
UA Festival pt14: funnel cake

------This is what I call a wandering chapter. I hope you enjoy...-----

I decided to explore the festival like Almight had brought up. I had never actually gone to a festival or amusement park before. It was pretty interesting. I had seen some people with funnel cake though and i really wanted to get some. So I strayed through the games an stalls.

Momo had found me and called out. Mineta, Denki, and Jiro was with her. "What's up?"

"Just wanted to ask what you were doing? and wanted to know if you are just gonna keep wearing your gold medal."

I shrugged, "I could put it in my pocket but then I can't show off my victory."

Mineta nodded, "Hoes do like gold. Its a good strategy." Jiro slapped Mineta in the head and Denki was gonna say something, but a glance from Jiro shut him up.

"That's ridiculous. Why would someone... You know what, I'm not gonna ask." Momo may not have understood, but I had to agree with Mineta.

"I am not calling myself a hoe, but I would want gold. Just saying..." The 4 looked at me.

"Hey Yaoyorozu you got money you could pay destiny to be your boyfriend." Mineta respond to Jiro's jab with desperateness.

"I'D PAY YOU TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND!" Mienta got another backhand from both Jiro and Yaoyorozu. Denki shook his head, "Mineta you gotta know when to comment man, that was just desperate."

Mineta frowned, "Yeah you're right. That's totally fair." An awkward silence sort of fell over us...

"So I'mma go find where people are getting Funnel cake see you 4 later." I left them and they just let me leave. There was quite a few heroes around now that I was looking. I even saw Mt.Lady who was signing autographs...

I had some disturbing thoughts about her quirk, and I didn't know if I wanted them answered. Like what happens if she gets a parasite or worse a child and then becomes really big. Does those creatures match her size? I shuddered, best to leave that topic before I lose my will to find funnel cake.

Making my way into a sort of food stall area I found a ton of foods. They had some traditional foods, some imported foods. There was even a stand that made Almight specific food items, like a Popsicle made in likeness of his face. I suppose it made sense he would have merchandise like that, I mean there is movie and game characters made ice cream. I blinked and realized Deku was standing in line. He was bouncing up and down.

I chose to avoid that and walk on. I was getting slightly annoyed that I couldn't find funnel cake. It took a second to realize Erin was walking right next to me. Specifically she had funnel cake in her hand eating it.

"Where did you get that?" Erin looked at me, "I Rmmmgh Gom Ober Deuurrrgh." I stared at her, she stared back. Erin looked down swallowing what was in her mouth. "I'm sorry..."

I shook my head, "Just repeat where you got it."

Erin nodded, and pointed behind me. "I got it from over there, You walked past it like 3 times. I watched you walk by a few times. You must be really focus Des! Cause I also walked up right behind you without you saying anything. It was really surprising because you see usually alert. and..."

I covered her mouth, "Just lead me to the funnel cake." Erin nodded and skipped off where I had come from. The stall was almost unnoticeable though looking at it there was some cameras watching the crowds. The guy at the stall was flipping through a tablet, this wasn't an actual food stall.

I walked up with Erin and the guy behind the stall spoke before we could. "Hey again kiddo, you brought your friend this time?" He looked from his tablet and his eyes were...weird.

"Yeah this is Des, he beat me in the festival like I had said earlier. As you can see he is still even wearing his gold medal! He so cool am I right? Anyway you were right about your guess. He did really want a funnel cake!"

The guy was staring at us, but the tablet still flickered through camera angles. Looking back at him he seemed familiar, but I couldn't place it. He had to be a hero right?

"Don't think to much on it kid, you won't get the answers you are looking for. Its a fact of my quirk, but anyway you wanted funnel cake right?" I nodded, as a machine on the right of him turned on and began creating a funnel cake. He didn't even touch it...

"Don't worry kid I'm not gonna look through your phone to see what you got on there. I got better things to do and besides. Not everyone is happy with their slice of life you know? Anyway you got your funnel cake and I got to meet'cha! I'll see you again kid, I can hardly wait for it."

The guy got up and left with his tablet. The machine stopped after finishing my Funnel cake. It seemed out of batter anyway. I blinked and the guy was gone, blended into the crowd like magic. I was mind boggled.

"Who was that guy Erin?"

She shrugged eating more of her funnel cake. "I don't know he was really nice though. He seemed familiarly to me too. I think he's a hero, but I can't place my finger on what his name is."

"Yeah I got the same feeling. How did he know me and how did he prepare..." I looked down at the funnel cake, Taking a bite. It was really good just like the funnel cake my family would make. I didn't usually thought about my parents anymore. Except for some reason...

"I think I have goose bumps." Erin nodded, "Why are they called goose bumps?"

-----This is set up for later this is where I might stray hard from the MHA lore. For the sake of giving a more interesting side bar. After all I do have to break away from certain parts from they MHA Story. Since it more or less follows Deku. Also I am moving some heavy furniture for my move to a new house. So I do want to apologize for the slight delay of this chapter. I'm gonna have to ignore writing as I continue to box things up. Thanks for understanding, I'll try to get the other chapters out soon.-----