
My Intoxicated Love

Maan a charismatic and lively Rj at Fm 92.6 love music, friends hangout and parties.. He is heart throb of his listeners. Son of Khurana Construction CEO Mr. Yash Khurana. Roshni a sad, depress girl, A daughter of Mr. Surve Bajaj has lost her finacee which makes her cursed. People consider her jinx so she isolate herself from the world in a single dark room. Would her cursed life ever change after meeting with Maan Khurana? Which she ever love again or change people mentality? A sweet, spicy, naughty love story which has shades of reality chord with incidents which everyone experience in life.

author_mishu · Fantaisie
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39 Chs

Chapter 29: Thank Roshni

Roshni hug Annie back with smile. GrandMa call both Maan and Roshni. She took out diamond bracelets with blue stones beautifully carved on it and make Roshni wear them.

GrandMa: These are our traditional jewels specially designed for Khurana daughter-in-laws. Maan's mother had all saved for her daughter in laws. Unluckily she didnt got time so Take it as her blessings. Never remove them Roshni dear.

she wipe her tears by remembering her daughter in law.

Roshni lovingly caress bracelets and promised GrandMa that she will never remove them.

Maan feel so emotional by seeing his mother bracelets. He bow his head and control his tears. Roshni notice water in his eyes.

Annie: What GrandMa you make us all emotional *wipe tears* Ma is always with us.

After dinner at Roshni house. Grandma took a bid from Surve family. As there are lots of preparations pending for Dev wedding. All move out and sit in their cars except Annie who was busy in gossiping with Roshni and Pinky.

Annie: Roshni you have to come earlier. Now you are part of our family so being a good daughter in law you must come and help us in big brother wedding. I have lots of things to discuss for all the cermonies.

Roshni happily agreed with Pinky.

Maan who was desperate to talk with Roshni in private feel decieved and disappoint because no one is allowing him to talk with Roshni after little engagement.

He interrupt Annie

Maan: Gosh Annie dont bore my fiancee and sister. Go and sit in car.

Annie: * shock* at Maan but control and sit in her car.

Maan quickly pull Roshni and kiss on her cheek and say "Thanks Rosh" and sit at driving seat before her lioness reply.

Roshni was shock at Maan daring action and look around whether her parents noticed. But except Pinky no one was around who giggled at Maan quick action...

Roshni: Cheapster .. Just Hate yyyooou

which makes Pinky laugh out loud.

Maan noticed Roshni blabbering from side mirror and smile inwardly.


At 12 pm fm radio 92.6 office. it was usual day, Maan was busy in his show preparations when he got a call from GrandMa for his wedding shopping.

GrandMa: I am happy that you have started taking your responsibilities serious but dear your Big bro wedding is near and we need your help. Dont forget its Roshni and your engagement shopping is still pending.

Maan : Hey Sweetheart relax your grandson is handsome enough. He dont need to prepare for some event . I ll go with Rohan for shopping soon.

GrandMa : I know Mr. Self Obssessed Maan that you dont need any help but think about Roshni. Who will take her for shopping. What about her finger size. I have talked with Ranu and she agree to send Roshni with us for shopping. So now I am sure you will act more responsible towards her too.

GrandMa didnt hear any reply from Maan She worridly check whether he is on line.. But noticed he already disconnect her call.

GrandMa: This Boy is impossible.. Oh God help my son to take life more serious and think about his responsibilities.

She immediately dialed no of designer who had strict instructions about Roshni engagement dress and other event dresses.
