
A place to stay***

Mirko came to pick me up in casual clothes. A pink Blouse and Khakis, I'd never imagined that. Now I was in the home of a top hero staring at a futon. The place I'd be sleeping, I would be sleeping at the home of one of my idols.

She handed me a bag of clothes, "Here are some clothes, obviously you don't have any. These were donated from a few people."

I nodded, "Uh, yeah. Thank you!"

She put her arms back, "Yeah, Yeah. Let's talk about training, kid. 6 am, every morning. I'll wake you up. If you aren't up and ready by 6:10, I will kick you out of bed. With a literal kick. Second, you bathe and then we eat breakfast. You will then do 40 sit ups, 40 push ups and then run to school. You need to graduate after all. Once done with school you will run home, where we will use my home gym to train you. I won't be here everyday obviously so you better do it, or i will kick you. Yet again, literally. This after school workout will last for 3-4 hours depending."

She looked at me and checked if I was following along. I nodded so she continued. "I return home around 5-6 pm. If nothing big happens we will eat dinner at that time. I usually sleep around 7 pm so I expect you to stay quiet."

She paused again, "I eat mostly veggies due to my quirk. So if you want more meat or protein. Well buy it yourself, I'll give you some money. However I expect you have some inheritance from your parents. So hopefully you won't need much. Hm, actually that sounds a little fucked up. I'll just give you money to save the inheritance when you need it."

Uh, okay. I didn't even think about my inheritance. "Thanks, again. I guess…"

She patted my back, "You'll be fine, trust me. I lost a few people in my life. In time you get over it, a part of you will still hurt. However, that slowly fades into memories."

Right, I kind of already had those thoughts. She turned to me and spoke, "Right, if I'm off work you can just call me Rumi. Also, follow along."

She moved to a hallway, "This is the bathroom, feel free to add your own shampoo or whatever." I looked in and saw that the bathroom was carrot themed. Even her shampoo smelled like carrot cake apparently.

She moved to the next door, "This is the home gym. All the equipment is imported so it's actually using the American standard. So the weights range from 5 pounds to 70 pounds. The red weights are superhuman weights and go from 70 to 900 lbs. If you drop them and break the hardwood… I'll beat you to a pulp."

I stared at the hard wood floor that was already filled with cracks. I think it was best I stayed silent about that. "Why did you import them?"

She laughed, "Super human weights are mostly made in America, the United Kingdom and China. China doesn't import weights to Japan and the UK requires an import fee I didn't want to pay."

"Ah, okay." Once I responded she moved, and opened a door to a messy room. "This is my bedroom. This is the only time you will see it. Don't enter…" She closed the door and walked to a glass door. "This is the balcony and you can enter it if you like. I water the cacti out there, so don't bother with that."

She scratched her head. "You saw the kitchen from the living room. So I guess that's everything."

She paused and yawned, "I'm gonna go to bed. I suggest you do some exercise and go to bed. You will have about 4 months to train for the UA exams. So yeah, good luck."

Was that all? She wandered into her room and I was left to prepare the futon for my own sleep.

—Mirko pov—

I felt super embarrassed. I really should've thought this through more. I sighed, I at least should've cleaned my bedroom. I grabbed a pair of pajamas and entered the bathroom. First I changed clothes and second I began brushing my teeth. The last step I began brushing my hair and ears. Once that was all done I exited the bathroom.

I checked on the kid before going to bed and he was looking at his new phone. I could hear him sniffling a little. Means the kid was likely still grieving. Hm, I looked over his file before I was pretty sure I'll have to get his quirk re-tested. His file only had its description.

Truth be told I really only plan on a successor if I die. Which means I can't do this half assed. I lied about the weights. So if he can actually manage to lift the super human weights before his graduation…

The Quirk activates when he is asleep or when in extreme danger, this works like a unconscious danger sense.

-This applies still, but ya know nothing yet

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts