, Agares. He wasn't interested."

(Vepar): "And just like us, he doesn't know much about this game."

Hmm, they've made more progress than I thought. That's unexpected with these kinds of heroines, they'd usually be useless without the main character. That's good at least, they've put in the effort.

But this Agares guy, I wonder why he didn't want to be part of Solomon's Game? He either knows something the others don't know or he genuinely didn't want to take part in it.

(Rin): "So there's an option to not participate?"

I asked in intrigue. I thought it was a death game from how aggressive they were. How would they monitor the competitors if they wish to forfeit though?

(Natsuno): "Mmm, the mark was gone too."

(Rin): "Mark?"

I asked as I heard something new. Like a sigil that shows if you're still eligible for the competition? Seems appropriate.

(Natsuno): "This."

Natsuno says that as she lifts up her shirt to me. Her flat and smooth stomach was on display but she didn't seem to mind it as she showed me a white tattoo of a mermaid just underneath her left breast. Oi, you're too defenceless, you know?

So she wears light blue huh.

(Vepar): "Tsu! Don't show him your bare skin!"

Vepar shouts as if agreeing with me. I hope she doesn't just do that to just anyone. Maybe I should keep an eye on her every once in a while to make sure she doesn't do anything worrisome.

(Rin): "I've been meaning to ask this but are you a clutz?"

I ask in a bit of a judgemental tone about her, well, clumsiness. From her lack of distance awareness to being careless of her clothes. I'd worry for her if she was my child.

(Natsuno): "...Yes…"

Natsuno says while looking down, looking sad. Ah shit, looks like I took it too far again.

(Rin): "Sorry, I didn't mean you feel bad. Just be a little careful."

I said as I unconsciously gave her a head pat. I need to learn to stop being too blunt.

(Rin): "I still can't understand the point of this game though. What does that old man want?"

(Vepar): "Who knows. It could be because he was simply bored or has something to do with the winner of this stupid game. My desire is to not lose, as I seek answers to this."

(Rin): "That sounds rougher than I expected."

A reasonable goal, but that gives me more questions on why Agares would give up in the competition? Maybe he really does know something. Well, since I've heard his name now, my chances of seeing him in the future have increased by 80%. Well regardless of all that...

(Rin): "As much as I'd love to help out, I'm barely able to manage everything I have right now. Sorry."

… I can't let myself get too distracted from my current goal. Maybe they're linked with Satan or the Illuminati, maybe they're part of the sins, Glps Ewg, but I still need to work on training everyone and getting stronger myself. I can't spread my attention too far until our fighting power is able to defeat emperor class demons.

(Natsuno): "I see…"

Natsuno says with a sad tone. Looks like she was looking forward to my help huh.

(Rin): "Well, I wouldn't go out of my way to find those demons, but if I run into any of them, I'll give you a call or help ya out. You could get me for backup too if needed."

That should be good enough. It'd help with getting Natsuno's favourability points high while I'm at it too.

(Natsuno): "Understandable. That's perfect."

Natsuno nods with a slight smile. It was too cute for my hands not to give her a head pat.

(Vepar): "Now my turn, who are you really?"

Vepar says as she stops me from head patting Natsuno. Hmm, is she like Sora who's infatuated with Natsuno? But really, how am I supposed to answer this question?

(Rin): "What do you mean? My name's Rin Okumura. I was raised in a church and the son of-"

(Vepar): "No, that's not what I was referring to. Do you truly belong to this world?"

I started off giving my usual goofy introduction before getting stopped by a startling question. It took me off guard by how frank she was.

(Rin): "What makes you think that?"

I was at a loss for words, only being able to ask a question to give myself time to think. Luckily I didn't stutter else that would've given it away.

(Vepar): "Well, for the demons belonging to the 72 pillars, we have an innate ability to look into one's soul to see their purity or how corrupt they are."

(Natsuno): "Your Soul split into two parts. Almost like a yin yang symbol."

(Vepar): "Yes, as Natsuno says, those with that kind of anomaly tend to be possessed by a powerful demon hidden deep in their psyche. Half demons also possess such traits. However, yours are split into another two divisions. Meaning two demons are within your psyche, but at the same time two souls are inside you."

(Rin): "... I see."

My brain couldn't process what I was hearing as I just looked up at the night sky. So there are two demons in me, and two souls…? It can't be…?

(Rin): "I'm sorry, but I can't talk about any of that."

(Natsuno): "I'm sorry if we hurt you with a personal question."

Natsuno hugs my arm again as she tries comforting me. She has a look of regret on her face so I gave her another head pat to get rid of those eyes.

(Rin): "Nah, It's alright. I can't tell you guys at the moment, but if you guys do something for me then I can tell you everything."

I said as I tried to avoid the question. The two demons part came as a surprise but the two souls part is what I'm worried about the most right now.

(Vepar): "It would depend on the request."

(Natsuno): "What is it?"

The two say as they wait for my question. Can it be possible that he's still….?

(Rin): "I want the two of you..."

(Vepar/Natsuno): "Huh?/Eh?"

I said as I pointed at the two girls in front of me. Now let the misunderstanding ensure from the awkwardly long pause!

(Rin): "...To join my organisation."

I said as I winked at them for the misunderstanding, which caused Vepar to glare at me and Natsuno to revert back to her expressionless face. Guess I took it a little far with my joke, but I had to play the role of the idiot to keep myself composed. Hearing the two souls part made me off my edge.

It might mean the original Rin might still be part of me. And instead of the one inner demon he had when he broke Kurikara, it seems like there's another one. Could it be one that came with me to this world? Was my transmigration to this world really a coincidence or does it have anything to do with the other demon inside me? I don't know. I feel so lost and confused right now.

As much as I'm grateful for the original Rin for the body, I won't hand it back to him. I'm scared for the day if I have to give it back. That would mean everything I built with my own hands. The people that I met. The things I enjoyed. Everything would be stolen from me. Again.

(Natsuno): "Organisation?"

(Rin): "Yep, it's to make sure of the order…."

Natsuno asks while my thoughts were still a little cloudy, but I tried my best to answer her question. I gave her a basic brief of how I want to make sure the Order doesn't do anything to me since I'm the son of Satan. I didn't mention anything about Assiah and Gehenna merging though, just in case she doesn't believe me and also cause there's no reason to say too much before she joins us.

(Rin): "So, how do you feel that I'm Satan's son?"

I asked since I'm curious about why she reacted with more regret than fear at that time. I think I know why though.

(Natsuno): "Vep, do you know Satan?"

And yup, she's the classic clueless clutz. No wonder she acted so weirdly.

(Rin): "let's just say he's a Demon God and the highest-ranking one there is. Maybe we should get you to start learning more mythologies?"

I try saying in a calm tone. How's she lived for her to be like this? I lack common sense because of the way my mother raised me. I wonder if something similar happened to her?

(Vep): "That is Tsu's unique power. She can study whatever she sets her mind to, but in turn, she ignores information from others. She's a very clueless individual when it comes to the world, but gets second highest in the school."

(Rin): "Sounds like an interesting ability."

It's good to hear that it wasn't formed from abuse. So she's gifted in academics, yet she lacks common sense. Not uncommon in anime I suppose.

(Rin): "Well, are you interested in joining us? You'll see some familiar faces there."

I ask as I smile at the two of them. If we have her I can feel a little more reassured with the group. She has experience fighting demons, which is something everyone lacks right now and we can't really go out of our way to deal with many demon cases without the order being suspicious of something after all.

(Natsuno): "Is Sora also in on this."

Natsuno asks while maintaining the usual expressionless face. That question came as a surprise.

(Rin): "Nope, not just yet. The main requirement is that you have to see my flames and still accept me for who I am."

I'd like to invite her, but it's too difficult to find the right context to have her join us, without her feeling any disgust towards me. I can't help it. I don't want someone to hate me because of something my parents are.

(Natsuno): "Then I'll decline until Sora joins. She wouldn't be happy to know I joined your group without her."

Oh? She's saying that as if she's expecting Sora to join? But at least we came to some kind of deal now.

(Rin): "Awww, I was hoping to increase our manpower. We still can't fight the Order or Demon kings with our numbers."

I say whilst slouching my shoulders a little. Guess I should figure out what's the best way for Sora to join us.

(Natsuno): "Although I may not be a part of the group just yet, I'll be sure to protect the people at the Culture Club. I see everyone there as my family after all."

Natsuno says that as she smiles. It's the biggest one I've seen her make and the most beautiful. That smile gives off a calming effect to me somehow.

(Rin): "So even the mysterious one has a beautiful smile."

I say my honest feelings as I gave her one of my own. I wish she'd join us already so I could see more of that, but I guess I'd just have to wait till Sora joins us.

(Vepar): "You can rely on us to protect everyone in the Culture Club. After all, Tsu really likes all of them."

Vepar comes right to my face to say that whilst sticking out her chest. Does she like showing them off? For someone who's against Natsuno showing off skin, you're a big hypocrite for only wearing a shell bra.

(Rin): "And I'm guessing you don't really like them."

Hmm. Let's try teasing her a little.

(Vepar): "Why should I? They're all insignificant in front of Tsu and me."

(Rin): "Uh-huh, so you have too much pride to get along with others."

(Vepar): "Of course not!"

(Rin): "Yeah, I don't believe it, Chibi-san."

(Vepar): "You…"

Vepar didn't seem to like it when I called her Chibi-san. Her body suddenly shines in white light before she transformed to the same height as Natsuno, with the same features of a mermaid, gills that can somehow breathe air, translucent scales around her arms, golden eyes and the shell bra.

Huge. is Natsuno secretly racking the same breasts size?

(Vepar): "There! Try calling me Chibi-san now!"

(Rin): "Chibi-san."

(Vepar): "My name is Vepar!"

Vepar says that without feeling ashamed at what she's wearing. Yup, there's two clutz it seems.

(Natsuno): "You two get along well."

Natsuno said as she seemed happy. Today's been a weird date, but at least the weird part is over now. I hope.

(Rin): "Of course, we became best friends."

I say as I put my arm around Vepar. Since she's this big, I can easily put my hand on her shoulder but I made sure not to lean too much.

(Vepar): "Oi! W-who gave you permission to get close to me?"

Vepar shouts with a red face with another glare. Ah, so she can feel embarrassed, but maybe that's just when people touch her and not when people look at her.

(Rin): "Natsuno?"

(Natsuno): "Permission granted."

I looked at Natsuno who understood what I was asking for before giving her a thumbs up.

(Vepar): "Traitor!"

Vepar shouted once again at Natsuno while I just laughed. That's how my date with Natsuno went. Wait, does it count as double dating since they were both there? Oh well, it's just another one of my eventful days in this stupid, lovable world.

The world I don't want to leave.

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "Remember to check out the Pat,reon! Jk ;)", "Mermaid Natsuno has knockers", "Rin has another demon in him?", "Don't chew me out for RIn having two souls alright.", "Secret double date?")

What would you do if you got attacked by your date and then got told that they got the wrong person?

would you:

A) forgive them

B) hit them back

C) demand compensation

D) something else

S_jaycreators' thoughts