
My Intoxicated Love

Maan a charismatic and lively Rj at Fm 92.6 love music, friends hangout and parties.. He is heart throb of his listeners. Son of Khurana Construction CEO Mr. Yash Khurana. Roshni a sad, depress girl, A daughter of Mr. Surve Bajaj has lost her finacee which makes her cursed. People consider her jinx so she isolate herself from the world in a single dark room. Would her cursed life ever change after meeting with Maan Khurana? Which she ever love again or change people mentality? A sweet, spicy, naughty love story which has shades of reality chord with incidents which everyone experience in life.

author_mishu · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chap 30 Scent of Love

Roshni was sleeping in her room when Ranu enter and remove curtains to the side.

Roshni dear wake up.. Its very late already.

Roshni: Let me sleep Ma. I am so tired

Ranu: Dont say that Rosh. What your in laws will think that your mother never teaches you. Atleast come and help me in kitchen.

Rosh: Ma plzz.. Let me sleep. plzz naa. Do you know how.much my exams eat my brain.

she checked her mobile clock for time.

Ma its just 12 oclock. I slept so late.

Ranu: Rosh come on wake up. Maan is about to come.

Roshni shaked with word "Maan" She quickly open her eyes and ask her mother

Ma what did you say?

Ranu: Your fiancee Maan Khurana is coming Roshni. Mrs Khurana had called in morning and asked about you to go on shopping with them. She said Maan will pick Roshni after 12. They all are waiting for you in Mall.

Roshni:* irritate* Ma whats this..i accept that only for you and papa now whats this new demand... why you agree. I dont want to go with that cheapster.. idiot.

Ranu: * worried* Roshni you dont like their family? but you said Yes and we didnt forced you.

Roshni: oh Ma i like Maan family but not that cheapster Rj.

Ranu: Stop it Rosh. what rubbish you are saying.. Be respectful.He is your to be husband. Stop talking bad about him. Your father really spoilt you. * she scold*

Rosh: Ma plzz na . Call them that Roshni has fever so she couldnt join them. They could choose whatever they want. I dont want to go with that monkey.* roshni plead*

Ranu: If you say one more word I will slap you Rosh. Such a spoil and ignorant you become. Maan is really nice and decent guy. What you did yesterday was so embarassing. Do you realize how your father and me tried to overcome your disaster. Still they accepted your rude attitude towards Maan... I dont want to listen anything.

Rosh: But Ma....do you know what your decent Maan did.... he tried to Ki....Never mind.

Ranu: Shut up And Go and change Rosh. He will be here at any minute. I have ironed your blue dress just go and change. No need for jeans now. You look more beautiful in traditional outfit and no more arguments..

Rosh: Ma now whats this....

Before Ranu says anything door bell ring and she quickly move out to welcome Maan.

Ranu: Oh God. See he reach Rosh. You argue alot. I am fed up with you.

Roshni make crying faces and unwillingly went to take shower.


Maan enter Roshni house and welcome by Ranu.

Ranu: Welcome dear son. We are waiting for you. Come take a seat. Rosh will be here soon.

Maan: It ok Auntie I am good. After formal chat..

Ranu feel something is burning so she quickly run towards kitchen leaving Maan in hall.

Maan took a chance and went straight to Roshni room. He enter in her room and feel sweet fragrance. He closed her eyes, to feel her love scent just than Roshni came out from washroom in towel. She was busy in her own world humming song and didnt noticed Maan in her room. Maan quickly turn around and saw magnificient view.

A naughty smile crept on his face and he look Roshni without blinking eyes.
