
Next steps***

Mirko came back with clothes and I grabbed them. Apparently I was nude because my skin keeps flaking off me and the nurses got sick of changing them so they left me nude. She now sat in a chair bracing her arms on the back of it.

She had explained to me everything that happened. To be honest I felt a little hollow, it hadn't actually hit me yet. My parents were gone, and I was alone. I mean my house was burned down. Where would I even live? Mirko was silent for now, letting me think.

I might've preferred her to talk. I looked up with dead eyes, "what about the culprits."

Mirko rubbed the back of her head. "Sad to say, only the leader is being punished. As the other boys said he manipulated them. With the even more complicated situation at play the police are willing to believe them."

I raised my voice a little, "HOW COMPLICATED?" Mirko's glare made me re-lower it. "They burned down my house, they were there!"

Mirko shrugged, "Look, one of them was the one who called the cops. So you might just have to suck it up."

I frowned, "What the complication?"

Mirko leaned back, "Eh, normally I wouldn't tell ya. However I like you and your quirk so… I'll explain a bit. The Gatsumi kid, his quirk is called Magma body right? He turns his body to lava. However the power he displayed, well simply put it was either far stronger than it should be or well. It's being looked into, especially after he fought police and backdraft."

I frowned, and she reached out and grabbed my shoulder. "Look, I can't exactly relate. However I can sympathize. Which brings me to why I'm the one explaining all this rather than the police or a doctor."

I looked up, my eyes watering a little she patted my shoulder and got up. "Let it out kid while I explain. To summarize, I want to recruit you! HAHA! Yeah, so I saw that you applied to UA. With what I know about your quirk, well I think you can make it. So I got a deal for you. Finish high school and enroll in UA! Stay at the top of your class, and finally when the time comes to intern under me!"

She shouted out each point and eventually she stood on the chair. Though she sat back down, "If you do those things, well you can live with me. You won't even have to buy groceries, though you may have to do chores."

I rubbed my eyes. "Do what now?"

Mirko laughed, "Okay, look the truth is, rumor has it that All Might is looking for a successor. He has had interns before, but according to the rumors he wants to train someone to take over his agency. Which you know is pretty neat, but telling that this comes from Nighteye… Anyway second the number two hero, Endeavor. His son is also entering UA, and you see Endeavor is a righteous pool turd. Combine this with some of the other top heroes getting successors and stuff. I wish to spit in their smug faces!"

"That seems a little petty." Oh shoot, I said that aloud.

She nodded, "Oh yeah, for sure petty. However, Endeavor, Ryukyu and even Wash. FUCKING WASH. The man is dressed as a washing machine and he brags about his successor? I'm a higher rank than him! Some real dickery. So yeah, it's petty."

I rubbed my eyes completely and I sighed. "Okay, I mean I don't really have a choice. Anything else?"

Mirko looked back over, "Huh? Oh yeah, I'll be training you. I'm sure there's more. Although, I gotta go back to work. So I'll get you once you are discharged." 

With that she got up and left. Man, I still have to finish high school. I scratched my head and laid back down. I think I missed my birthday too. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I think I need to sleep this off. I had a lot of feelings that I had to sort through.

<Sleep cycle beginning, energy has been gathered and further improvements are prioritized, due to previous trauma appropriate evolution is planned. Heat absorption will be combined with photosynthesis. Said fusion not possible within current means… Main quirk evolving accommodate the creation of sub-quirks. Regeneration restored most wounds, but physical can made. Lungs, Skin, Muscle, Bone density, finally all Sensory organs improved. Due whole body also given fire resistance.< p>

Only sub-quirks Dormancy, Energy absorption(light and heat), High Regeneration, and Fire resistance.>

----Changes ---> I made the MC slightly more emotional, and changed to POV to remain as our MC's. It used to be Mirko's. This chapter is also a combination of the previous chapter, specially the evolution part. Oh and UA is no longer a high school, it is now like a trade school that people take after high school.-----

This will be the only time I really mention formalities I dont know normal formalities for other people so unless its relative to what happening I am not including them.

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts