
My Hero Academia: Spark of hope

Imagine if, during Izuku Midoriya's darkest moments, someone else had uttered the words he so desperately needed to hear. What if he possessed a quirk but required a spark to awaken its potential? Get ready for a wild ride, because things are about to take a thrilling turn.

SirBolsterous · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

U.S.J Part One: All you need

The bus's engine purred in silence as Izuku gazed out of the window, observing the shifting landscape. Their destination was the Unforeseen Simulation Joint hall, crafted to train heroes in rescuing civilians amid various extreme circumstances, simulating potential disasters. The prospect of utilizing his speed in scenarios requiring agility and coordination excited him. It made him eager to find out the potential of his abilities in rescue and retrieval missions.

Seated beside the green-haired teenager, Denki casually slung his arm around his neck, leaning in to whisper discreetly. This private exchange took place away from Kyoka and Ochako, who were seated behind them. Kyoka, with closed eyes and a faint smile, swayed to the music emanating from her headphones.

"Oi, Midoriya. What happened over the weekend? She has been in the fricking clouds since that night," Denki pointed to the oblivious girl behind them. Izuku scratched his cheek nervously. "What do you mean? I don't see anything off about her." The memories of that day made his head feel fried from the changes he had experienced. How could he even begin to tell the brother of his crush that something did happen that night? And that the realization the green-haired teenager had was now constantly poking him in the back of his head. Izuku knew that Denki would never let him hear the end of it, especially when he had pointed out his unclear feelings toward the girl.

"Haah... Take a look at this." Denki turned and reached with his arm to poke the girl out of her stupor. She promptly reacted by taking her headphones off. "Yo, that was kinda ticklish. What's up??" the corners of her mouth lift in a gentle, heartfelt smile, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere while meeting the gaze of the green-haired boy.

"See? In what world does that ever make sense to you? How is my sister being this nice all of a sudden?" Denki motioned with a stunned look in his eyes as the girl in question merely rolled her eyes in amusement. "Quit pretending I'm constantly mean, ya dummy." she laughed while slipping her headphones back on.

"I rest my case." Denki grinned with disbelief before noticing something peculiar. "Why are you–" Izuku was now looking away with a slightly flustered look in his eyes. And in that instant, an all-knowing smile made its way to the blonde-haired teenager's features, followed by an exhale of air. Before the green-haired boy could clear up the emerging misunderstanding on Denki's behalf, a call echoed from the front of the bus. "Alright, we have arrived at our destination, kids," Aizawa informed as he beckoned everyone to exit the bus and head to the hall.


Entering the dome, a woman clad in a puffy white jacket and a black helmet awaited them near a massive gate, hinting at a staircase beyond. As they approached, the scope of the simulation revealed itself—a central area connecting diverse landscapes, from towering mountains to simulated landslides, floods, and ruins. Illuminating this vast expanse were light bulbs strategically placed around the ring of the dome, casting a crisp brightness on the intricate details.

Amidst this dynamic setting, a large fountain graced the central hub, its soft waters cascading gently into a serene pool. The overwhelmed green-haired teenager, now keenly aware of the gravity of today's class, couldn't escape the sterile scent of steel that permeated the air, infiltrating his nostrils.

As they took in the surroundings, an enormous space unfolded around them, the clear blue sky stretching endlessly overhead. Occasionally, fluffy white clouds drifted by, visible through the transparent dome glass, providing an unexpected connection to the outside world. The expansive artificial landscape and the glimpses of the clear blue sky created a surreal yet captivating atmosphere within.

The overwhelmed green-haired teenager, now keenly aware of the gravity of today's class, couldn't escape the sterile scent of steel that permeated the air, infiltrating his nostrils.

"Welcome to U.S.J, the Unforeseen Simulation Joint," the woman intoned with a monotone voice, commencing her explanation of their heroics class for the day. A couple of moments into her speech, an electrical surge popped nearly every light bulb in the dome, jolting Aizawa into full alert. At that moment, an ominous, purple-colored portal slowly manifested in the central plaza of the dome. Through it emerged a white-haired young man with balmed hands propped around his body and face, followed closely by a multitude of individuals, each bearing their unique quirks.

