
UA festival pt13: Awards

Standing on the stage was something else. I had in fact won and Midnight was just unhappy. Though looking at Kacchan... I think he was more upset. Ibara was third tied with Todoroki while Kacchan was in second. He however had been chained to dolly and had his face covered because he was yelling and trying to spit on Midnight.

The whole thing was awkward as well because apparently a third of the crowd was effected by my attack. I got a few pretty harsh glares from some, I guess showing off was a bit much. Though maybe it wasn't as Almight was announced and landed in front of us.

"Hahaha! I am here! Ahem, Alright in all seriousness our two 3rd place contestants. I'll begin with you young Todoroki. Congratulations, I am assuming you have a lot on your mind. You were certainly challenged during your battles."

Shoto nodded and had responded. "I was Midoriya opened my eyes, but I had begun to doubt myself. Then Destiny..." He looked at me, "mentioned how I fought. It made me realize a little more beyond than just what Midoriya had said. I think I have a new goal for how I want to train myself. first however I have some things to settle with someone before that."

I guess he meant his dad, Almight nodded and placed the medal around Shoto's neck. "Trust yourself I think you will do fine." Almight turned to Ibara next, I had to wonder how much interaction he had with Class B. I mean surely he had the same amount as Class A...but I had to side eye Deku. The boy without effort in my eyes.

"Shiozaki! Congratulations to you too. I believe you did incredible, though it pains me to say you might not have gotten much further. You have a great personality and a great quirk young miss."

Ibara stepped forward and got in a pose that remind me of a nun. "Thank you Almight, I hope that one day I may bring peace to the world so we may not have to fight. I am also aware how difficult it would've been moving forward against my stage fellowship. Also I would like to ask if I could slap that one..." She pointed to Kacchan who was yanking and jolting against his restraints. "He is being beyond tolerable."

I think everyone was a little stunned to hear her say that, it seemed that saint had sass. "Haha! You cannot slap young Bakugo. He will calm down eventually on his own. Hopefully after he receives his medal..."

Almight walked up to the chained Kacchan next. "I'll admit this is a little much, let's get this thing off of you." Taking off the spit guard of Kacchan was very loud. "ARGHHGHHH! This is ridiculous! ALMIGHT! WINNING AT ALL DOESN'T MATTER! I want a rematch! There is no way I would lose consciousness without that old hag interfering! I want a fair battle! I WANT, MHmmgmd!"

Almight had shoved the medal in Kacchan's mouth shutting him up. "You can always get a rematch from Amishido in the future. Also Midnight is your teacher so try to avoid calling her any names she may give you extra work or something...she's sadistic like that. Ahem, Congratulations though, you fought well and put in some hard work." Almight also leaned in close to Kacchan and whispered. I coulds till hear him though...

"*And about you knock out, Midnight did interfere. However without her making you pass out you could've sustained permanent injury that recovery girl could not heal. I hope you understand young Bakugo.*" Kacchan made a muffled scream as a response.

Next was me and Almight walked forward. "So you won Young Amishido. I am not that shocked by your lack of celebration. Confidence is important, but from what I understand of you. You dislike losing, but when you win you feel like it is expected. Many heroes have been lost on that path young Amishido. Though here is your medal, may you grow into a strong hero."

He whispered to me now, "*With that attack you did in the finally. Ectoplasm has decided to help you test your more dangerous attacks. If Bakugo hadn't been put to sleep you could've severely hurt him. It is lucky you stopped too or you might've hurt yourself and even Midnight. Be-careful okay?*"

I nodded, "Yeah that makes sense. During the fight was my first time doing it. I mean I wanted to show off so I can understand it was wrong."

he patted my shoulder and I could tell he was glad to hear that from me. "Good lad. Now go ahead and talk with your friends. You have the rest of the day to enjoy the festival and see what the other years are doing."

Almight turned and projected his voice across the stadium without a microphone. "These are the winners this time, but listen here! Anyone here could have ended up on these podiums. it's just as you saw Competing! Improving with one another! and climbing even higher! The next generation of heroes are sprouting! So there is only one last thing to say! Now say it with me!"

The entire stadium spoke up shouting. "!PLUS ULTRA!" Except for Almight, "Thanks for the hard work!"

He really seemed to miss the ball on that one. it was the perfect time to say plus ultra. though I had to believe he did that on purpose as he apologized.

----Next chap is gonna be funnel cake... God i really want some funnel cake-----