
My Hero: Quirk Evolution

Temp cover change looking for a better image to use as the cover -------- This story has been re-written, so the new summary will be as well! Tota was your average kid, but that all changed when a villain attacked. Now his quirk is out of control! Not actually, but he is getting way stronger than his life before. Now he strives to be unstoppable.

ZeOwl · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
102 Chs

Planning Phase!***

Izuku was dragged off to the nurse's office. Katsuki came back to the observation room. Except the only thing he was observing was the floor as he hyperventilated. Why was he even doing that? It was just pathetic.

All Might called out to everyone. "Who can tell me who was the MVP."

Everyone seemed confused until Tsu, I think that's what she liked to be called. Tsu replied, "Ochaco?"

All Might shook his head. "Despite the results the MVP was Tenya Ida."

Tsu asked, "Shouldn't it be one of the winners though?"

All Might nodded and rubbed at his chin, "Hmmm, Yes that is a valid question. Why didn't one of them earn the MVP. Can anyone give me the answer."

Momo raised her hand then put it back down as she answered. "Sir! It is because Tenya embraced the challenge. He was the only one who truly adapted and acted his assigned role. Katsuki let personal grudges blind his judgment. As you pointed out earlier, he launched a large-scale attack indoors. That was a foolish move as it cou-"

I jumped in, "Actually I'll defend that one. It was dumb, but that is because we are all trying to be villains. It was dumb only because it was him being blinded by his grudge. However a large-scale attack by the villains hardly matters. They have a bomb and if they are defending it. They plan to die from the explosion."

Momo nodded, "I suppose that's true. On that note then, Izuku's plan was even worse. He not only used a large attack, but he also took the attack of the villian head on. Considering his quirk, he also destroyed his arm. Even if the bomb was disarmed, he would be killed by the suicidal villains. This isn't even including the bomb which was above him. Which could've been set of by his attack."

She breathed in, "On top of that Ochaco made a similar mistake. She let her guard down in the middle battle exposing her position. Her final attack was too reckless given the hypothetical stakes. Any of the debris she launched could've damaged the bomb resulting in a bigger problem. Ultimately Tenya was fully prepared for his opponent's arrival. He had a strategy and never lost sight of his mission. Even when he was foiled he still protected the dummy weapon till the end. Technically the hero team won, yes. But they took advantage of the fact that this was a training exercise. So they didn't respect the spirit of the trial."

All Might didn't seem to expect such an in depth response. "Uhh, Yes... Well you overlooked a few things. Tota assisted you slightly on that account, in my opinion young Ida could've relaxed a little bit during the exercise. Otherwise you nailed it!"

Momo responded, "One should always start with the basics and devote themselves wholeheartedly to learning! That's the only real way to become a top hero."

I looked at Momo who seemed a little lost at what to do next. I think she was expecting a little more analysis of the exercise. All Might looked at everyone. "Alright! Let's move onto the next match. Think about what you saw and try to improve your own strategy. The teams are Tota and Toru on the villain's side! With Mina and Shoto as the heroes!"

Before we left I turned to All Might, "Earlier you made no mention about my analysis. Are we the villains using the bomb for ransom or destruction?"

He smiled and gave a thumbs up. "I'll leave that for you to decide. Try not to go overboard with whatever you have in mind."

A vague answer in a way. So I caught up to Toru and started marching my way up to the building. It appears we would be in a new one.

Toru asked, "So you got a plan?"

I nodded, "A plan indeed, just wanted it confirmed." 

She asked again, "Well are you gonna share it?"

I laughed, "Basically Mina isn't much of a problem. Her quirk lacks any long range use. Not to mention it would be dangerous to use against a bomb. Her quirk is acid, thus in this situation its hard to say what use it truly has. Shoto however, two problems are created with him. The first, is his power. My bet is he will create a completely freeze the building. The second problem, will become Mina. She will be able to skate around if she has any practice."

Toru nodded, "So what's the plan then."

I continued, "To imply put, I am gonna bury us. At least I will bury the building. All Might didn't give me any answer on if this was a ransom scenario or a destruction scenario. So in my mind, we are setting off the bomb. It doesn't matter what we do. As long as the bomb goes off."

Toru's eyes widened, "Oh, we use the scenario against them. By burying the building. You will need to defend the bomb while I confront them down below at the entrance. I can counter Shoto alone easily by creating a heat wave. The problem is you being caught up. Second, if he uses his fire, I can absorb it. Since most fires are just heat and light. If possible I'd like you to try and move the bomb somewhere less likely to be discovered."

Toru nodded, "What if it is too heavy?"

That was a good question. "Beat them over the head when they enter the room. They are bound to be cautious when they finally see the thing. So just hit them over the head. They can be sent to the nurses office if they are hurt."

Toru seemed to frown at that. "I don't really want to hurt them."

I folded my arms, "That's fair, but remember we are the villains. On top of that you are bound to have to use force on some kind of villain or criminal. Your quirk is best used for stealth or rescue hostage situations. Since you can sneak in and literally knock people out."

Toru seemed surprised at my analysis of her quirk. "I hadn't thought about a hostage situation like that."

I shrugged, "You'd need a weapon though in the future. Telling that you only really have 2 hiding spots for something like that. It would need to be something effective."

She punched my shoulder. "How can you say that with a straight face? I'm not that much of… You know what, let's get off that subject. The plan! You said you plan on burying the building?"

I nodded, "It's more complicated than it sounds. To make the whole plan short. I plan on forcing Shoto to fix the building as I destroy it. After all, not only does he have to make sure the bomb doesn't go off. He also has to prevent casualties. Aka You and Mina, perhaps even himself."

Toru nodded, "What if the building collapses?"

I shrugged, "It's a tie I guess. If you or Mina are in danger I'll use my infrared vision to spot yall and help you. However, otherwise it should be fine."

When we got into place she looked around. Made her way to the bomb and picked it up."It's actually really light. I think I got an idea. You create heat waves right?"

I nodded, and looked at her, so she continued "Think you can melt a path up to the roof? I can just move the bomb to the building with a little effort."

I grinned, "I like the way you think."