"Villains, stay back!" commanded the black-haired teacher, his eyes widening as he donned his goggles and tightened his grip on a white cloth, causing it to float in the air and swirl around his body. 

"Aizawa, erase the quirks and determine the biggest threats. Thirteen, evacuate the students immediately. I will hold their attention firmly on me. No one will get past me," the blonde hero declared with a reassuring smile illuminating his lips. His movements were seamless as he shed his yellow suit jacket, revealing a crisp white collar shirt underneath, snugly hugging his imposing frame. 

With practiced ease, he loosened his tie, letting it hang loosely around his neck. Confident in his demeanor, he took a few slow strides, positioning himself between the students and the villains. At that moment, a transformative energy radiated from him, instilling a sense of hope that put everyone's hearts at ease.

With a quick adjustment, he propelled himself into the air, causing powerful gusts of wind to swirl around him. As he descended into the midst of the villains, his towering figure, a combination of muscle and unyielding force, halted their advance in its tracks. The declaration, "For I am here," resonated with authority, sending fear into every nearby villain. 

His punches, thrown in wide arcs, were a marvel of raw power. Each impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, creating a domino effect that staggered the villains attempting to ascend the stairs. The sheer might of the punches echoed with a resonance that matched the determination in his voice, a symphony of strength and purpose that reverberated through the chaotic battleground. 

Izuku and the other students began their hasty retreat toward the exit when, suddenly, an air-piercing and guttural voice erupted—a distorted sound that called out a name amid a chaotic symphony of gurgling and unnatural resonance. It seemed as though the vocalization emanated from a dark abyss within, a chilling blend of eerie whispers and unsettling growls. The once-familiar name now carried a disturbing and haunting quality as it escaped the creature's distorted form. The unnerving nature of the voice left them barely able to cover a short distance in their rush to escape.

"Deku..," it screeched upon entering through the portal, a humanoid creature with an exposed brain constantly emitting explosions, its entire form intermittently bathed in an orange glow, while its red eyes bore into the green-haired teenager. Following closely behind the diminutive monstrosity, a bulkier silhouette emerged, clad only in brown jeans with a beak seemingly in place of a mouth. 

The towering creature swiftly seized its smaller counterpart, hurling it with eye-blurring speed—a transformation into a grey streak hurtling toward the pillar of hope. In the blink of an eye, it collided with the blonde-haired hero, resulting in an ear-splitting explosion that sent shockwaves rippling throughout the immediate vicinity. As the dissipating smoke unveiled the blonde hero, blood streaking down half of his face, he wasted no time. With remarkable swiftness, he grabbed the smaller abomination and launched himself into the air, propelling the creature toward the hulking monstrosity. The colossal figure absorbed the impact, continuing its slow strides and emitting eerie screeches.

Upon landing, the blonde-haired man wound up and unleashed a devastating punch. Despite creating an incredible gust of air, nearly breaking the ground beneath them, the punch surprisingly dealt no substantial damage. The abomination remained motionless as if the hero's powerful strike were nothing more than child's play.

"I- Impossible...!" he exclaimed.

"Shock absorption. Impressive, isn't it? This particular nomu is bestowed with multiple quirks to rival and surpass even you," the white-haired man cackled with an icy tone before pointing to a smaller one. "And this one might as well be a walking nuke," A resounding shock was evident on Toshinori, as in a split second, the bigger nomu delivered punches with ferocity that the blonde-haired hero returned in kind for a moment until he began feeling weary. A punch slipped past his guard here and there before he felt an explosion erupting from his side, causing him to reel in pain as he tightened his jaw. His smile remained unfaltering as he punched the floor beneath him to create a mind-numbing shockwave that forced both abominations back. At that moment, the blonde-haired hero felt nauseated as he crashed on his right knee before spitting blood on the ground.

"It's been a while since I've felt that kind of damage," the man chuckled, wiping blood off his lips.

