
Internship pt1

Technobabble was fairly understandable now. Though he seemed burnt out in a way I couldn't really put my finger on. Specially when he left his fake laundry store. He wore a metal suit like something old comic book characters wore. However the suit was scuffed and very worn.

"Is that thing safe to wear?"

"Huh? Oh yeah totally, what's the worst that can happen? I lose another limb?"

That was true it only covered his top half of his body. He nodded looking around. "Okay we'll take a walk around and tell the other heroes in the area that you are on a internship with me. After that on the following days you should be able to just walk around by yourself why I remain talking to you over the ear pieces."

People on the streets were staring at us. Or more at Technobabble who stuck out like a watermelon among cucumbers... "You don't get out much do you?"

"Yeah, well if I don't wear this armor most don't even think I'm a hero. Back when I was first starting my costume was sort of like the one you are wearing. However people kept thinking I was just some basement dweller cosplaying as one of my favorite heroes."

"Doesn't that mean you were stopped by cops?"

Technobabble nodded, "Yeah since you can't wear costumes in public due to the Himes vs State case I got stopped by a few heroes and police."

I didn't know that it was called the Himes vs State... "I never heard of that case, can you explain?"

We were walking down the street and the stares lessened. Technobabble explained the case he was talking about though.

"I think like 9 years ago there was a hero named like Whale Muscle. Pretty basic superhuman guy with huge muscles and the head of a a blue whale. He ended up losing his career because of this guy named Himes. Himes was a priest or some shit and it was a whole mess. To summarize it quickly Whale Muscles mistook Himes as a hero and in a turn of events caused Himes to nearly lose his life. So Himes sued and ultimately a law was passed that prevented people to dress in costumes during certain months. Basically March, April, June, August and whatever. Honestly its a stupid solution to a simple problem. After all Himes wasn't even in a costume he was in church attire, thankfully that court case is actually being appealed. Which is surprising since it means the HPSC is actually doing their jobs."

Once Technobabble finished I was a little glad. That just gave me a headache. "You seem to hate the HPSC?"

"I have my reason, but those are for a different time. Welcome to the first agency! We got like 4 more to visit in this area so let's hurry this up."

Technobabble just walked into the building and strode up to the front counter. He started ringing the bell that was there over and over again. So at least I got a internship with a hero that was confident...Right?

A fat bald man came out of the back office. He seemed to recognize Technobabble so I guess that was good.

"Hey Cheryl, I got an intern here from UA. I wanted to give you guys a heads up since obviously...I don't want to leave my building."

Cheryl? Was he actually a she? I decided to quickly ignore all possibility and call the front desk attendant guy.

"He is the one who won the festival huh? He seems normal enough. I'll tell the rest about him and explain he's working with you. What exactly do you plan on doing Technobabble?"

The guy's voice was screechy, but Technobabble just skipped over it. "My usual work, monitor the area with cameras. Direct the kid where I think he would be useful, possibly make him get me some coffee or something when we got nothing happening."

"I'm not gonna get you coffee." Technobabble nodded, "We can discuss those details later, ahem for now. Cheryl we will be on our way to the other agencies to inform them of the situation."

The Fat Bald Guy just shrugged and waddled back into the back office. "Do people like you in this area?"

"Huh? Oh god no, well maybe... Actually I don't know, they all treat me with tad bit of salt. Though they do tend to follow instruction on my reports. Like there has been a serial arson in the area and one of the agencies has a hero who is really good at handling that. Though with your abilities I was thinking I would help you a bit."

We walked out of the agency and I followed behind him. "Help me how?"

"Huh? isn't that obvious? Your quirk requires energy to improve itself does it not? i saw you at the festival kid. You don't seem like you changed at all. So the logical conclusion is that you don't have enough energy to evolve right?"

That was a correct, honestly I hadn't felt any change with my quirk. During the festival I should've came across things that would effect me. "Yeah I guess so, how exactly will you help me though?"

He looked back at me and then looked back. "Well a serial arson is in the area right? You can absorb fire. So why don't we use this as an opportunity for you to recharge."

I sighed, "No I understood that, but that doesn't really stop the problem."

Technobabble looked back at me and I could hear the smile in his voice. "Man you are a smart kid. I'm glad I chose you, or well not really chose... Hmmm. Point is you understand the problem in your attacks though."

I nodded, "Yeah pretty much. I mean if my quirk uses energy to evolve and I use energy to attack by expelling it i will run out of energy for my quirk to activate. One of the many problems with showing off, flashy moves may look good. Except it doesn't provide optimal use of energy."

Technobabble nodded and started walking again. "Pretty much, so while on your internship with me I am gonna send you to places in which you will be able to absorb energy. Except I would suggest you also figure out how to control your exact intake level."

"You mean find my max capacity?" He nodded, "Yeah are you able to feel the energy you absorb? Do you know how it is stored within you?"

I scratched my head, "Sorta? I mean I can sort of feel a estimate on how much I have. Wait... Do you mean by units of measurement?"

"Indeed I do! Sure you can absorb energy, but you are absorbing several types and converting them around. Soooo... Say it for me now."

I sighed, "i should figure out a consistent energy and convert it all to that so I can know the exact amount of energy I have."

Technobabble nodded again, "Yup think of it like a Ale-mode ice cream I'd say. You got layers of different ice cream forming one bigger flavor clump. So you got your Vanilla, you have your Chocolate, and maybe you got some Strawberry or something. You want all that ice cream to be a single flavor."

I understood what he meant, but... "Aren't I suppose to see how heroes work and do stuff during my internship?"

He stared at me, "Yeah you keep believing that, First year internships is just unpaid labor usually. One of the agencies we are heading to literally took on two interns just because they were cute. Literally being used for free labor and marketing."

I guess that did make sense. Some heroes did have second jobs right? I mean hero merchandise is a thing. So they get paid in other ways...

"Hey wait is your place literally a money laundry scheme?"

"Whaaaaat! No... Anyway we are getting close to the next hero agency! Oh boy let's see if anyone is home..."

Technobabble just ignored me, he literally had a Laundry business as his Agency. He had to fund his spending on computers and electricity somehow right? What the fuck was his second job?

-----His second job is gonna be a set up for a joke. Its not nefarious. Also when I was reading and responding to comments I had thought about something. Koji has the ability Anivoice right? He talks and commands animals. Should I make Koji evil and trying to manipulate Tsu since she is a frog girl. Thoughts? Conspiracies! Nah I just thought that would be funny to mention I won't make Koji evil...Unless...In all seriously very unlikely unless I find it really funny and available to slip in to the fic. Even then it would be a single chapter plot line sort of thing.------