
My Lady and I

19yo Hina inherits a megacorporation in defense industry. Her sidekick, Sin, needs to help her succeed and protect her at all cost. This story is a light hearted romantic comedy between two girls in a realistically reconstructed world of defense industry.

Toobo · LGBT+
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79 Chs


"So it is decided"

As we were walking back toward the hotel I stayed in last night, Hina spoke after keeping quiet for a while. When she is quiet like this I just know she's plotting something, and I wondered just what in the world she was thinking and has decided now.

"What do you mean, Miss? What is decided?"

"Mm hm. Yes. We are going to share the room tonight"


"What is the problem, Sin?", Hina asked as if she really didn't understand, like she wasn't being cheeky at all. 

"It is inappropriate. Highly inappropriate"

"Why is it inappropriate?"

"Er-, putting everything aside, you are the employer and I am an employee"

"It didn't feel like that today"

"Okay, putting THAT aside, you are a minor and I am an adult"

"Sin? Did you forget I am 19?"

Oh yeah. She acted so childish at times I often thought of her as a child, not a teenager, let alone a 19-year-old.