The scene was chilling, permeated with an overwhelming sense of despair. The once unshakable pillar of hope, the number one hero, now appeared vulnerable. His form seemed almost fragile as he exchanged blows with the larger Nomu, while the smaller one unleashed explosive attacks when holes were left open. The blonde-haired man staggered with each assault, his pain etched across his features. Yet, his unwavering smile persisted amidst the chaos. His collar shirt had been torn to shreds, revealing a body marred by wounds—agonizing burn marks and, at the heart of it all, the gaping bruises.

At the top of the stairs, everyone else stood transfixed in horror as their teacher and idol endured a relentless assault. Each student yearned to rush in and help, but a suffocating fear and overwhelming despair held them in place, rendering them immobilized witnesses to the unfolding chaos. Izuku found himself in the same predicament, frozen in the spot as he observed the harrowing battle. His eyes remained wide, his entire body quaking uncontrollably, sweat streaming down his face, and each breath becoming more labored. His hand clutched his chest tightly, tension mounting within him. Yet, something deep within screamed at his body to move forward. He took one step after another, his adrenaline surging, until he heard a feminine voice calling out to him.

"What are you doing?" Kyoka probed, her tone nervous as she realized what the boy must have been contemplating.

"I- It's... I- I have to help him," Izuku stammered, turning his head to glance over his shoulder. His form trembled, and the pupils of his eyes dilated, fluctuating in and out of focus.

"There's nothing we can do. We have to alert other heroes," Denki interjected, stepping forward with a raised voice, attempting to reason with the green-haired boy. Simultaneously, Kyoka's hand trembled as she gently placed it on the green-haired teenager's shoulder. "Izuku, please."

"I—Damn it," the green-haired teenager stared at his hand, clenching it tightly. Hesitantly, he turned around, allowing Kyoka and Denki to lead him away. Another piercing explosion erupted from the plaza down the stairs. Turning his gaze back to the unfolding destruction, he and everyone present witnessed something unimaginable.

The blonde-haired hero was now kneeling, his head slightly hanging as blood trickled down his features. His eyes open wide, his lips curled up, as he drew labored breaths. The man was nigh unrecognizable in the wake of the intense assault that he had been enduring. Finally, his body had begun to give in. Fighting one nomu was hard enough for All Might, but two of them proved to be too much for him. As he launched himself up to deliver another strike at the bigger nomu, his momentum was halted by the abomination, delivering another strike to send him reeling.

"Stop gaping. Get out of here, Now! Bef-" Aizawa barked out his command before an arrow abruptly pierced his shoulder, forcing him to grit his teeth. Swiftly, the black-haired teacher snapped the arrow, but in the next instance, he felt a wave of nausea, his pupils dilating and bloodied, his skin turning pale as he fought to stay upright. His floating white cloth settled down, and his red eyes returned to dark shade.

"Poisoned arrows?" Aizawa's gaze shifted downward, revealing a hooded figure in a white jacket, their face concealed behind a white mask amid the swarm of villains. Unfazed, the mysterious archer stood motionless, unleashing a relentless barrage of deadly arrows. The black-haired teacher attempted to dodge and parry incoming strikes, but the combined onslaught of villains and the lethal archer overwhelmed him. Aizawa was forced on his back foot only to defend instead of going on the offensive, and promptly, the archer took notice. The hooded man then turned his gaze at the students behind the man before releasing a barrage of rain at them. Izuku bewildered and struggling for breath, fixed his gaze on the imminent danger. His body quivered involuntarily as the projectiles aimed directly at the oblivious Denki. Instincts kicked in, propelling the green-haired teenager into a fierce sprint.

'Not again... NOT AGAIN!' Despair filled his thoughts as his body moved instinctively, placing him squarely between the arrow and the Jiro sibling. A resounding impact struck his left upper back, then his shoulder, and finally his right thigh. In an instant, breathing became a strained task, blood spewing from his lips. Izuku gasped, his body shaking violently, drawing shocked stares from the blonde-haired teenager and purple-haired girl.

"Midoriya! / Izuku!" A heart-wrenching scream erupted from the sibling duo as the green-haired boy felt his knees give out. Denki locked glances with him, his eyes wide open, almost glaring. But most of all, Kyoka's expression was now beyond recognition as every muscle of her features tensed, her teeth gritting as a singular tear formed in the corners of her eyes.

"I'm afraid I can't let you leave," a figure materialized amidst the encroaching purple mist, its yellow eyes glowing menacingly, now blocking the entrance to the dome. Slowly, the entire platform succumbed to the enveloping purple mist, creating a half-sphere that irresistibly drew everyone inside. In that critical moment, Izuku inhaled air, attempting to activate his quirk, eliciting sparks to emanate from his legs to his spine before abruptly shimmering away.

"W- wha? Urgh..!" Izuku coughed, inhaling air again, his sparks flickering on and off for a second before retreating permanently. In that fleeting moment, realization struck him. The persistent pain in his body intensified as arrows still jutted from his wounded body. A look of horror etched on him as he glanced back at his panicked friends, the purple mist spreading before abruptly stopping.

"I've got him." Thirteenth flicked a hole open in her index finger, her quirk now activating with a force that mimicked the ominous suction of a black hole. A vortex formed, originating from the tip of her finger, and it hungrily absorbed everything in its path—air, the lingering purple mist, and any residual traces of malevolence. The atmosphere seemed to bend and warp as the gravitational pull of her quirk took hold, creating a momentary void around the now-shocked villain.

"Exit the dome while I-" An arrow pierced the hero's visor, her body going limp as it crashed onto the floor, blood slowly trickling from the wound. "What an annoying woman," a hooded figure slowly stepped into the gate's frame. Resounding screams of horror echoed as the atmosphere turned cold, a stench of blood in the air freezing every student in their tracks.

The black-haired teenager struggled to articulate words, her hand clasping over her mouth in an attempt to suppress the urge to vomit. "She is... She is. Oh my god!" The impending horror intensified as the purple mist reasserted its grip, threatening to shroud them. In the eerie silence, the abomination's chilling command echoed, "Struggle and suffer by the will of my master."

As the mist swallowed them whole, panic ensued. The blue-haired teenager, now alert, snatched two fellow students and darted away, narrowly escaping the mist's encroachment. Simultaneously, Aizawa's gaze blazed with fury as he relentlessly engaged the hooded figure. His strikes were met with rapid blocks and precise parries, creating a chaotic clash outside the bounds of unsettling mist.

"You… Who are you?"

"Instrument of death."


The green-haired teenager's vision returned as he found himself free-falling into water. Plunging into the depths, holding onto his wound, he braced for an onslaught of villains. However, in the next moment, he felt something sticky grabbing onto him. Turning his gaze, he saw a green-haired girl carrying him and a boy with distinctive purple balls for hair with her tongue wrapped around them.

A moment later, the trio burst through the surface of the water, landing on the deck of a boat in the middle of the simulated ocean. Catching up on their breath, the trio silently stared at each other before Izuku broke the silence.

"Asui. Mineta. Are you both okay?" He questioned while groaning.

"In one piece, ribbit, but shouldn't you be worrying about yourself?" the green-haired girl questioned, concern evident in her eyes, her gaze shifting to the arrows protruding from him. "We can't pull them out by force since they are keeping your blood inside," she remarked thoughtfully. "But we can at least break the tails off to make moving easier." As she spoke, she deftly snapped the tail ends of the arrows in half.

"Thanks, Asui-chan," Izuku began, but a sudden panicked scream cut him off. The purple-haired boy sobbed and stammered, shaking his head while holding it in his hands, tears welling up in his eyes. "What are we going to do? Ms. Thirteenth is dead, Aizawa sensei could be gone too— I can't take this."

Reality slowly seeped into their consciousness. One teacher had seemingly lost her life with minimal resistance. All Might fought for survival, and their classroom teacher, Aizawa, bore grave wounds. Izuku sighed in frustration as he settled down, leaning against the pit walls. The looming question remained—what could they, mere high school students, do? Despite some possessing powerful quirks, in the presence of seasoned killers, they felt no more significant than mere flies.

The disheartened teenager had his lips curling down, eyes closed as he hit his forehead with his fist. "Damn it, Izuku, what are you doing?" his frustration building up. "Did you already forget?" Images of Bakugo's lifeless body flashed in his head. "You promised you would save people with a smile on your face, so get up..!" the green-haired teenager calmly opened the lid of his eyes as a green spark swirled in his irises. 

"You… you are scared, hurt, and yet.." Mineta whispered as if not believing what he was seeing. 

"What hope do we have left?" the purple-haired boy gulped in tears as he pointed at the unfolding battle visible from the boat. The blonde-haired hero was now kneeling, his head slightly turned as he gazed at the erupting echoes of explosions. His eyes were wide, his lips curled down, and his gaze was empty, with only a glare remaining as he drew labored breaths.

"How do you survive that?" questioned the purple-haired boy, trembling, his body sinking to the ground, head hung low. He felt a soft touch on his shoulder. Raising his gaze, he saw the green-haired teenager smiling gently.

"Both of you will make it out of this," Izuku said, his gaze shifting to the green-haired girl before continuing. Tsui and Mineta were now staring at him in a realization the boy had not included himself as if he was not assuming he would make it out alive. The green-haired teenager had touched something within them. Something profound had budded in the face of his resolve, causing the girl to frown at her while the boy was now shaking.

"You need to focus on grouping up with others," Izuku locked his glance with Asui and Mineta as he coughed blood. "Given that my wound is not recovering and I can't activate my quirk without inflicting a lot of pain...," Izuku concluded, his hand placed on his chin, and his eyes were focused. While considering options, he peered over the railing periodically to see villains floating in the water, waiting and observing. "I will create a distraction and keep their eyes on me so you can slip by them," Izuku explained, glancing at them and then attempting to rise to his feet before being stopped by the green-haired girl grabbing him by the arm. She had realized his intention and did not like it one bit.

"Do you realize what you are asking us to do, ribbit?" the girl queried as her tone rose in concern. After a brief pause, she added, "We can't let you," her eyes fixed on the determined green-haired teenager.

"You have to," he replied, exhaling air out with pained groans."There is no other way, Asui-chan," he said as he raised to his feet, gritting his teeth and clenching his hand into a fist. "I need you to seek out Todoroki and Kirishima. You need their help to have any chance of surviving," he said, remaining silent for a moment, a regretful look in his eyes. "If you find Kyoka and Denki, tell them I am sorry for breaking my promise," glancing at the disturbed teenagers, he inhaled air into his lungs, electricity accompanied by a piercing pain slowly spreading from his lungs to his body. He could feel his spark condensing into his wound.

The next moment, he released an uncharacteristic roar as the lightning enveloped him, creating a tremor under him before tearing the boat apart as the shocked duo backed off. "Go! Now!" Promptly, the green-haired girl jumped off the ship with Mineta in tow, leaving Izuku standing on the deck, his eyes closed as crackling sparks enveloped him, turning his form into a blur of green. He sped towards the railing at the other end of the deck, launching himself into the air. Every villain floating in the water turned to stare at him, their eyebrows raised and mouths agape.

"What in the fuck?" one gasped before a knee landed on his face sending him below the water's surface Izuku feeling the impact, closed his eyes and shifted his weight to land on the body of the water, expecting to sink in. In the next moment, he felt his momentum continuing. As he opened the lid of his eyes, he saw himself running on the water at incredible speeds while air ran across his features. The realization struck him as a dumbfounded teenager's jaw tightened in shock.

"That's our signal," Asui croaked, grabbing Mineta with her as they dove, while the latter began ripping balls from the top of his head before tossing them at the water in frustration. None of the villains had time to track the two of them or even knew what was happening. They all firmly fixed their eyes on the sheer showcase of power displayed by the green-haired teenager.

"I was not paid to deal with this."One of the villains complained before a collision caused by the Izuku's blinding speed knocked him out. One by one, the villains were struck by the green hue of lighting as a chorus of horrified screams of villains echoed. Izuku, now witnessing his friends making it to the shore, shifted himself as he ran around the boat in a circle, with a singular thought keeping his body in motion. "Don't stop. Don't stop," he repeated in his mind as a burning sensation kept intensifying, almost crushing every inch of his being.

As his speed began slowly increasing, the waves shifted, gradually shaping a colossal typhoon in the center of the body of water. The tumultuous waves, bearing purple balls on the surface, carried villains. The balls stuck to them as they were drawn in by the force of nature, causing them to be bound together. Glancing back to the shore, Izuku observed Mineta and Asui, now seeking cover behind nearby rocks. Assured of their safety, the green-haired teenager changed the direction of his momentum, directing himself toward the central plaza.

Before coming to a stop, he heard an ear-screeching soundwave emanating from the plaza. As he focused his senses, quirks went off in multiple directions, their echoes mingling with the mixed screams of his classmates and villains in fierce clashes. The air became palpable, almost choking his senses, urging him to yield under the immense pressure. Before he could contemplate such thoughts, a bolt of lightning erupted from the mountains, capturing the gaze of a despairing green-haired teenager whose eyes widened in shock.

"Denki..! He is pulling all the stops?" Izuku reeled at the raw display of power.

Amidst the chaos, the green-haired teenager discerned a thunderous scream reverberating from the center of the dome—a voice unmistakably belonging to All Might. "Carolina..." the blonde-haired hero bellowed before concluding with his signature call, "Smash." As his punch connected with the ground, a shockwave detonated, causing the blast to send nearly every villain reeling. In the aftermath, a substantial crater materialized in the center, swiftly transforming the once pristine fountain into a cloud of dust.

Bracing himself, Izuku felt the shockwave send shivers down his spine, disrupting his balance with sheer power. In an instant, he found himself hurtling flaccidly against a nearby rock wall, his lungs emptied upon impact with the unforgiving surface. "Urgh…!" A groan escaped him as he crashed into the dirt beneath. His mind raced, horror etched into his eyes. "Is he not holding back anymore?" With a blurry gaze, Izuku lifted his eyes from the dirt to witness All Might kneeling in the center of a crater.

"So, even the pillar of hope can break," sneered the icy voice of the white-haired man as the larger Nomu stood still in front of the now-blooded hero. "The hubris of heroes is laughable. Tell me, how does it feel to stand on your shiny podiums while being ignorant?"

"W- What are you after?" Toshinori glanced at the seemingly emotionless man, who, in response, felt the corners of his mouth stretch into an eerie smile. He pointed his pale, worn-out finger at the blonde-haired man.

"I want you to taste the despair, anguish, and agony that accompanies the brutal act of having hope torn from your grasp. Envision yourself screaming for help, only to wither like a discarded corpse on the side of the road," the man spat, his voice oozing malice as he scratched his throat. With a snap of his fingers, the hulking monstrosity seized Toshinori by the back of his head, slamming his face into the dirt. He elicited a pained groan while the friction of the sand tore his skin apart. "Now, bear witness as I dismantle your students, limb by limb," the pale white-haired man cackled. The once defiant man, now forced to yield, watched explosions and screams reverberate in the sky. The slightly smirking white-haired man approached him, crouching down and leaning in until he was mere inches away.

"The last image seared into your mind will be their carcasses devoured by my toys," Shigaraki whispered with a cold tone into Toshinori's ear. A menacing grin played on his features as his voice, charged with excitement, resonated through the air. "Only after I've shattered you, conquered your spirit, and tainted its very essence will I end your light, eradicating all hope in its wake." Deranged laughter erupted from the white-haired man, intertwining with the students' screams and the sounds of clashing, all while the earthy scent of soil lingered in the air. The battered and bruised shell of a man could only shudder in response to the unfolding horrors. The once brilliant and unyielding light in his eyes now flickered with a newfound emptiness.