
My Hormonal Control Quirk

Total control over hormones and meta-hormones? Yeah. Playing with people's metabolism, behavior, and physical abilities, making them stronger and sturdier to the point of boosting quirks or… making them weaker? Yeah. Knowing that, everyone ran away from Felix without realizing they were crafting the monster they feared. Both a blessing and a curse, Felix's quirk led him down the path people scorned—a path that led him to a prison cell. Blasé by his life between four concrete walls, he struck a deal with the Canadian and Japanese governments, who decided to free him earlier as a bargaining chip to avoid the impending war between the Ring of Fire allies and the West. Embracing his role as a tool to avoid an all-out superhero war, Felix is sent to the Land of the Rising Sun with more than just a few ideas in mind. The Japanese government that wanted to use him for their ploys soon realized that they had freed someone driven by a not-so-familiar ambition and inhabited by a strange malice that even All for One would struggle to grasp. And who knows, maybe his strange quirk might trigger something nobody thought possible? ◉—▩▦▩▦▩▦▩▦▩▦▩▦▩—◉ ⟹ No NTR ◆ No Yuri ⟸ ⟹ Crafty MC ◆ Cunning MC ◆ Vindictive MC ◆ Amoral MC ◆ Medic/Teacher MC ◆ Corruption ◆ Bribery ◆ Extortion ◆ Impregnation ◆ Big Harem ◆ Pro Heroes ◆ Students ◆ Unlocking People True Potential ◆ Unknown Growth Cap ◆ Drugs Creation ◆ Clinic Management ◆ Real Stakes ◆ Graphical Violence ⟸ ⟹ Maybe more someday. Suppose you know what I mean. ◉—▩▦▩▦▩▦▩▦▩▦▩▦▩—◉ ⟹ Genderbend? Probably, but only for a small handful of characters (since it would be thanks to the MC's quirk, it needs to have a narrative purpose). Don't wanna overuse this. As of now, no character has been gender-bent. ⟹ The story starts a few weeks before the first manga chapters. So, a bit more than a year before Izuku enters U.A. ⟹ Average chapter length: 3300 words.

Brainr0t · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

Blowing A Gasket.

"Sorry for the boring briefing. Hafta do it, you know. Tis' just the rules."

"Well… I'm kinda used to it now."

"Ha! Now? C'mon, you can't get used to it. At least I don't!"

"Seems to be a skill issue to me."

"Um. I like the attitude, y'know, but aren't ya a bit too cocky for a medic?" Burnin scoffed with a grin. "Your job is basically just to sit on a chair all day and give pills to people."

"Really?" Felix chuckled. "If you ever get hurt badly, remind me to let you die on the stretcher."

"Ha! Now, that's somethin' ya shouldn't say, bucko."

"You seemed pretty open to fooling around."

"Yah, but if da boss or someone else hears you, they might take you seriously."

"My bad."

Yeah, she was right. It was a boring meeting—thirty minutes of yapping about how Endeavor's agency works and what was expected of him. He already knew all that, but at least it allowed him to see how this new crew was. He had a lot more freedom here than anywhere else.

"I thought Endeavor wanted to be the first to get boosted, but…"

"Yah, at first he wanted to, but he preferred to start with Kido and myself. See how it goes, y'know. Da soft "fuck around and find out" method."

"So you're both guinea pigs, then."

"Hahaha!" She cackled, slapping his back repeatedly. "Naah! Mirko and Bubble Girl are the real guinea pigs. Be real!"

"Burnin, please…" Kido grunted. "You're too loud."

"Ho, c'mon, now!Alright, alright." She couched. "Now, to be fair, I'm against doping, so I'm a bit surprised Mirko accepted to work with you… She had the same worldview as me before, but I guess desperate times call for desperate measures."

"Desperate times?" Felix asked, trying to fish out something. "I have to worry—"

"We're waiting for a team to finish an investigation, that's all." Kido sighed before muttering to himself. "It's like that time with my brother…"

"Arf! The investigation takes so long that our own intel thinks that some people workin' in the underground might end up comin' to understand what's going on and take countermeasures."

"The underground? Sound like a hassle," Felix muttered, holding back a smile. After all, he was the one slowing the investigation down.

"Tell me about it. The spy we dispatched ain't doing much either."

The urge to smile was almost too great to hold back. 

