
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs

Chapter 03: Chakra

My Life As Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 03: Chakra


[Third Person POV]

In one of his few walks around the village on a rainy day, Naruto stumbled upon what would soon become his favorite place in the village. The Ichiraku Ramen Stand. And much to his joy and inner relief, Teuchi was still as friendly and welcoming as Naruto felt he would be. Naruto loved it there. The food was great, and the company was even better.

The lack of human interaction, after Yūgao stopped visiting, had begun to leave a deep sadness within the young boy. He often found himself wanting to spend time with someone, anyone who would speak to him. But his old man only came by at most three times a month to visit, which was great, but not enough to keep the loneliness at bay.

He got along with the village librarian, after spending so many hours studying and reading all different types of books, the old lady had grown a soft spot for the boy. Theirs was a silent relationship, she would leave him book suggestions for topics she knew he would like, based on the kinds of books he often signed out to take home. 

He was always early or on time to return books, and they were always in the same or better condition he took them in. She was happy to find such a young one so interested in the joys of knowledge.

Naruto had briefly met Hinata after her mother had passed, but hadn't seen her since and felt a dull ache whenever he thought of the pretty girl. He continued his ever-complicating train of thought on his latest visit to Ichiraku's, when Teuchi's daughter, Ayame began to talk to him.

Naruto was perplexed, nobody talked to him, especially anybody this nice and sweet, but he craved attention and interaction with others, so he clutched onto the sweet girl who spoke about all sorts of things with him.

Ayame was the nicest, most caring girl our young hero had ever met at this point in his life; also being the only girl he'd ever properly met besides the shy Hinata and the cat-masked ANBU he loved like a sister.

She was super kind and bubbly and they quickly became friends. She also taught him about being a chef and showed Naruto all different sorts of ways to cook certain dishes and prepare different meals with simple ingredients. Naruto had learned to cook, and a good cook he was, but variety was what Ayame brought to the table, and our young hero would become what he dubbed a foodie. Something her remembered from his past life, but still couldn't quite pinpoint the meaning or origin of the term. He just liked using it.

It was during this extended period of contact that he quickly gained an emotional dependence on Ayame's company and tried everything he could to spend time with her. Ayame also seemed to have liked Naruto a lot too, though not in a romantic way, of course. They had a really good friend in each other and they liked being together.


At a certain point in his training, Naruto began to feel like he needed to make contact with something inside of him. He didn't know what, but he knew that if it was inside of him, then maybe meditation would help.

At first, he was less than successful. It took Naruto two weeks to concentrate enough to get inside the seal. At which point he gained a little more understanding about himself. He would begin to meditate more to better understand things that were already in his head but he wasn't quite sure what they were or meant.

He continued his meditation and would eventually learn he was a reincarnated soldier from a vastly less peaceful world. That the world he was currently in was one of fiction in his old life, and that he would be able to grow stronger than the titular character did in the future. He began to remember things about himself that he'd not been able to register as an infant and toddler, and was beginning to understand how to make use of this slight insight to better his situation.

He was currently about to turn seven, and he knew that he should try to get as strong as possible before starting the academy. To this end, he continued his physical training and meditation, with the goal of making contact with his partner. He remembered that the fox from the story version of this world was a lot meaner at this point in time than at the end, so he was cautious.

Once he was able to make his way into the seal, he steeled his nerves and walked over to where the cage should have been. It was still some type of sewer that he remembered from his past life's memories, although other than the aesthetics there wasn't much else to it. As Naruto looked at his partner for the first time, he thought it looked rather peaceful. He wondered why that was, but did not forget to keep his guard up.

The Fox looked at Naruto and growled, "Come closer."

"Now why does that sound so familiar?", was Naruto's initial thought.

Naruto walks toward the cage and the fox's claws bang against the cage bars. 

"Ah, so that's why", was Naruto's realization as he fell on his butt from the scare. 

"I want to eat and kill you. But this gate won't open. Bloody spell that seals... What are you doing here?", the giant fox asked, looking at his container intently.

"Well, I... Uh...", Naruto drew a blank. 

He hadn't planned on what to tell his giant plushie when he saw him.

"Um, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. What's your name, Mr. Fox?", Naruto thought to win him over with cuteness, but alas, it was not to be.

"I already know who you are, you worthless meat sack! What do you want?!" He growled.

"Well, uh... I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I was hoping we could be friends, ya' know?", the verbal tick strikes again, much to his inner shame.

"Hahaha", the fox chuckles humorously as if told a joke.

"Friends you say? Fine then, open this gate and we can be friends", he continues, his eyes shining.

"Um, wouldn't that defeat the purpose of you being there at all though?", Naruto asked, proving his intelligence to the fox, much to its ire.

The giant fox growled out, "That's the point you insect!"

Naruto was kicked out of the seal and felt a sense of disappointment he couldn't shake. He got a little teary about the terrifying experience but held it back and continued to think of ways to get his partner to play nice with him.

As he did this, however, he learned that he'd meditated so much that he unknowingly unlocked the ability to use his chakra without the need for instruction. He knew because of a small ding that told me as much.

[Player has gained the ability to wield Chakra, a form of magic unique to this world.

Status and HUD unlocked:

[*Player* | Lv1 - DS: 800/ CP: 1100/ STR: 8/ AGI: 7/ VIT: 10/ INT: 5/ SNC: 4]

Naruto's excitement was palpable.