

----This chapter is for a different character's set up. I'd move it up, but whatever. I'll re-write it and leave it where it is. Not like it interferes too much with the story. It is a tad jarring in my opinion as we got from Tota to ???? It is a tad silly.-----

A monstrous creature slinked through the dark forest. He had long since stopped living in the city he once called home. A woman had parked her car outside the beach. She was an Superhuman Crime and Investigation agent that was sent to investigate a series of disappearances. The local police and even military had vanished.

With reports of the monster she thought it was a beast that awoken a quirk. However, she never got the chance to truly investigate. As the monster bit down on her upper torso before she even realized.

"Crunch and Munch on Bone and Flesh! A rare treat!"

The monster chewed on the woman as he dug through her pockets. "I recognize this badge…" Its voice distorted, "The SCI Are They Hunting Us?"

He lapped up the rest of the body, but the taste was of his own saliva. He had too much of it to the point it dripped from his serrated canines. It remembered the taste it had in the past. Its parents were two professional chefs, one came from abroad and one was from home. 

"YoU ReMemBEr THe TaSTes, I STilL TasTE THeM."

The beast's own quirk spoke back to its lingering thoughts. It digested the woman she was checking out the crime scene the beast had caused yesterday. Oh it didn't mean to cause such a scene. The woman' quirk began to shift the beast's form.

She had the quirk cockroach, and she certainly had a rough life like the beast. A mutant quirk like hers… The beast stared into the sky. Why was she alone on this mission? Did her co-workers not come or were they elsewhere?

The monster shook as its quirk activated, integrating the woman's quirk. Just like it had done with everything else the monster had eaten. Its body scraped across the sand, yet still silent it moved to the car. 

"Check the car, we may need to leave home."

The beast moved to the car door, it stood larger than the car. Its face reflected in the car mirror. The white exoskeleton that covered its face. 11 eyes of varying shapes took the form of the monster.

"Today is the anniversary… YoU StiLL MisS ThEm?"

The monster reached out to the mirror, its body covered in reddish fur. It was once white, if it bathed it was sure the red would wash off. It had once turned to crime when it still looked human enough. It remembered the mistakes of the past. Eating the jewelry it stole, eating the friends it made, eating even the home it once lived in. Now it lived in the woods, eating whatever it came across to stave off the hunger.

The monster frowned and gave up on looking through the car. It missed so much, yet even now it was hungry. This was no longer its home. It had all started with his pet cat. The lovely child it loved so much, his little baby.

He barely remembered it, he couldn't even cry for it. His parents made sure to always feed him after that. His quirk however manifested whatever they fed him. He stayed home all the time, but that led to them being eaten as well.

Despite trying so many types of meat to quell his hunger. He was never satisfied. The monster blew smoke out of its nose and slowly crawled toward the shore of the beach. Its parents tried so many types of fish, it had long since grown gills. Would this ocean lead out to nowhere or would it lead to america? 

It took one long analytical stare at itself. It had the head of a dog of some kind, but it was covered in an exoskeleton that looked like bone. It trailed down its spine and formed a tail. Its body was lizard like, it had crawled around so long it forgot the feeling of walking like a person.

It had 6 limbs, two it stood on and four arms. Its legs looked stubby, but they were as long as its tail. Quills lined its fur, a white fur that one would think would hinder its ability to hide. However for whatever reason it shimmered like a mirror. The monster slumped back down, and crawled into the sea. 

It needed help, it needed so much help. However, home hurt too much to stay. It had one family left, maybe he could find them. The monster hoped. It needed help, he needed family.

"We aRe ToGeTHer LeT Us SwiM!"

Was that his voice? Or was it just his quirk? He dove into the sea and swam in the direction it hoped it could find help.

----Changes-----> a lot of them, basically I made more connections from the beast to how it relates to the story. Yes this was how it was supposed to be. However that was so unclear it was unreal! So i made it clearer how the ??? ties in. As well as further describe his looks-----

I changed a lot in this chapter.

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts