
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

The Journey Back

(Natsuno): "One Katsu curry, please."

Natsuno orders good while I just watch her in amazement after eating my share. I thought my date with Natsuno would end after our talk was over but we decided to stop to get a snack instead. We did do all that moving around and she did use a lot of flashy moves after all. I couldn't help suggesting it after hearing her stomach make cute noises too. My wallet would hate me later but oh well, she'll owe me one later.

We're at another restaurant right now and the empty food bowls are stacking up again. She's still digging into a burger when she ordered more food and she has ketchup stains on her cheeks.

(Rin): "Don't speak with your mouth full. Do you eat Veps share of food or something?"

I say that to the silver-haired girl in front of me as I use a napkin to clean the mess on her face. Seriously, I think that'd make sense to where the food goes. Demons like my children eat a ton too. Our stomachs are just a little nightmare to fill. Makes me thankful for Mephisto to take care of the food supplies.

Her situation sorta reminds me of FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. How Ed had to eat Al's share of food to help sustain his body. Would that also be why she's short or is that just her genetics?

(Vepar): "No, this one had their share of food 5 meals ago. Right now we are witnessing Tsu's portion."

Vepar says that as she sits in the breast pocket on Tsuno's jacket. Hmm, seems convenient to stay. Guess I'll be seeing her chibi form more often. I wonder if the others in the culture club know about her?

(Natsuno): "I, uh…"

Natsuno's face reddened from Vepars words. Looks like she's embarrassed. Not surprising though. That's a lot of food for a regular person to eat after all, but I'm used to it nowadays.

(Rin): "Don't worry, I find it cute that you can eat that much and not worry about it affecting your weight or anything. It reminds me of Akane, Naneko and the kids. It's normal for them to eat this much each."

Honestly, I'm glad Mephisto is supplying us with kitchen ingredients else we would've hit the red immediately. I should think of better ways of making money in case he tries using the food as leverage, but we should be good for the time being with the money I made from the lunch store.

(Natsuno): "By the way, how have you been raising the children?"

Natsuno broke my train of thought as she asked me a question. Hmm? That's a weird one.

(Rin): "I don't know how to answer that one. I'd like to think we have a close relationship, though I wanna get closer to them to be an actual family."

I still feel like there's still a little something between us though. I told them of my past and I can tell them about my secrets without getting worried, but I hope I can be their pillar of support when they need their help. It's something that I was taught by my grandparents about but was shattered by my mother's unreliableness and sadistic tendencies. After finally regaining freedom, I sort of want to follow their teachings now that I have the chance to have a family.

(Natsuno): "Family…"

Natsuno looked to the ceiling when I said that. Hmm, is things not going well at home for her? This is an anime world after all, but even in my old world, some kind of domestic problem was normal.

(Rin): "I'm guessing you have some issues at your place?"

I try asking to get to know her better. Out of everyone in the clubroom, she and Sae are the ones I interact with the least. They just seem like they're in their own world most of the time so it's hard to talk to them.

(Natsuno): "Nope, my parents are perfectly fine and I have an older brother and younger sister. We all talk often and play games."

(Rin): "Oh, looks like I was wrong."

That's good to hear. I'm sort of jealous but happy for her. Her family's quite big too.

(Vepar): "M'lady's family is quite unique. But at the same time, they're ordinary civilians. They're not even related to the Order, much less do they have a Mashou."

Ah, that's where the anime part kicks in. so they can't even see demons huh. I see. But for an ordinary person to come in contact with someone in the 72 pillars...

(Rin): "Oh? Reminds me of my earlier question, I still want to know how you two met."

Was it a fateful encounter or was it something ridiculous? Or maybe a mixture of the two.

(Vepar): "You have to answer our question first."

Vepar declines my question as she looks at Natsuno, who nodded in response. Hmm? Looks like they got a telepathy skill too.

(Rin): "Hmm, what else do you want to know?"

As long as it's not too personal then I don't mind answering. I'm still a little shaky from the whole double yin-yang soul thingy.

(Natsuno): "What's your current goal?"

Natsuno asks as she finishes her 4th glass of water. The question was a lot more normal than I was expecting, that's good.

(Rin): "Hmm, just training for the time being. The world is going to have a major shift in its course in a few months' time, so we want to prepare for the mayhem."

Hopefully, these two can get stronger before that. The 72 pillars would be the least of their worries once Assiah and Gehenna merge. Or maybe once the worlds merge they'd be more active. I can only wait and see how they act.

(Natsuno): "Sounds frightening."

Natsuno says as she stops her chopsticks. I won't give them too many details about the future, there's no reason to tell an outsider about it right now. Let's just give it to her as a bonus for joining my cause.

(Rin): "Yup, not much we can do for the time being."

I say that as I stretch my arms up. The next "major" thing in canon is the Neuhaus episode. I wonder how that would take place now that the old boys' dorm has more residents? That's the main reason why I allowed Akane and Naneko to stay over there.

Well, before that is technically Suguro's episode where he and Rin had a rocky start. I won't have to worry about that too much, but I want to give him a little scare though to help him mature a little. His attitude is too overbearing in the manga, although it simmered down later in the series, I'd like it to simmer down as soon as possible so I don't deal with his bullshit.

I wonder how strict this world follows canon though. After all, the goblin incident that took place on the first day of cram school still happened even though Yukio and I didn't have an argument. I remember in the manga it mentioned that Mephisto ordered Yukio to test me, but I didn't think it would be the exact same thing. So I guess if the main reason is still there for the action, the event would still take place. Even if I'm not directly interacting with it.

Though I do know I can affect Canon. Like when I saved Shiemi, I was the main fighting force there. I even caught her instead of Yukio catching her, which made her have a more favourable opinion of me and she isn't as dreamy over Yukio. I even convinced Izumo to lend her manga to Shiemi for the two of them to have something in common, and in hopes to help Izumo's annoying attitude.

So far Izumo's definitely softened up, but she still isn't above not making fun of you. Still, it's good to see her being close to her. That should be enough to destroy the scene where Izumo uses Shiemi as a slave in the 7th episode.

Thinking about the butterfly effect was fascinating, to be honest. It's risky, but I liked exploring new possibilities. I know most others would try sticking close to canon like a newborn baby would to their mother, but for me, I want to see how far the chaos could spread. A little fucked up, I know.

I wonder if it's because I'm becoming confident of my abilities? I should reflect on my habits just in case.

Well, I still have another month or so before the next canon event takes place. I wonder if the anime only episodes will happen too? Guess I should be prepared for the trio of girls that had a crush on Yukio and broke into the boys' dorm. They weren't in the manga so I'm intrigued. Ugh, but those girls were crazy. Amethyst is much better than them.

(Rin): "It's not that bad. I've learned a lot about myself and others from the training and all."

I said as I smiled at them. I've developed a habit to enjoy fighting. It makes me feel like I'm not a weak kid anymore. As for the others, it made me realise that my kids are all battle maniacs. Even Kage isn't an exception.

(Vepar): "Good luck with your training."

Vepar says with a smile as It broke me out of my thoughts. I wasn't expecting that from her, to be honest.

(Rin): "Hmm, you're more pleasant in a conversation than I thought."

I didn't think she'd try encouraging me. Guess she's not a major Tsun, huh.

(Vepar): "Oi, you think this one will let you off with those words?"

(Rin): "It was a compliment. A compliment."

I said with a smile before taking a sip of my drink. She's weak to compliments, huh. Her way of talking is strange but cute too.

(Rin): "Can I ask my question now?"

I said after downing the whole drink.

(Natsuno): "Yes. What do you want to know?"

Natsuno responds as her curry appears. I made eye contact with the waiter whom I gave a wry smile to as they wordlessly stared at the plates near us. They must think that it's crazy how she's so skinny with this much food too.

(Rin): "Yeah, I want to know how you two met and made a pact?"

Vepar mentioned she defeated one of the 72 pillars a few years back, but that means she would've been in middle school or something like that. That's still a young age, but it's not unusual for anime's to use that age for these kinds of things.

(Natsuno): "At elementary."

Natsuno said those words without batting an eye away from her food. What?

(Rin): "Eh? That young?"

What the hell was Vepar thinking!? How could you make a contract with a child!? Even making a contract with a middle schooler is pushing it! I gave the demon in question a confused judging look before Natsuno stepped in to defend her.

(Natsuno): "Mnn, I had no friends and Vep talked to me often. The contract sort of happened after a year."

Eh? Guess I found my answer to how they met. It was ridiculous and in an anime fashion. Goddammit, anime.

(Vepar): "You see M'lady has problems with judging distance, as you've personally witnessed. The same thing applies to her friendships and other relationships."

(Natsuno): "I get too close and people hate it…"

(Vepar): "Which makes people uncomfortable and slowly drift away from her. She's been alone until a few years ago where she met Sorano-san"

Ah, I had the feeling that was the case. It must be tough when everyone keeps misunderstanding what you do, even though you can't really help it. Others would be creeped out by over comfortable people but I don't really care much about that.

I wonder how Sora and Natsuno met? Their meeting must've been special too. I guess I'll ask Sora herself.

(Rin): "Ah, that makes sense then but don't let it get to you. I won't stop being your friend just because of your traits. It's part of who you are and makes you unique. I find it adorable, to be honest."

I said that while helping her clean her face again. She keeps stuffing her mouth like she's a chipmunk, that's adorable to me too.

(Natsuno): "Thank you."

Natsuno smiled at my answer before she shifted closer to me again. It's a type of affection so I shouldn't think badly of it.

(Vepar): "You're really smooth with your words huh."

Vepar says whilst rolling her eyes. Oh? I was just giving a compliment though? I guess it can be interpreted like that.

(Rin): "Aww was chibi-chan jealous? Don't worry, your tough exterior yet sweet interior is also charming."

I say that while leaning over to see her face properly. Her face had a shade of red as her eyes glared at me. My words are true though. If she was a violent tsundere then there would be issues.

(Natsuno): "Smooth talker."

(Rin): "Hehe."

Natsuno says that with a hint of disappointment as I gave her a wry smile in response. Guess I should try toning down the teasing a little.

(Natsuno): "I had my Mashou for as long as I can remember. The same with attracting ice and water demons. They were the only ones I spoke to."

Oh? That's a piece of interesting news. She's similar to Yukio in that aspect. I've heard of some people born with affinities with the elements before which causes them to see demons at a tender age like hers. Although I say affinity, It's not like controlling the element per se, it's more of having a connection for those elements to make a pact with a demon.

For example, someone with an earth element would attract minor earth demons. The affinity is nothing more than a magnet for that element and the demons either play with them or play tricks on them.

It makes sense why Vepar would want to make a contract with Tsuno now. Her body is fitting for water and ice demons. A suitable host. She would've been targeted by other demons sooner or later so I guess it's a blessing.

But I feel like she could have waited a little longer. Unless she tried to get rid of the competition? Well, it's not like Natsuno can't make multiple contracts.

(Rin): "What about the fusion part? That's not something I've seen before."

Another thing I find strange about Natsuno. In the manga and in season 2 of the anime, they introduced demon eaters to the series. They're humans that force demons to possess them in order to take control of the demon's powers. It's a risky operation but the results let them have full control over the demon's abilities and in some cases, they could even enjoy their youth again. But if they try consuming a demon that's too powerful for them, then death would be the best outcome for them.

The other way to use the demon's abilities is to force them to possess a weapon, but that limits their output. It depends on the material they're sealed in too. if it's not strong enough then it's possible to break out of it. Unless they were sealed with a high-level seal.

You also have the generic summoning too, but they aren't as interesting as the ones I mentioned before.

Anyway, most demons wouldn't usually inhabit their hosts without trying to possess them in the process. That's just how they are, which makes their situation even more unique, even with the Solomons game they have.

(Natsuno): "Demonic Union?"

Natsuno said those words while looking at me meaningfully.

(Rin): "That's a new term."

I like the sound of it though. Has a ring to it that my otaku self likes.

(Vepar): "Yes, it's something that isn't that well known in the exorcist world. After all, it's rare to see a demon cooperate and live alongside a human, without it being some type of parasitic relationship. This one took the pleasure of making the pact with Tsu because of the way we get along with each other. Also, a companion would be nice to spend some time with."

Vepar said with a smile as she had a reminiscent look. They've been through a lot for the past decade huh. I guess I have no right to judge her decision.

(Rin): "That means she's been exposed to the demon world since she was 7 or so. Yikes. You made a weird choice for picking a child as your contractor."

I say with a slight smile on my face. I wonder how different Natsuno would be if they didn't meet? Well, I guess she still would've met Sora, unless they met each other on a mission or something.

(Vepar): "Meh, this one was mainly attracted to Tsu, as if someone was calling for me. My first recollection of this world was in an area that goes by "America". Feeling a call as if desiring to summon me, this one travelled through the oceans to arrive at japan and found Lady Tsu here. It was packed with water and ice demons but this one was able to show them who the real boss is."

Vepar said with a smirk on her face, looking proud of her achievements. Jesus, all the way from America? She crossed the pacific ocean because of a feeling someone was calling her? That's some crazy commitment, but then again, it probably just took a day or something for her to arrive.

Also, it seems like the 72 pillars spawned into the world about 10 years ago, but why? And why weren't they in the original series? First the 7 sins and now the 72 pillars. How many more forces are there in this world? I'm more interested than scared.

The fighter in me wants to fight them, but my father instincts want to avoid them if possible. Such a conflicted feeling as always.

(Rin): "Hmm, I get it now. Must've been scary taking down a demon like the 72 pillars at that age."

I say that to distract me from my derailing thoughts. I could think of about 100 situations and other demons we could potentially fight, but thinking about it would do nothing unless I start training.

(Natsuno): "Mnm, it was. But Vep helped."

Natsuno said that as I started getting worried for her goodwill. Why are people too kind?

(Rin): "You better not take advantage of Natsuno's kind heart."

I say that to Vepar, the literal demon whispering in her ears, as she looked back at me in surprise. She was the reason we went to this date after all to find out if I was part of the 72 pillars. Natsuno seems the type to help others a lot, so it's reasonable to worry for her as a friend.

(Vepar): "Oi, this one should be saying the same thing to you! Don't lay your filthy paws on lady Tsu!"

Vepar snaps back at me with a shout and glares. Good thing no one heard else can hear her else we'd have attracted a lot of eyes.

(Rin): "By the way, I have a request."

(Natsuno): "Yes?"

I looked at Natsuno with a serious face, who also responds with one herself but her hands are still moving to eat the curry.

(Rin): "Would you teach us the Demonic Union skill?"

I asked as there was a little silence between us. Natsuno even stopped eating and made a thoughtful expression before responding.

(Vepar): "Why would you need such a thing?"

Vepar was the first one to respond though as she crossed her arms together. Her tone made it sound like she was testing me on my answer.

(Rin): "Well, in case of emergencies, I can think of a few ways to make use of it. Like creating ambushes without summoning my kids, or having them fuse with me to stop an attack from hitting them, to name a few."

Although I could summon them normally, I can't be too sure with barriers blocking familiars being summoned or anything of the like. Unsummoning them could be possible to make them escape but what if they were already there in the first place?

Anyway, depending on the speed it takes to perform the demonic union skill, I could run away easily without looking back.

(Natsuno): "You do realise all sense would be merged. In some cases your form too. If you experience any pain, that pain travels to your children too."

Natsuno said as she made a sharp glare at me. Looks like she gets this serious when the kids are involved. I'm glad to see that.

(Rin): "I had the feeling that was the case but I still feel like this is a useful skill to learn. I beg of you."

I clasped my hand together and performed a little bow. I get that this is a double edge sword essentially but I want to be prepared for things if I can.

(Rin): "I rather have a useless ability that I may not use rather than an important ability that I can't use."

I don't want to go through anything too risky. If this technique can help us out in even one specific situation, I would rather take it than thinking on the move. If I have to get rid of my pride to beg her, then so be it. It's not like I'm not used to doing this already.

(Natsuno): "I see."

Natsuno says with a gentler voice as she pats my head. I looked up to see her smiling at me.

(Natsuno): "I may not be a good teacher… But I'll do my best to help."

She says before continuing to eat her food again but I was too excited to care about that.

(Rin): "I'm glad you can teach me."

I say with a genuine smile as I watch my senpai eat her food.

(Vepar): "That reminds me, using the skill also has some side effects too. We'll talk about those tomorrow but remember that you could gain some skills from it permanently, but not as good as the original demon."

(Tsuno): "I can use a little ice miasma by myself."

Oh, that's caught my attention. Looks like I can gain more from this than I thought. Though the side effects part is a little worrying. Guess I'll find out more tomorrow.

(Rin): "Now I'm even more interested."

I said those words before I continued watching them. It didn't take long before she finished her meal before we gave the bill to the waiter.

It's a good thing Yukio went out of his way to make me a credit card… Else this would've been difficult.

(Natsuno): "I swear, I'll pay you back soon."

Natsuno says with a red face, realising that the bill has gone over her funds limit again. This clumsy senpai of mine...

(Rin): "I'll be waiting for your half."

I say that as I pat her head before leaving the restaurant.

(Natsuno): "Shall we go back to the dorms?"

Natsuno asks before snuggling up to my arm again. The way she said that while touching me would've made others misinterpret her words, but I know what my clumsy senpai means. It's very misleading.

(Rin): "Sounds good. It's getting late anyway."

It's turning dark now. I asked Naneko to fix up a meal for the kids if I was late so I have nothing to worry about. The train station wasn't too far either as we walked towards it in silence. It wasn't until I tapped my train pass did I find out why it was so silent.

(Rin): "Tired?"

I asked as I found Natsuno sleeping while leaning on my arm. She was making a cute expression as her drowsy eyes opened a little to respond.

(Natsuno): "Sleepy…"

Natsuno groaned as she tightened her arms around me. She's seriously too defenceless. If it wasn't for Vepar being around her I'd be worried if she'd get attacked by some creepo.

(Vepar): "She's usually an early sleeper. Right now would be past the time she sleeps after all."

Vepar says with a yawn and does some stretches before handing Natsuno's pass to me. It's only 9 pm though? My kids sleep around 10-11 pm in comparison.

(Vepar): "By the way, how'd you enjoy today's date?"

Vepar asked an unexpected question. Does she feel bad about forcing Natsuno to go out with me today?

(Rin): "You mean today's surprise double date?"

I say with a little smile in an attempt to tease her but it wasn't well received.

(Vepar): "You should be careful of your words. You'll hurt someone like that one day."

Vepar said with a mature tone as we sat down. The train didn't have many people on it but I decided it was better to switch to telepathy.

(Rin): 'Yeah, I'm reflecting on that. I've become too blunt recently.'

I think she means about my teasing? Although I don't think that was bad, I do go overboard sometimes.

(Rin): 'But it was fun hanging out with Natsuno today. It was a surprise when I got attacked but afterwards, it was alright again. I got to see a lot of different sides to her today. I wouldn't mind going again.'

I wonder what would've happened if she tried killing me instead of testing me? Would I kill her in retaliation or would I subdue her and interrogate her? When I think of something like that, I'm a little scared of my mentality that can do something like that without feeling sick.

(Rin): 'It's been fun talking to you too. Hope we get along as well.'

I say my honest thoughts as I wish for our friendships to deepen. They're both not bad people, and I quite like their company.

(Vepar): "This one has no need for friendship other than M'lady Tsu."

Vepar said that with an arrogant tone again but I could see a little smirk on her face. She can't be honest with her feelings huh.

(Vepar): "But if you so dearly desire so, then this one suppose it wouldn't be appropriate to refuse your efforts."

Yup, another person who can't be honest with themself. I wonder what I can do to help her out with that issue?

(Rin): 'You have a hard time being honest huh.'

(Vepar): "This one knows not of what you're talking about."

(Rin): "Alright, alright."

I laughed at the chibi tsundere as I stared out the window for the journey home. Her way of talking and being a tsundere is like a child. It's cute.

We spent the rest of the train journey in silence as I started feeling a little tired. Today's been a busy day. Once we got to our stop, I nudged Natsuno's shoulder to wake her up a little.

(Rin): "We're here. Wakey, wakey, princess."

(Natsuno): "Mnm…"

She lazily responded as I just smiled and helped her get up and leave the station. She was still clinging onto my arm and was using it as head support. We continued like that until we arrived near the girls' dorm.

(Natsuno): "Nnn."

When we got near, Natsuno was already awake by that point before making a small moan as she tiptoed and waved her hand to my face. Does she want to give me a head pat?

(Rin): "Hmm? You want me to lower my head?"

I didn't mind it so I played along with it. I bent my knees a little until my head was about the same height as hers. I was expecting her hand to move, but I got a different surprise instead.

(Natsuno): "Muah."

(Rin): "Huh?"

I got kissed. On the cheek. When I looked at her in surprise I could see her face had a shade of red. Wha?

(Vepar): "Haha, your face is priceless. See you tomorrow, Brute."

(Natsuno): "And call me Tsuno too. Bye."

(Rin): "What the…"

I said to myself as I watched the leaving figure of Natsuno. I got myself kissed on the cheek again and I have no clue what to do. Could she have kissed me thinking that's what friends do, or is it part of her lack of distance awareness? Or does she have good feelings for me? Her face was red. If she lacked distance, would that have been possible?

I looked at the half-moon as I wondered what my future relationships with the girls would be. I can't rely on the harem protagonist's denseness. I don't want to hurt them after all, but I doubt any of them would accept being part of a harem.

(Rin): "I'll think about it more later."

I said with thoughts of the kiss earlier replaying. Maybe… I should try thinking about what I do with my relationships with the girls more?

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "Surprise kiss attack", "Seriously, who knows how much Natsuno has eaten", "Relaxing end to the date")

Thanks for reading!

What would you do if you were in Rin's position? Would the kiss make you embarrassed or not?

S_jaycreators' thoughts