
Chapter 02: Better beginnings

My Life As Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 02: Better Beginnings


[Third Person POV]

Our hero would gain self-awareness at the age of two. A little later than most children, but he had many more powers, memories, and experiences to process and grow into than most normal children. He was still only a child and could process things in the same cognitive realm as children his age. He was undoubtedly smarter, but not by much. He was, however, often confused for a Nara child, so that should indicate his intelligence back then.

The Lord Third Hokage had wanted to take care of the young Naruto, but he could not bring his old bones to care for such a young child. He was running a village and would need to get as much rest as he could find the time for. So, he had ANBU taking care of the young Naruto, still making sure to take time to visit the boy.

There was one of the ANBU agents in his ranks who had slowly grown a soft spot for his adopted grandson. This was Agent Cat, also known as Yūgao Uzuki. 

The young Naruto had instinctually felt drawn to the young ANBU agent and often tried to get her attention. The boy didn't know why he wanted her to spend more time with him, but the boy felt the need to grow closer and tried calling out to her in any manner he could.

Agent Cat had initially been able to keep her heart closed to the baby boy who like her hair and would calm down at her approach; almost as if wishing for her company. But after two years of constant contact, she grew a soft spot and began to go out of her way to spoil and teach the child many different things.

Eventually, her enthusiasm in educating and caring for Naruto morphed into love and she began to shower him with affection. She became an older sister figure, as opposed to the caretaker she had been assigned to be. The young ANBU would softly spoil the boy and try to give him anything she could for him to play with or learn from.

She would often think back to the first time her little brother asked to read something, he'd found a colorful scroll lying on the ground and waddled over to it. She could never forget his cute expression as he tried to read it, or his burst of tears at the frustration.


Yūgao quickly approached the little boy and started to comfort him.

"Shh, shh, shh. What's wrong, Naru-chan?" Yūgao cooed. 

"I... *sniff* I want re-re-read *sniff*", was the boy's response. 

And while she could understand what he wanted, she couldn't resist teasing him a little and gave him a confused look behind her mask.

"Hm? You want to read the scroll?" She asked to make sure she understood.

"Mhm", the boy nodded in the cutest manner she had ever seen and she crushed the child in her embrace while holding in her girlish squeal. She was still on duty.

She then went to the Hokage to ask for permission to teach Naruto how to read and was more than a little surprised at the bunch of monkey-themed books and stories he had for Naruto to read. Yūgao also liked to sneak in her own kenjutsu and sword-themed books and stories for Naruto to read on occasion. She was hoping he would also pick up the sword when he became a shinobi. She could teach him and be a proper big sister.

[End Flashback]

She also thought of how Naruto took to pottery and other artistic types of hobbies. He was clumsy at first, of course, he was three when he began learning the craft, and four when he began to try to play instruments like the guitar and flute. But he had talent in the arts and she enjoyed watching him play or talk to her about how much he liked playing.

The Third had sighed at her overindulgence of his grandson, and while he appreciated it, she needed to be put back on ANBU missions or she would lose her edge. Naruto was about to turn five and she's been off the field for far too long, so he started to send her on missions out of the village since Naruto could now take care of himself and didn't need a constant caretaker with him. 

She had been less than pleased, but didn't complain and understood that as an ANBU her skills needed to remain sharp. She slowly began to try and distance herself from Naruto, she didn't want to die while on a mission and then leave him waiting. She couldn't do that to him, she'd never forgive herself.

She would visit after missions every so often, but would slowly stop doing so, hoping that Naruto would forget her. He wouldn't, but by this point, Naruto understood that he was going to have to say goodbye to her soon. He'd grown and realized his status as a reincarnated individual, but he didn't understand everything yet. Just that this was his second life and that he'd seen all of these people and places before it started.

He began to write music more often and play to himself as a way to pass the time. Only wanting his performances to be shared with those he loved, and only four people fit that description. Two of which were dead. He could more clearly remember his parents and the events of his birth, but it was like watching it through a movie reel for him, and he couldn't yet understand why that was.

His grandpa, as he called the Third on occasion, had gotten him an apartment when he turned five and left a present on his doorstep. He dubbed it 'Gama-chan', and loved it like a pet.


Once he turned, six years old, he grew a slight understanding of his situation, confusing as it seemed in his head, and felt a need and desire to train his mind and body. He already read and studied a lot, often spending more time at the Village Library than in his own home. So, now he would need to train his body. He looked for books and scrolls that could teach him how to properly exercise and began to do as many push-ups, sit-ups, squats, crunches, pull-ups, dips, sprints, and jumping exercises as he could at any one time. 

He began to avoid spending any amount of time in the village if it wasn't related to being in the library. Opting to do everything in the forests, food hunting, and resource gathering included. He still had guards, unknown to him, so he was never truly by himself when not in his home.

He did still walk around the village, of course, but mostly during nighttime or inclement weather, when most people were in their homes.

He wasn't treated any worse than any other kid in the village, just ignored for the most part, with the rude kid or drunk idiot now and then. 

Other than that, he was never harmed physically, a staunch guard of ANBU guarding him at all times, ensuring his physical and emotional safety. And while he was not able to understand everything about himself yet, as would be expected of a child, he was emotionally stronger than the original Naruto to an extent, and could likely handle the ostracization of the villagers. But only time would tell.

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