
My Hero Under The Tree

Rowan is a kind-hearted person who would do anything for his friends and family. He and his friends wish to become knights and serve their country, Remus. Although it does not go as they hoped for. This is his story and his life through his own eyes.

NexusAzara · Action
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32 Chs

Mount Ginnahin

He nodded and then I did. We slowly walked towards each other. Suddenly, he started running towards me. His attacks were blindingly fast. I held up my blade and parried all of his strikes. He is definitely a hard one to face. Both of our blades are blunted but he can cleave an arm off easily. With his speed, it is impossible to think. All I can do is react. Then I matched his speed. We took involuntary turns of striking and parring each other. Eventually, I started to show him moves and techniques. He's a quick learner and his reflexes are incredible. In the span of a few minutes, we fought so fluently. His face was calm and emotionless, mine was probably tense.

Finally, an opening. I became faster and he struggled to keep up. I managed to make little contact with his armor. I slashed towards the neck area, but he blocked it. I did several arcing slashes from up high and down low. I managed to hit him in the chest, but his leather armor was strong. Although now there was a giant slash in the middle, and it exposed his bare skin. He swung more rapidly and lost his accuracy. He forced me to back up slightly. We were close to the fire. I kept backing up and I saw him moving to get rid of his heavy coat. I lunged at him with the sword in my hand. The hilt side smashed into his side, and in return I got kneed in the stomach. I staggered backward and fell. I slowly got up and readied myself. He tossed aside his helm and his upper armor and was ready. We started to fight anew.

The armor seemed to have weighed him down, because after he tossed the armor, he could easily match me again. I charged forward and collided my sword with his. I swung against his arm. The blade barely cut his skin, yet blood trickled down. We continued this dance, and I realized it was a little past noon. His swings got heavier and stronger. I felt my arms weaken a little after blocking them. I know that his blade hits a lot harder than mine. I tried to strike him anywhere. His arms or legs, but his blade always stopped me. It felt like we were equal. It felt like my body was overheating. Roman went for a right slash. To avoid it, I had to raise my own blade a bit. Sparks flew as our swords made contact. The slash was aimed perfectly at my eyes. I took a step back to create distance. My eyes no longer bothered me, but I could tell that they looked blood red. Roman took that time to lunge at me. So, I decided to let loose. I held the hilt and slashed him in the chest. It was merely a flesh wound, not fatal. When he rushed at me, I rolled sideways and cut at his back. Blood spilled out of the fresh wounds. He kept trying to get me while I kept cutting him. All I could inflict on him were minor wounds, but I could tell that they stung. 

We took a few steps back from each other. We both were breathing heavily and covered in dirt, sweat, and blood. He stood up straight and rushed me. For the first time, my blade penetrated his skin. I pulled out my blade and watched as the blood gushed out. He stood in place and dropped his sword. I sheathed mine.

"Ah... you did well, Rowan Niron." he said with a soft smile.

"Goodbye, Roman Salazar." I said.

He slowly got to his back and watched the sunset turn into a beautiful void with scattered dots of lights.

"It's... beautiful..." he said with his final breath.