

<Forced sleeping state induced, hazards detected. Body undergoing heavy stimuli… Solutions found.< p>

Sub Quirk category Enhancement: Hyper Regeneration, Tentative-thought, Based Blood, Athletic Edge, Cellular Awareness, Relaxant Touch, Beastial Sense, Lexical Tongue

Sub Quirk category Acquisition: Energy absorption(Light, Heat, Electricity and Radiation), Weighted Storage, Exposure Stimuli, Stimuli Dependency, Stimuli Replication

Sub Quirk category Survival: Dormancy, High Fire Resistance, Cognitive Check, Energy recycling, Pain Suppression, Energy Expulsion, Low Cold Resistance, Waking Slumber

Remembered Stimuli: Quick-Silver, 

New Sub Quirks: Energy Infusing, Shock repulsion, Pure-Progress, Vision of Spectrum

Energy Infusing Is a quirk that allows one to fuse energy to themself. Taking on the possible traits of the given energy. This also increases the basic physical abilities of a person.

Shock Repulsion allows kinetic energy to be further dispersed, resulting in less damage. 

Pure-Progress created from dance-routine. With the need of improvement to technique. This sub-quirk improves muscle memory and mastery of motion.

Vision of Spectrum is a simple quirk that allows one to see across the spectrum of color. All light is visible to the user along with being able to see outside the spectrum of reflected light.>

I woke up relatively relaxed. My body did ache a bit, but I couldn't help it. I felt good and a smirk was plastered on my face. Actually I think I could feel the changes of my quirk. I felt a bit stronger and everything seemed more vibrant. I could figure that out later, I had to admit I was too excited.

I got up and ate my breakfast Rumi asked how I was getting to UA. I decided to walk since it was still early. I left behind a few words, "Bye Rumi! I'm going to pick up Jess."

Jess had to go to the business course. She had passed the tests and was accepted into UA. So this was the perfect time to get out of her shell. In the past hero studies were taken during highschool. After some debate though they were made into College classes. That way kids had to go through more studying and career advice.

Hero schools were much bigger than other universities. However they had much smaller classes, the same as the number of a high school class. Better to control the education of possible heroes. A ton of people wanted to be heroes, side-kicks or whatever else.

I mean there were about 8 hero schools? No wait, 9 of them. UA was the best of them due to the fact they have the most funding. However all of them had shared events like hero license approval. Those were in the far future though.

I stopped as I walked up the staircase to the apartment Jess was in. A woman with platinum hair was standing by her door. It's clear she was waiting for me. This woman, she was from the police station, I saw her barely. However, that one little glimpse struck a chord with me. This woman looked like the spitting image of Jess's mother. 

She was younger and had bigger tits though. It looked like she stuffed her bra with how tight it was. She dressed purposefully with tight clothes. "Hello, Miss."

She smiled, "Katie, I'm the sister of Jess. That sounds weird, sorry. I'm her sister."

Her introduction was staged. "Okay, why are you here?"

She spoke with confidence. "Just wanted to check where my sister was staying. After all, I heard what happened and I was always worried for her. I'm an inventor and I've been saving up money to get her a place… How about I pay for this one for you?"

This… This was wrong. The way she talked it sounded insincere. She seemed to sense I was distrusting her. "She likely doesn't talk about me. I wish she did, after all I am an inventor at I-Island! Though I imagine our mother compares me and Jess. My quirk is so versatile, alloy manipulation. It is weak, but useful for small components."

She was trying to get me to lower my guard. Perhaps even trying to probe for my quirk since she mentioned hers. I gave out a small remark, "I'm strong, that sums it up."

She nodded, "I bet, you are entering UA right? You gotta have a good quirk for that."

Shit, she really was trying to probe me. I crossed my arms activating one of my sub-quirks. My body relaxed and she seemed to take that as a sign. She was reading my body language. "Right, well why are you here."

I left it as a statement rather than a question. She responded. "I told you, sil-"

I interrupted her by coughing. She frowned a little seeing I didn't believe her. So she sighed, "Fine don't believe me. Though let me leave you my number. So we can talk again, about Jess."

Katie left walking away. I let 15 minutes pass before I decided to knock on the apartment door. 

I knocked on the door and replaced my monotone expression with the same emotion I started the day with. "Jess! Today is the day!"

I paused and Jess was still asleep. I could hear her snoring peacefully. I unlocked the door and snuck over to her bedroom. Jess was laying on the bed in her underwear. I felt the temperature in the apartment. I had to admit it was hot, for Jess I imagine this could cause her to melt a bit. 

I had to admit despite her metallic skin Jess was hot. I grabbed the sheets under Jess and flipped her out of bed. "Waaah!"

I shouted waking Jess further. "Rise and shine! Today is the day Jess! TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF UA!"

She stuttered, "Wh-What?"

I laughed at her sleepiness, "It's the first day of class Jess. Get washed and dressed and I'll make you some breakfast."

She nodded and rubbed her eyes. Jess certainly was too cute.

In about 30 minutes Jess was eating breakfast and we went out the door. We'd be traveling by train. Jess made conversation about the morning. "I can't believe you saw me in my underwear…"

I already saw her in her underwear, but I could understand what she meant. "If it helps, it did feel hot in the apartment."

She pouted, "It's embarrassing."

Despite UA being a college course, we required uniforms. Mine was different then hers. Minor differences that I think were to denote which classes we were in. I could understand the uniform, truth be told the uniform wasn't required for the business class. Except they were expected to wear formal clothes.

Though either way Jess really looked good in a blazer. She seemed to since my gaze lingering on her chest. "D-Don't look."

I looked away, and caught a glimpse of two other people getting on the train. Uniforms similar to mine. I analyzed the two, a boy and a girl. The girl was pink and had small horns? The boy seemed normal except for his dyed red hair. Reminded me of a hero I just don't know which. "Hey, you two are in Ua's hero course?"

They blinked, and they reached out. "Yeah! We are class 1-A. How about you?"

I nodded, "Same, but she is in the business course. My name is Tota, this is Jess."

The very pink girl introduced the two of them. "I'm Mina, this is Eijiro. Don't mind me asking, but are you a foreigner?"

She was asking Jess, Jess shook her head. "N-no I was born here. My dad is from germany. He named me."

Eijiro apparently nodded. "That's fair, I was curious too. So did the business course have a really hard test too?"

He was referring to the moral test for the hero course I think. Jess paused, catching herself from stuttering. "Yes! It was mostly, uh math and finance questions. Though it had some questions about ideas and how to handle press."

I didn't know that, I guess businesses for heroes would need a PR team. Did All Might have a PR team? I refocused on the conversation as we travelled to UA.