
Intership pt2

-----Okay so last chapter I mentioned evil Koji, dun dun duuuuun! More or less a joke, but I have come up with a clever joke/bit later on that might be interesting. It will come in play somewhere during the WWPC Quirk training arc. So a bit far in the timeline, but stray thoughts are good for jokes.-----

We had crossed almost the entire county? District? Basically a wide area that was a surprising middle ground for different hero agencies. As apparently they were decently spread between only having certain areas truly overlap. I guess agency planning might be a part of the business courses at UA.

"Okay this should be the last agency, I doubt we really have to do much here since it is Uwabami's agency. She tends to work the merchandise more than actual hero work....Don't tell her that I said that though."

"Then why did you say it?"

Technobabble looked at me, "Because she isn't here obviously? and I like drama and drama between heroes is fun to watch when you sit behind a screen all day."

I don't think that was good behavior... We entered the front of the building. It was a fairly decorated building.

"Destiny? What are you doing here?"

I turned around and saw Momo. As well as the orange haired girl from Class B, her name was...Kendo. "Hey you two this is the hero I am interning under."

"Ooooooo is this your girlfriends?"

The two girls were surprised at Technobabble. However more surprise came when a blonde woman with snakes in her hair slapped Technobabble.

"Don't sully my interns with your comments Nao!"


The blonde lady who I assume is Uwabami. Had some history with Technobabble it seemed. "If you don't want me to use your real name. Don't come to my agency, what is it you even want?"

I chose to speak before Technobabble for the sake of time. "Uhhh I am the student under his mentorship. We are here to inform you that I will be acting as his proxy outside."

Technobabble was unhappy that I stopped him from very likely spitting back at the heroine. Uwabami just nodded turning to Momo and Kendo. "He's one of your classmates at UA?"

Momo responded with some army attitude. "He is in my class Ma'am! his name is Destiny Amishido."

"Cool kid, Technobabble are you willing to be nice? While we let the kiddos talk?"

He folded his arms, "Tch, fine."

Technobabble followed Uwabami into the other room leaving me with Momo and Kendo. We kind of sat in silence for a second before I decided to break the ice. "How did you get here Momo? You didn't take the train."

"She actually took a ride with me. I found out we were both going here so I figured why not." Momo agreed with Kendo and the silence returned...

"So that was the hero you are interning under?" I nodded, "Yeah it was the only offer I got."

We all flinched when we heard what sounded like a lamp shatter against the wall. I had to really wonder what was going on in there. Though honestly Technobabble didn't seem like a fighter so...

Momo broke the silence this time. "We were just about to take a limo to a photoshoot. Our mentor told us how some heroes have side jobs that they extra money with. Which makes sense when quirks can be used in so many ways!"

Kendo looked a little embarrassed and I could feel the gust of wind over Momo's head. Momo was... well she was hot. If I was right Uwabami had a cosmetic brand or something. So with the look from Kendo I could tell these two were picked for their looks.

"Yeah I suppose that's true. I never really thought about a side job. Just the...usual motivations for heroism."

"I know right! Honestly I don't really like using my quirk to make money. Since that's basically destruction of the economy. However I think I understand where skills can be used to still stimulate the natural flow of monetary goods. After all advertisements and commercials often have retired or still working heroes involved in them."

"Yeah, I would buy the things you advertise..." Kendo just raised an eyebrow. "*Smooth*" While Momo nodded and thanked me for the compliment.

A minute later the two pros came back out. Uwabami spoke first, "Okay girls let's head off. While we are gone Technobabble and your classmate will be handling any work in the area."

That was fine I guess, but thinking about it isn't Technobabble like a higher rated hero then Uwabami? Technobabble grabbed my shoulders. "Well kid, it looks like we got some time on our hands."

"How so?"

"Well I made a deal with Uwabami. You see she mostly works on rescue missions so as you can imagine combat work can get tough around here. We handle a couple of goons in the area and yeah..."

"What do we get from this or more accurately I am assume you get from this?"

"Haha, fuck you kid. Smart bastard..." he sighed, "Uwabami is a celebrity as well as a hero. So she has a connection to product placement and shit. She will be advertising my ear buds, a lesser model then the ones you have."

Staring at Technobabble I just shook my head. "The earbuds are tapped aren't they."

"Uhhhhh...Legally speaking I cannot answer that. Let's just go before that woman throws more lamps at me."

I feel like Technobabble was a terrible role model. It was a good thing he wasn't shown all to much. Though I still had a question, "Why would she throw lamps at you?"

As we left the agency Technobabble explained the long history of his school days. By the end of the story I felt bad for Uwabami and just shook my head. Technobabble really is a menace.

-----If you want the story I have for ^^^^ that I'll add it to the chapter as a ----- Break below this note. For now however I'm not gonna include it since its literally unneeded and even though the story I came up with is funny I can't smoothly insert it into the story. Short chapter btw I know, but one of the next might be really long.------