
Summary of Final Exams pt 3

-----oh boy chapter 100!-----

With passing my exam I was left to watch the rest of the class. Honestly it wasn't that bad, Mina, Denki, Sero, Deku and Kacchan all failed. The whole class basically patted Sero on the back due to him literally having his teammate Mineta pass.

Now we were at a sort of after party. Momo had invited the whole class to pizza. Not a single person had resisted her eagerness. Not even Kacchan was sparred as he was forcefully cuffed by Momo and dragged along by Eijiro.

"I never had a pizza party before! I was never able to go to a parlor like this when I was a kid."

The pizza parlor was combined with a western bowling alley and karaoke club. I didn't even know how Momo found a place like this. "How interesting."

"Yeah this place is looks brand new!" Mineta was right, the entire place seemed completely clean.

Momo clapped, "Oh it is new! My Father wanted to try combining various entertainment studios. He is planning a few similar places like this one in other cities."

Most of the class seemed shocked. Those who had a study group with her didn't seem surprised at least. Which really made me want to ask what her house looked like. Momo ran over to a counter and started pulling out varying bowling shoes.

"So what's everyone's shoe sizes?"

-----Unknown Spy pov-----

With the damnable final exams that all the students need to take were finished. Only individuals in Class A failed and would take what would amount to remedial classes. I would need to send a message about the forest retreat.

Class B didn't have too many promising kidnapping targets. Some useful quirks, but no one useful. Which left us with still needing to get Bakugo Katsuki and...

I smiled as some students walked past. I waved and they waved back. It wasn't like I had a many options. Class A would be having a party sponsored by Miss Princess herself. How can that Exhibitionist Skank act shy about her wealth. Her family has the ability to create gold!

I sighed, not like I can say much about my costume its my own fault for not specifying. Avoiding Destiny Amishido would be best. Bakugo is certainly aggro, but Destiny seems to have a habit of watching people.

I brushed my hair from my face. Time to call them..,

Ringing up the phone number they gave me it only rang once. "You have the location?"

"No, that is being kept quiet. I know the bus that will be taking the students there though."

Silence was on the other line for a second, "Yeah that works. You will only be paid 2/3 the original price."

I pumped my fist, 2/3 was still a lot. "Cool, the Bus number 9045838."

-----Just a random number guys^^^^----

The woman on the other side of the phone hung up on me. I stopped myself from clenching the phone. I sighed and flushed the toilet I hadn't used and turned on the sink. Getting paid for information was better then prostitution. I needed the money and...

"Phew, hey guys! Who is winning right now?"

"Currently Sero is, but haha! Its a tie for last place for Destiny, Tokoyami and Ida!"

"This is not a competition Hagakure!"

Destiny had thrown what looked like 8 splits and failed to get spares for all of them. Tokoyami had gotten almost all gutters and Ida... he was just bad.

"Pshhh! I wish I could play!" It was true that i couldn't play. Sticking my fingers into the bowling ball was impossible for me...

I looked up at Hagakure, "So where's Deku and Bakugo?"

Tsu pointed, "They were fighting so Eijiro and Todoroki brought them to the parking lot. I don't think they are fighting, but we also haven't heard any yelling so who knows? Are you okay? You seem tense."

"Ah its nothing, just family stuff. I want to make my parents happy and all that."

Destiny walked over and sat across from Tsu. "I don't actually understand financial issues. Though since my parents died I did get money from that..." He looked over to me and nodded his head.

"You could become a cam girl or something. Pretty sure Mina mentioned something about it."

"I'm not a who-" I nearly blurted out my words. "Not in that horrible of a situation."

"I'd pay! URgk!" Mineta was punched before he could even finish that sentence. Thank goodness too! I would've decked that little freak at his suggestion. Destiny was still staring.

He shrugged, "You know selling yourself is at least better then selling your friends. I'm not one to need to say these things though."

Damn right you weren't. I had to smile though, "I don't think you should sell anyone."

Destiny eyed me and got up again. "You still might be a barbie... hmmm, Tsu do you think Sato is done with those desserts yet?"

"I wouldn't mind finding out."