Spy or not, they won't find much without his help. That's what happens when you have a double agent working with and against you. Well, he was closer to a triple or even quadruple agent now. He was working on the same investigation for the HPSC's President, Mt. Lady, Daphne & Camie, and himself.

Now that I think about it, this whole shitshow is just two mother and daughter duos going against each other… unknowingly…

And he was the one who could shape the outcome of it all.

For this to happen, he had to provide fudged information and half-truths here and there. That said, he always had to be careful not to lie too much, which is why he couldn't afford to mess around with the HPSC and Mt. Lady.

Anyway, after a few seconds of walking, Burnin showed Felix his office. It was full of medical and training supplies. Anything he needed to treat people was here, too. It lacked research supplies, but he had those at home.

"Don't get your hopes up, though." Burning chortled, showing the room and the computer. "None of this is yours. Break something, and ya have to compensate the agency."

"I know how to use this stuff without breaking it."

"We'll see, dude."

"First thing I'll break is the law if you continue being a jerk."

"Haha! Joking, joking. …So, you're gonna do your magic?" She asks, sitting on a rotating chair while Kido slumped on the sofa. "Da boss briefed us already about your boost thingy, so save the scientific mumbo jumbo and do your thing, will ya?"

"I don't have to sign a contract or close of confidentiality?"

"Nope," Kido replied. "You work for the commission, not Endeavor's agency. You already signed with them, so there's no need for another signature."

Well, yeah. Despite that, Mt. Lady still blackmailed him into signing a contract with her. Both contracts were working against each other.

One asks for confidentiality, cooperation, and obedience, while the other also asks for cooperation and obedience and to tell what the HPSC does at all times.

"I'm starting the examination," Felix warned them. "Just stay relaxed and breathe calmly."

Felix checked their health report. Allergies? Chronic diseases? Former broken bones? None of that. He also examined their bodies to see if they had any new issues, like fractured bones, but he found nothing. Boring stuff, but that's what he will have to do at U.A, so "chop chop," as Mt. Lady says.

It's been a while since I boosted a new hero… They really did their best to prevent me from doing so. It's ironic, considering they initially dragged me to this country for this sole reason.

Slowly sucked out of her body, Burnin's meta-hormones entered Felix's metabolism before being stocked in his storage glands.

Now that her bloodstream and meta-glands were rid of a good chunk of her meta-hormones, he sent his meta-growth hormones into her glands by touching the back of her head and scalp since most of her quirk factors seemed to be there.

Sebaceous glands and… mutated hair follicles. It doesn't even burn me, though…

These meta-hormones will seek to latch on to something they know: a meta-gland, and act on its cell's surface receptors, triggering mitosis—cell division—thanks to the cyclin-dependent kinases activated by her own insulin growth factor, thyroid, and growth hormones. The resulting forced divisions caused by foreign meta-hormones of these cells can cause a mutation, weakening or strengthening the gland. And so, over time, the weaker cells will die due to the stronger ones needing more energy to survive, letting only the stronger ones able to divide and multiply.

Survival of the fittest at the microscopic scale.

To be fair, he could crank up this procedure by using their normal hormones, but this kind of hormonal replacement leads to mood swings and unwanted feelings.

Something like that already happened with Mt. Lady once. If he could avoid another fuck-up, all the better. Being blackmailed once is enough.

At least he didn't have to stabilize Kido's hormonal level. Men don't have periods. Duh. That's the one thing women with quirks have going for and against them. Since there is an imbalance and different hormonal peaks in women at different points during their menstrual cycle, their quirks can become stronger at one point and weaker later on.

So, yeah, it also allows pregnant women to get even stronger quirks for nine months as their hormones are finally balanced while surges of different hormones, including meta-hormones, are produced in greater quantity.

And given how much hormones and how little estrogen and progesterone Burnin had in her metabolism, she was clearly on her period. Not in any condition to get pregnant.

It should be enough. I'll try both of their quirks at home… I just hope Himiko won't be there to peep on my ass.

Overall, he worked with Kido for an hour and almost two hours with Burnin by getting them to do different exercises with their quirks—allowing him to see their quirks' potency and what they could do. Typically, for a first-time appointment, boosting anyone shouldn't take so long, but Felix did his best to get a lot of their meta-hormones. After all, he'll need everything he can get for what's to come.

Kido's progress chart should show a substantial improvement in a month or so, but…

Well, Burnin is another matter. The best way to boost a woman's quirk is to fix the hormonal imbalance at its root with his own main hormonal source: cock and balls

But he can't fuck her just like that.

Not yet.

"Ayo, ya hear me, bro?"

"Ah, sorry." Felix exhaled. "You were saying?"

"I don't feel any different, y'know." Burnin smiled, tapping his shoulder. "Da boss might fire you in no time if you don't show results fast enough."

"Yeah, well… My quirk isn't some magical bullshit that miraculously works by touching people. I need time."

"Ha. There's no other way?"

"Well, I can go faster, but there's some risk for both of you."

"Which means?"

"I'm under government supervision, remember? I can't reveal everything."


"What I can tell you, though, is that this risk is harmless." He confessed, being both truthful and full of lies. "The risk lies elsewhere."

"Ya can't be more nebulous, man."

"Eh. Sorry. You'll have to settle with that."

Given the amount of work Felix had to do in Endeavor's agency, befriending Burnin would be challenging, but he could always straight-up boost every hormone simultaneously in other sidekicks to save time It would sissify them in the long run, though.

Anyway, they quickly debriefed the exercises they would have to do until the next appointment. After giving him their professional phone numbers, Burning led him back to the first floor. It was already past three o'clock, so everyone had other things to do now.

Accompanied by her, they exited the building before smiling at each other.

"Happy to be workin' with ya, man," Burnin said, reaching out to shake his hand.

"I sure hope I'm up to the challenge." He chuckled with false modesty. "Been cool workin' with ya, bucko."

"Oi, don't imitate my twang, chump."

"Haha! My bad, my bad. You're from Hiroshima, right?"

"Yeah? How d'you know? I mean It's hard for foreigners to hear accents and all, y'know."

"I just know someone else who's from Hiroshima."

"Don't tell me…"


"Is that Rumi?!"


Running toward the parking made for help-seekers, she ignored him and rushed to a bunny girl. Mirko and Bubble Girl—Rumi and Kaoruko—were talking to each other, both leaning against a car.

Burnin jumped on Rumi before shaking her back and forth as the Rabbit Hero tried to push her off.

"Moe, stop it…" She grunted, flushing a bit. "F-Felix, get her away from me…"

"You're still mad? Maybe you're feeling a bit under the weather for an unknown reason? Hm?"

"Shaddap! Wanker! I'm asking for help, goddamn it! HELP!"

"Geez." Felix puffed. "Isn't she your buddy or something?"

"Well, Rumi's my senpai!" Burnin exclaimed, slapping Rumi's back. "We were at the same hero school!"

"Alright, then, you can stick to Rumi as much as you want. I won't interfere."

"Hey!" Rumi yelled, frowning and stomping the ground. "Ya fuckin' know how I am because of ya! Don't let her touch me or—! Oi! Oi! Felix! Don't leave me here!"

"Haha! You're so dramatic."


Ignoring the complaints of the horny heroine, who did her best to hide it, but was still was on the verge of exploding, and turned to Kaoruko before giving her a quick French kiss.

"D-Did everything went well?" She asked, blushing a bit.

"Endeavor wasn't there, but other than that, things went smoothly."

"Still didn't fuck the sidekick? Color me surprised."

"Alright, smartass."

"Payback for making me carry Rumi around in the car," Kaoruko sighed. "That chastity cage you made her wear makes her grumpy."

"Grumpy? Isn't that just her being… her?"

"No, no. You don't understand. She's even more grumpy than usual."

"Yeah, well… That might be a problem. Couldn't know. She's been ghosting me since the last time I saw her."

"Oh, yeah. I truly wonder why." She shrugged, rolling her eyes. "…We kinda tidied up your flat, by the way. What the fuck happened?"



 "Yeah… And other things."

"Ah. Well, whatever, I guess it's Mei." She said while entering her car to open the glove box. "I also finished the paperwork Nighteye and I had to do. It should be good to go soon."

"That was fast."

"Yep. I can only tell you a few things, though."

"Eh. It's alright. I'll settle with that."

"A partnership with a hero might be possible in the near future."

"And who might that be?"

"Nope. That's all you get from me."




"Shut it, idiot." Kaoruko chuckled, giving him a light slap on the back of the head. "Anyway—"


Both turned toward Rumi, who looked at them with her arms crossed, causing both of them to step back. Since she was tweaking, who knew what she might do with her trembling legs?

They said goodbye to Burnin and entered the car, ready to return to business. Mei was also there, tinkering with a weird amalgamation of metal, almost like she didn't really know what she was doing.

Rumi was indeed grumpy during the whole ride, but he calmed her a bit by using a few hormones. The deal was just to not fuck her for more than a month. So, helping her like that was still okay.

Getting out of the car, he had to help Rumi walk as she was on the verge of puking. However, as he tried to walk her up the stairs, someone gazed at them, a bit bewildered, like a fawn caught in a car's headlights.

A really short girl with long magenta hair. His downstairs neighbor.


"H-Hello…" the hikikomori muttered, looking at the three girls accompanying him, especially at Rumi. "Is… Is she alright?"

"More or less?"

"I wanna fuckin' puke…"

"Oh, w-well then… I have some medicines on me that can help with that if you want…"

"Ah… Thanks…" Rumi whispered, looking at it. "Where… did you get these pills? I've never seen them before…"


"It's alright," Felix smiled, knowing it would be better to cut this conversation short. Rumi has a really sharp instinct, especially for anything fishy. He'll have this discussion with Manami himself. "You're going out for food, right? I already told you can come to my flat once in a while to eat."

"…I prefer to avoid this battlefield you call a flat…"


Rumi and Kaoruko both laughed, but well, they were right. His flat was nothing like it used to be, especially since Hawks almost managed to kill him. He'll have to quit this place soon and find another place to live in—no matter where. It was getting too dangerous living in this hellscape.

Still, Manami was too timid to do anything with him. Yet, soon, his best bet for a place to crash that was a little more secure than his own flat was her apartment. Being borderline paranoid, she had cameras everywhere, so…

Anyway, after a long day of work, Rumi, Kaoruko, and Mei all crashed into his "battlefield." Mei was still as weird as ever, immediately going back to work on her workbench. Well, now that he thinks about it, she's really fucking weird. Back when he fucked her, she told him she would take "some of his ejaculates" and choose the best "spermatozoon of the bunch," thanks to her eyes, to then fertilize her eggs and see what happens, using herself as her very first guinea pig.

"Ugh… These last two weeks were somethin' else."

"Tell me about it."

"Here you go." Kaoruko sighed, slumping on the sofa after turning on the TV and throwing everyone a Coke. "So, want to talk about the commission? I mean, since Hawks attacked you, we didn't really have the time to…"

"Yeah… They either want me dead or want to use me… in another way, I guess. Since nothing they tried against me worked til now, I'm kinda worried they might try to do stuff to people I'm close to."

"Exactly," Rumi grunted. "Since I've said I won't comply with their bullshit, they've been keepin' their distance with me… Didn't even inform me there was a fuckin' meeting the other day. I'm supposed to be the main assailant attacking the Underground Maskerade, for fuck's sake…"

"All of that because they hate me with a burning passion."

"Ya don't say."

"You haven't heard anything new?" Kaoruko asked.

"Not much, nah. I just heard a chat, thanks to ma ears. Seems like they already found someone to replace Hawks."

"…What a fucking pain."

"It's alright," Rumi muttered, turning toward Felix. "Fuck me, and I'll protect ya."

"Really…? You can't sexually blackmail me."




"Haha! Stop it, you two." Kaoruko giggled, taking a sip of her Coke. "Seriously, Felix, you shouldn't come too close to Nighteye, too. At least try not to make eye contact if he ever touches you. Even just a hand on a shoulder is enough. The commission might ask him to look into you."

"Wasn't he against this, though?"

"Yes, but he still does what he asked. He's like that."

"Eh… I'll keep that in mind, you two. Thanks for your insight."


"Nah, I already told you what to do if you want that to—"






"Kaoruko, blow my cock in front of her."



"Miss Mirko constantly screams at me. Recently, she started hitting me really hard during training for no reason. She also ghosted me for more than a week. I think she needs to be taught a lesson."



"Why not."


"Sorry, Rumi, it's also been a while for me…"

"N-NO… Ya… Y-Ya can't do that to me!"

Already not listening anymore, Kaoruko kneeled in front of him as his eyes were locked on her. Seeing her like that, with only the dim light of the TV and Mei's workbench, put her beauty on display: smooth blue skin, dark blue hair, and yellow irises. A rare gem.

Unzipping his pants, she restrained herself from jumping straight onto his cock. He wasn't fully hard anyway, but she had a solution to this problem.

Her lips parted as she gazed up at him, her breath hot and heavy against his half-flaccid dick. She started licking from the base to the top, caressing his balls with her nails.

She knew he loved that, so while doing so, already knowing he'd become hard as a rock, she looked into Felix's eyes and smiled.

Rumi, who increasingly became a horny and angry creature, left the sofa and stood to the side, her fists clenched. She was seething with jealousy and frustration, her eyes darting between Felix and Kaoruko. Who was she really mad against? She wasn't sure. Maybe herself?

Felix reached down and ran his fingers through Kaoruko's hair, guiding her head towards his cock. She didn't need any encouragement, though. She eagerly wrapped her lips around his shaft, her tongue darting out to taste the droplets of pre-cum that glistened on his tip.

Rumi watched in fury. A furious denied libido. Why? Why? Why?

Her chest heaved, struggling to control her emotions. She wanted him, needed him, but he was denying her. She could feel the heat of his desire, could sense the pleasure he was experiencing as another woman's mouth worked its magic on his cock.

It was a cruel and humiliating sight.

Kaoruko moaned softly, her eyes fluttering shut as she lost herself in the pleasure of Felix's touch. She could feel his cock swelling in her mouth, the veins pulsing with each throb.

Rumi knew she was good at blowjobs, better than her. She could make him come way faster with her mouth than she could. She knew that she could make him come with just a few more strokes of her tongue.


Lunging herself at Felix, Rumi's hands grasping for his cock. Kaoruko, who sucked him peacefully until now, pulled back, startled.

But Felix simply laughed, gently pushing her away.

"Nah," he said, his voice low and commanding. "You don't get to share. She gets to enjoy me, and you get to watch."


"You insult me nonstop. And you kicked me in the ball twice. I gave you three chances to apologize genuinely, and you didn't."

She was seething. She knew he was right. That was what made her furious the most.

She watched as Kaoruko continued to suck his cock, her eyes filled with desire and pleasure. Cruel and humiliating, but still, she couldn't look away.

As she continued blowing him, Felix's pleasure grew, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He could feel his orgasm building, could sense that it was only a matter of time before he exploded.

And then, with a final, short moan, he came. Kaoruko's mouth was flooded with his cum, her throat convulsing as she swallowed every drop.

While Rumi contained every bad and destructive emotion in her.

She had no choice but to endure. She would have to watch as he enjoyed the pleasures of another woman, denied the release she so desperately craved.

However, when she'll explode and finally fuck him, his ball will be empty for weeks afterward. If he really thought he could do all of that and not give her his child in the end, he was… not that smart.

Phew… That was something… I don't think I've ever seen her like that. A bit more, and she would have blown a gasket.

Leaving the room where he fucked Kaoruko and where both his girls were now sleeping, he joined Mei, who was still working on her "babies."

"You shouldn't eavedrops," Felix muttered. "Given the circumstances, it's creepy."

"I can't resist my curiosity! See! I had to peep through the keyhole." Mei exclaimed. "Maybe it's just this body that's prone to this kind of behavior, hehe!"

"You should stop taking her blood."

"Mei-Mei told me it was perfectly okay as long as it is for the better of mankind."

"And what part of peeping through a keyhole to watch a guy fuck a girl is for the better of mankind."

"I've learned a lot! So mankind became better!"


"By the way, thank you for letting me live here for the last week. I've never felt more alive! Oh, can I also get some of your blood, pretty pwease?"

"I'll give you some when you'll do something useful." He sighed, patting her head. "I can't just give you a house and free food for eternity. You cost me money. I mean, I'm not your dad."


"Err… Stop it."

"Hehe! I'll think about what I can do for you, then!"


"So, what's coming up next?"

"Well, first, studying two new quirks… Then, in a few days, I have to meet with Midnight, Nezu, and Recovery Girl at U.A for my first appointment there." He smiled, looking her in the eye. "So I hope you're ready."

We're so back 2.0.

Chapter length: ~3800 words.

Hope you liked the chapter!

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