
Summary of the final exams pt 2

The test for Thirteen took place in a observatory. One of those long circle ones that you take kids on field trips to learn about the solar system and space. Looking at the thematic arena I went over the layout.

There was two wrapping corridors around a spherical room. The center room was a projector room that had theater seats across the sides. The center room had 4 doors and from the door we stood at we could see the exit we had to escape from. thirteen was walking up to the front of the gate and i already knew where this was going.

Pushing Ochaco to the side the trail started with Thirteen activating her quirk. "Oh woah that was a close one..."

"Everything seems bolted down! Are you able to hear me?"

"Yeah!" The wind of Thirteen's quirk was pulling everything towards the gate. Where we stood we weren't being pulled however looking to the left I could see a small globe spinning rapidly. I tested firing a beam of light toward Thirteen.

The beam was warped and pulled into her fingertips. "How will you succeed children! Whether it be energy or matter my quirk breaks it all down."

"Any ideas Des?" Ochaco was looking at me. She seemed to realize she couldn't do much. She did seem a tad distracted though.

"Yeah if the room in the center is for a projector it needs to be dark. which means all these doorways can be closed. Since they have no handles there must be an other method for closing it."

"Right! Um..."

I sighed, Thirteen was sitting idle just using her quirk. She would likely stop using it if one of us got to close. Ochaco was clearly distracted and I wanted to do this flawlessly without having to just throw Ochaco at Thirteen.

I created a small ball from the crafted energy I could create and held it in my hand. it did warp towards Thirteen, but it did hold its form. So creating a small brdige across the door way I pulled Ochaco across.

"Ugh! Hey what was that for?"

"*Stop admiring Deku and start thinking. I can understand if you have respect for him or whatever, but I swear you need to snap out of being distracted and help me.*"

i let go of Ochaco's arms after I was done whispering to her. Ochaco was red faced, but she nodded. "Sorry my fault, you're right I'm too um distracted. Game plan..."

Ochaco looked around for a second and then went wide eyed looking at a coin machine that mimicked a black hole. "Can you pull this from the bolts?"

"Yeah why?"

Ochaco smiled, "First we need to separate us from Thirteen. The projector room should have buttons to close the doors within it. So if we toss this uhh what is this thing called. Look if we push this coin machine through I can levitate it so it blocks her view. I can then enter the center room first. From there we just need to trap our teacher!"

I could see where Ochaco was going with her plan, "It seems you do have a brain. You know I thought you might've been a barbie."


I grabbed the coin machine and pulled it off the floor with a loud cracking and screeching of metal. From there Ochaco made it weightless and pushed it into the door of projector room.

I could hear Thirteen laugh, "Good idea kids, but just throwing things at me won't work in the long run! Everything gets sucked up by my uhh holes. Ahem yes I am a villian..." Thirteen seemed to be acting? Well it gave us some time.

Ochaco had already dove into the projector room. She crawled against the seats and headed to close the door Thirteen was behind. I fired a beam of light around the hallway. It warped past the center room and Thirteen turned slightly to stop it.

While Thirteen was turned I ran into the center room behind a row of seats. Ochaco was by the side door and was prepared with the hand cuffs. So with all my strength I kicked the seats forward breaking them into pieces. The row of seats came undone flying towards thirteen. I kicked two other rows out of place sending them forward.

Rolling out of the side door opposite of Ochaco I ran towards Thirteen. She turned to face me with one of her hands while still sucking up the seat debris with here other hand. I began sliding towards Thirteen slowly and I grabbed onto a wall.

"Haha! Nice try, but I am the villain Thirtee-Aupgh!"

I looked at Ochaco who tackled Thirteen cuffing her hands. As soon as the first cuff was on our teacher Thirteen stopped using her quirk. Ochaco looked at me, "We did it!"

Thirteen still under Ochaco clapped, "Indeed you two did, and I must admit in a safe and smart manner too! As your teacher I would have to stop my quirk if you got too close. Yet you two managed to treat me as a villain!"

"Oh I thought we would just fail if we got in a certain distance of you."

Thirteen and Ochaco got up and Thirteen shook her head. "Not exactly, but I will certainly give extra points for avoiding such a scenario. Now you two have pass and why don't you go back and watch the other exams."

We had finished our Exam and I was still left with overthinking failure... Eh it was whatever though Ochaco could get the credit for the plan and I could show off how much of a team player I am.

"Hey Des?"

I looked at Ochaco, "What's up?"

"Umm, can you not mention why I was uh so distracted. I'd appreciate it."

I shrugged, "I don't mind, i think you do need to sort out your feelings for him though." I could likely help her, but...

I sighed if any of the students had a hurricane of emotions it was Ochaco. It literally seemed like a flurry of just similar emotions, but all conflicting. Like she was both admired, but envied Deku. She had some kind of puppy love for Deku and yet she wasn't physically attracted to him. Those were just her emotions toward Deku though.

Ochaco needed some kind of help or advice? I just didn't know, but not like it was my problem though. I stretched, I hope the summer camping trip will be fun.

-----So i hope you enjoyed... only one more chapter till 100 Chapters! After that this fic will take a break so i can write my Dbz fic to chapter 100 and my Avatar fic to 100. Not to mention I might take a break irl for some stuff related to my home being sold. ; - ; no one wants to buy it, but hopefully i can get that sorted out. I literally have everything in boxes and ready to move its just my house that's needs to be sold now. Irl problems for real... anyway hope ya'll have a good day.-----

-----Oh and if you have any cover art ideas comment them, I want to change the art to something better. Its currently a temp image with Uraraka holding a gun. Not really relted to the actual fic though so if you got something share it. I'll add note to the synopsis of the fic and so on.-----